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Leo Andrade

A member registered Nov 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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Eu sou o tradutor de PTBR do Stillfleet e posso te dizer que é uma possibilidade, hehehe. Fica esperto pra quando sair o Kickstarter.

Enquanto isso, vc pode dar uma olhada no quickstart do carro chefe do estúdio, o próprio Stillfeet, que tem em português aqui na itch :D

Happy to be helpful!

I'm going to play your other game today,  btw! My girlfriend and I love to try out a bunch of short creepy games from here, hehehe

That was pretty fun! You really took advantage of the graphic style, and the sound design was awesome! The end had me curling my toes.

I have two little interface quibbles, tho - once I had a few pics, it was hard to remember which ones I had already seen on the lines; also, I kept clicking the photo line icon instead of the little camera in the beginning, positioning felt a bit counter-intuitive.

What tool did you use to make this, by the way? I have an idea that might be a good fit, hehe

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Death Sentence is a tabletop RPG where players experience a full-blown(-up, gory bits everywhere) slasher movie story as a one-shot. You can get it right now with its release discount! From 15/10 to 31/10, the game costs only 5 USD because it's spooky season!

Death Sentence's rules integrate roleplay and rollplay to realize (and/or subvert!) the genre’s main tropes, and a set session structure that matches the flow of a classic slasher movie is provided. Here’s a brief summary of the game:

  • A session runs its course in 2-5 hours. Sessions follow a 3-act structure with mechanical implications.
  • This game is designed for 1 Narrator and 3 to 5 players. The Narrator is in charge of the world, nonplayer characters (NPCs), and the Threat. Each player controls 2 to 3 Player Characters (PCs)
    • Character death is almost certain, but having a surplus of them reduces player risk aversion, enabling them to make bolder, more interesting moves.
  • The Threat can be anything you want as long as it’s deadly and hard to kill. Owl-people, fungal zombies, crazed killers, etc. Figuring out how to escape or destroy the threat is usually the PCs’ goal.
  • The action resolution system is simple: players roll pools of d6s that are assembled based on one character’s Action Attributes, Traits, Relationships, and current circumstances. “Circumstances” include the environment, their Injury status, and any clever ideas they come up with.
  • Players can spend Drama Points to get more dice or reroll failures.
  • PCs have a  Panic score that increases in response to traumatizing events. Rolling badly on a trauma check can spell disaster and always ratchets up the tension.

Death Sentence is a relatively rules-light game with a strong narrative focus. To facilitate things even further, a handy Rules Handout for players is available as a separate document. It also comes with a fillable character sheet and an introductory playable scenario!

Here's what some really cool people have to say about Death Sentence:

  • “This is the light-to-medium crunch that GMs crave: useful rules, quick setup, an implied universe (the classic horror of one's youths, whenever that was), and—you know—copious ways to mess with players' minds. Its d6 dice pool mechanic is kicked into maximum overdrive by the unique, very light, and very hack-worthy Panic rules (think Insanity in Call of Cthulhu, but waaay less annoying to keep track of) and Drama (the long-sought-after actually-good rule for incentivizing players to lean into character flaws!)” —Wythe Marschall, Stillfleet’s Lead Designer
  • "A fast, lethal game that’s just oozing with flavor. If you’re a fan of the Fate system, dice pools, and good fun slasher horror you’re going to love this game. The whole system takes only a short time to learn and is fully comprehensible in one reading, lending itself easily to the one-shots it was designed for." - Josh Rosing, creator of Injuries & Vile Deeds

heyhey! Writer here, worked with the Stillfleet team on this venture. What server? I'm always looking to participate in ND/game writing ones

I read the warning and it did not soften the blow.

While I am still mystified by the notion of "lyric game", I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through this and even performing some spells with my girlfriend, who read with me. The prose is great and the story has a lot of staying power. Been thinking about it for days.

Also, FUCK YEAH SCARY FAIRIES!!! More fairy horror, please. 

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Do you want a lovely mix of narrative-forward mechanics and moderate crunch, with plenty of noncombat options? This game is for you.

Stillfleet joins the greats like Spire and Blades In The Dark as a setting-heavy game with an original system that I'm sure will inspire many other games in the future. The scores as dice element is fun and intuitive + the grit gambling mechanic is an absolute blast. 

The world itself is a far future extravaganza that's equal parts zany and politically bleak, with Ethan's amazing art to bring it to life in a way that doesn't look like any other TTRPG I've ever seen. 

Fuck yeah! I'm excited to dive in and take in all the awesome stuff you guys out into this

Thank you so much for this review! I'm glad people are connecting with this, it was in my mind for a while before I actually went and made it a thing.

