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A member registered Apr 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh thank you, i pretty much forgot about this game, cause it was just for a game jam, didn't think anyone would play it hhh.

Moral of the story, cheating never end well. Very nice game !!

Good concept and interpretetion of the limitation !!!

Thanks I appreciate it.

Yeah couldn't agree more on that the player is way to slow to control, I made it that way just because I needed to add a challenge to this prototype.

Clever use of the limitation.

I really liked the idea of the clones pursuing the path the player passed till hitting him, the platforming feels good to play, and also it's so challenging, well done.

Lot of time have been wasted resulting in a weak game, considering i worked alone i had to do everything by myself (except for coding the engine maybe i'll do it in the next jams) from modeling to animating to coding, and having an HDD hard drive it was a pain in the ass to wait for visual studio to open and for unity to compile the scripts every time and for anything in my laptop to work smoothly. The game is super super short, it's just a prototype tbh.

Dude , i have nothing to say .. you are born to be creative !!

Hmm that's an interesting direction you toke for your game

The game is good but the time between shots is making me nervous !!!!!!!!

Dani is that you ? .. Good fps game mate.

I shouldn't help that old man !!!

Good looking pixelated platformer with some old school mechanics, the music also is great it gives me the feeling of nostalgia somehow , great job.

Nice game well done man (azerty keybord btw)

This game deserves to be on steam

The game fits the theme very well and it's a really good game

Dude i loved it even though it was sooo hard (the game must be called little dark souls)

This is a really cute game , definitely one of the best in the entries

Turn it into a mobile game .. it can do very well if u make stunning graphics ..good luck.

If only the visuals where more polished...but it's a good game actually..good job!!

The game looks good , .. but the boss fight is sooooooooooooooooooooo frusturating !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really liked this one , it's simple but fun.

I know the meaning of life .. it's just been happy and safe...

I can almost say this is perfect !! Well done !!

The concept is really interesting !!!!

An fps game in a browser , well that's something hard to deal with as a player , .. anyways the game is good if only you made the machine gun shoot bullet automaticaly with just a single mouse click..cause well it's a machine gun .., also the sound effect of the shot is disturbing u should replace it with a real shot sound effect man !!!! Anyways good job and stay creative