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A member registered May 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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two weeks!

Thanks for reporting the bug! We'll fix it in the next update.

No, at this time there are no translations, only English.

Not yet.. We did some testing around with sounds but they are not implemented yet

Depends a  bit on what is planned for the next update. Next Update is a bit special ;)

Thank you, we have created a new devlog along with the update devlog.

Yeah we have a Little Bug we fixed it already and it will be pushed out tuesday! You‘re Not missing out if the Last quest for raine is the black market one! (This one Starts at ember)

It's now working again, don't really understand why tho...

Seems to be a problem with the itch app, I could download it 2 days ago through itch just fine - Every version is hosted on Itch itself + 2 mirrors for mac and pc version

Oh yeah we just realized the button is missing, will be back in the next patch! (Android / Mobile has a "small" menu that is activated that should not be)
Apologies for the inconvenience

it's not planned

Yeah we'll lock stuff as soon as we get there in "story" mode.. So you won't be able to ask her for a blowjob / sex before we get to a point in the main quest where that makes sense. For now we give those scenes to everyone anytime. (just locked behind some affection grinding)

The "Fight the demon" quest was already fix-patched 2 or 3 days ago, we. So if you download it there's some small fixes. (We'll bring an updated version very soon for some bugs that older PCs have with some animations)

The Diamond Scene isn't unlocked yet since the other succubi are missing some more scenes, we'll probably throw a hint there that it's in development - you're right.

Footjob isn't in the game yet, not crossed of in our fetish list.

Milf is currently Thalia, Diamond probably also as soon as she gets her scene

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will be stretched in the future. As soon as we reach the part in the game  where scene should be unlocked story wise they'll be locked from the beginning until you reach the point.

We got "lots" of free play so it's not really a linear story you just click. you can move on and go to where you want to

That's coming in the next patch! You'll be able to train your stats to a certain point to get stronger - level up will be done driven by story (as well as getting new skills)

not yet.. we're looking at translations after we added all the features we want to have

launching also works without problem for me

(3 edits)

It's working for me. I just installed it via the itch app so I'm not sure what the problem is. It has 3 downloads for itch itself should work with no problem

It's not planned

Unfortunately, we had too many other things to do in this patch, but we're working on making the level-up mechanic as good as possible. It'll be in the next patch.

In future versions, we'll focus on stretching the relationship progress with the girls to create more engaging and gradual development. Our initial goal was to provide early players with some content, but we are committed to enhancing the storyline moving forward. Our focus for now was to bring more mechanics and systems into the game.

we do have something in plan for the skills, they will be leveling up progressing the story and becoming more powerfull. For now the level one skills don't do very much just helping the MC a bit to get with girls. 

He will get a more powerful one soon tho where we will introduce some scenes with the monster girls ;)

Nomine will be back for sure, she is one of the main girls. There is already a plan how they will meet again! Will take some more patches tho, she will be one of the next 2-3 upcoming girls.

we actually put in quite a bit of time to make this work haha.. there's still some plans to finetune it with better animations, leveling up your stats etc. next patch will have items / inventory system

We will give the .apk a better name next Patch :)

Try "com.hizeinteractive.isekaifantasy-release.apk" in the download list 

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We didn't write it in the description because it simply didn't cross our mind to make this game pay to play.. I might add a little sentence for that

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we are currently changing between "fight gear" (on quests, outside) and "casual clothing" (when they are at "home")

There is plans to make more clothing sets you can gift to the girls so they wear it, but that will take a bit more time to implement as it's not the priority right now

oh yeah and we have "only towel" for some scenes 

but "costumes" are planned

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That's actually fixed and skippable in v0.2 (both voyeur scenes)

Think we could do that in the future, shouldn't be too much of a problem

Not yet planned - might be (optional) but very much later

No NTR planned

oh there will be at least footjobs and maybe some more, it's just not ticked off in the list yet since we didn't do it yet. (left side)

Thanks for noticing! We've added a little list, but it's not set in stone. We might bring more content, so stay tuned for updates!

No, she is not his sister.

oh yeah you can contact them and they will either lift the limit for you or do it for you - not sure yet. We'll find out when we get over the 1GB limit again.

The game was initially larger than 1 gb so we weren't able to just put them on itch (max file size)
We patched the game and made some optimizations and pushed it just below 900 MB. 

There is no difference between the downloads, they are all 0.1.1

Future versions will be bigger again, then we'll probably have to resort to external.

Your game is in a read-only folder, copy your game to a folder with write permissions.
If you encounter further issues, feel free to join our Discord server.
We are always happy to help you there.

Yes it's definitely harem, there will be more girls to come as well. NTR is not planned.

There probably will be one or two more "beast" girls, pretty much with beast ears only and human body.

Probably will have scenes with some "Monster" like girls, we are currently developing our fighting / questing system and that would kind of fit but we will see how it plays. (Might involve people from our discord and patreon in this matter)

There is (optional) bdsm planned but not implemented yet.