Is it really stealing if the current keepers stole it first? 

A lot of stuff in western museums was taken at gunpoint from former colonies or invaded countries. That's crap. So I made a game about heisting these out of fancy museums to return to their homes!

It's called Beutekunst

Here's what some cool people had to say about it:

"Beutekunst is one of those rare and beautiful games that has robust mechanics, plenty of ideas for GMs and players, and a super fun core concept -- all while saying 'Fuck colonizers''" - Titanomachy, designer of the Caltrop Core SRD

'Cool, mechanically elegant, and anti-colonial" - Wythe Marschall, designer of Stillfleet

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Heyya! I'm a freelance translator in the tabletop space (on top of making my own stuff). I'd love to bring your game to Brazilian Portuguese. I charge per word, as it's pretty clear and simple for all parties involved.  I have translated Velouria  (plus its  Duels SRD and coming expansion) from Portuguese to English, as well as Journey In Search of The Unknown. I am also in the final stages of bringing Stillfleet's QSR to Brazilian Portuguese.  If you're interested, we can move the conversation to e-mail and get going :)

Hello, everyone :)

The title says most of what needs saying. I'm looking for paid work, but am also willing to join as a volunteer in shorter free/PWYW endeavors to build up my portfolio.  You can have a look at other things I've done here.

for Brazilian Portuguese:



Heyya.  We use french symbols with these names, so 

  • Copas = heart
  • Paus = clover
  • Spades = pike
  • Ouros = tile
    • It can be the usual joker we're used to as well
    • ALGUMA works, too! 

    English to Brazilian Portuguese translation here :)


    • ACE - ÁS_
    • TWO - DOIS_
    • THREE - TRÊS_
    • FOUR - QUATRO_
    • FIVE - CINCO_
    • SIX - SEIS_
    • SEVEN - SETE_
    • EIGHT - OITO_
    • NINE - NOVE_
    • TEN - DEZ_
    • JACK – VALETE_ (J)
    • QUEEN – DAMA_ (Q)
    • KING – REI_ (K)


    • CLUBS - PAUS

    The way we say the combinations is values first, so Ace of Spades = Ás de Espadas, Three of Clubs = Três de Paus. We can express these as ÁS_ESPADAS and TRÊS_PAUS.


    1. Brazilian decks I’ve played with didn’t have a red and a black joker. Sometimes there's a black and white one (represented as goblets).
    • YES - SIM
    • NO - NÃO
    • AND - E
    • BUT – MAS
    • YES AND – SIM_E
    • NO, BUT - NÃO_MAS


    • CHECK/TICK (checkmark) – CHEQUE/TIQUE/VISTO (the latter is more idiomatic, but I have seen all three used)
    • CROSS (an X shape) - XIS
    • PLUS (+) - MAIS
    • MINUS (-) - MENOS
    • SLASH (/) - BARRA
    • EXCLAMATION (!) (Dicier uses EXCLAIM for this icon in English - to keep the code short) - EXCLAMAÇÃO (or EXCLAMAR to shorten)
    • QUESTION (?) - INTERROGAÇÃO (or PERGUNTA to shorten)


    • HEADS - CARA



    A card that can be treated like any other one at the user’s discretion is also called a Curinga (Joker), and the Curinga card sometimes fulfills this niche, but not always.

    I was obsessively looping Comus - First Utterance and occasionally relistening to Corpo-Mente's self-titled album:

    I really like the idea of having regular jams focused on the writing, having a fire lit under one's ass has a way to keep a person >going<. That said, making it weekly feels like a bit much? Unless we can present progress on ongoing stuff as a new entry. 

    I'd be open to longer jams in the future too!

    Hello! I'm Leonardo Andrade and stories have always been my favourite things, especially those dealing with the outlandish, fantastic and strange. I've been dedicating myself to narrative design and writing for interactive media for close to a year now, after graduating from journalism school. I would like to eventually work in the games industry telling stories like the ones that shaped me and keep rocking my world to this day. Big fan of the Mass Effect trilogy, Horizon Zero Dawn and SOMA, to name a couple. 

    I'm joining this jam to get back into an IF project I put in the drawer to focus on TTRPG content. I want to make some progress in it and write some deliverables based on it as an exercise. Maybe get around to writing bark sheets, heh.

    I like the zine idea. Would be a first for me, which makes me giddy.

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    Custom of The Sea is a GMless microRPG about survival cannibalism at sea and getting closure before it's too late. 

    Survive a shipwreck! Try to do Willem Dafoe's accent from The Lighthouse and fail hilariously! Eat your friends!

    Pay what you want and share if ye're fond of me lobster (or game, whatever floats your dead sailor)!