rot13: abcr gung’f vg kQ
adam le doux
Creator of
Recent community posts
I added it to the gallery page!
thanks again <3
thanks for the great suggestions! the poll is live:
thanks for your reply
it definitely seems like you're encountering some odd behavior, but what you're describing doesn't sound like evidence of a virus to me
I'm happy to look into the issue further if you'd like, but I'll need you to post a screenshot of the warning message you see in Chrome, since I don't see any warnings when I load up the page in Chrome myself
it seems like you ended up in the right place but just so future readers are aware, the preferred address is ““
the address you originally posted ““ should also be ok, but your browser may warn you against visiting it because you left out the “s” in “https” (this means your connection to the site will not be as secure)
(if you see anything concerning again when visiting one of the bitsy sites, please post a screenshot here and I’ll be happy to take a look to see if there’s a problem)
thanks for the suggestions y'all!
just put the poll up:
I think it should be possible!
I would take this as your starting point and see if you can adapt it to do what you want:
ahh thank you!! that is very lovely to hear <3
if you happen to have a pic of the game running on the GBA you repaired I’d love to see it :D (and if you’re interested I’d also love to add it to the gallery page on the MOONBEAM site - no pressure though:
thanks! yup, I’ll post updated code in the bitsybox repository when it’s ready to share:
thanks for the suggestions! <3
the poll is open:
thanks for the suggestions everyone!
the poll is open now:
to fix this you may need to reset your browsers cache - give that a try and let me know if it helps!
important note:
before you do this, if you still have bitsy game data you want to keep, you should open your browser's JavaScript console from the bitsy page and type in the following code and then press enter:
you should see a bunch of text appear in the console - this is the bitsy game data. if you copy it into a text editor (such as Notepad) and save the file with a ".bitsy" extension, you'll be able to reload your game into bitsy after resetting your browser's cache