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A member registered Mar 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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I will do more math and make prestiging explained better. In the new version of the game prestiging does not reset any unlocks (which means you can unlock all the upgrades whenever you want to). I will also lower the XP costs since I think they are slightly too big. For sure will add the minimum, that is a good idea. Uhhh I do not want to buff the Value gears too much since the number of how powerful the scaling is (the since having a +1 value gear on paper, and having 10 papers on the conveyor belt, gives you +10 to every paper.) Will try to balance it more. :D

Will see, I think I am going to nerf some of the strength values.

HTML version is out! :D

Does this bug still appear in the v0.0.7.1 version?

Fixed it!

Hey! I fixed the game, if you have time and patience then you could check it out.

New version is up! It should be fixed!

Thanks for the suggestions, I will look into it to see why the game doesn't draw the sprites. The game itself works and even detects buttons, but it doesn't somehow show the sprites...

Also, the error you are getting, I thought I had patched it in the version but the version I posted didn't have it patched. The bug happens if you stay on that single button for too long as it crashes the game due to the tooltip looking for a variable I had deleted. If you quickly click it, before the tooltip appears, it should work.

(1 edit)

Oh god, I just realised what the crash is about. I will contact the organisers of the Jam. If someone wants a more indepth look into why it happens then here is the explanation. Thank you Raisoshi for giving the error as the bug is already fixed in my internal version that I thought was uploaded... oops. Anyways, the bug happens due to the tool tips, and that I changed how the autoclicking works. If you quickly buy the autoclicker, without staying on the button for too long, it should work. Why? Well, the tooltips are trying to look for a variable that doesn't exist since it got deleted due to how I change the internal workings of the automatic stuff in the game. I will contact the Jam organisers to ask if I can upload a new version with this bug patched up. Sorry to everyone that had played and wasted their sanity on downloading a random itch file.
Posted this comment on the Jam page but also decided to put it here. Thanks!

Oh god, I just realised what the crash is about. I will contact the organisers of the Jam.

If someone wants a more indepth look into why it happens then here is the explanation. Thank you Raisoshi for giving the error as the bug is already fixed in my internal version that I thought was uploaded... oops.

Anyways, the bug happens due to the tool tips, and that I changed how the autoclicking works. If you quickly buy the autoclicker, without staying on the button for too long, it should work. Why? Well, the tooltips are trying to look for a variable that doesn't exist since it got deleted due to how I change the internal workings of the automatic stuff in the game.

I will contact the Jam organisers to ask if I can upload a new version with this bug patched up.
Sorry to everyone that had played and wasted their sanity on downloading a random itch file.

Hey! What bug have you encountered that makes the game unplayable? Due to the fact I only own a windows pc, I couldn't test it on mac. I know there is a linux emulator that works with the game, but not all of them do.

Hey guys, since I am using GMS2 to make this game, and html5 is not only hard to get feedback on but also quite buggy from what I heard, I couldn't get a working build going as the issue of all sprites not being loaded happened... For some reason. If someone here is an expert, then I would really like to get in contact with you! sorry to the people in advance!

The game was made during a gamejam, so I started working on it about 2 weeks ago! I have school and other projects going on, so I couldn't make a lot of content.
Beyond Prestige XP, you can prestige to get gears, which you can equip onto materials that lets you become more powerful.
"Some upgrades decrease in price every level, some randomly change prices up and down." - I have never seen this bug? With which upgrades did it happen with? Did you do anything special that would cause this bug?
"like spending lots of wood when the charge is above the new target." - I don't understand... Is it the situation of buying new upgrades making wood less powerful making it press easier? If so, then that is intended as that is how I coded the game. Wood is special in this case that it scales with how much wood you have.

"Prestige doesn't reset several upgrades, like wood quality, access to restocker, quantity of wood in the restocker, access to wood," - This is intended, most of the upgrades (everything except wood quality) listed here are not meant to reset. I will indicate this with another colour but everything that is about unlocking will be kept. I know a lot of upgrades aren't in the game yet, but resetting them would feel tedious imo.
Content wise, I am planning to release a new version with some fixes today. And during the weekend I will work on what I intended it to be before the jam ended.
After that I will work on 0.1 which will add a bunch of new content and resources and features.
Sorry that the game is a lot shorter than expected, and I hope the experience wasn't too bad .-.

Fun Demo, the core gameplay loop is fun, graphics are nice, music is nice. The systems are fine.
I just want more content and flies :D

This should be a full game.

Really fun game! The window was a bit too small for me though .-.

Really juicy and fun, I want to see how this game improves, two things: touching walls stops the player, the dash sound effect is a bit too spiky for me.

Pretty cool, I liked that every enemy was a chess piece and the graphics were pretty nice!

Sorry, there is an extended tutorial in the description of the game, I hope it helps.

Thanks for playing btw!

I am really sorry for the crash, I thought I fixed it ,_,
I am happy you had fun, thanks for playing!

This is awesome...

Probably one of the top games of the Jam

I like this game, pretty fun. Two things: When using pre-existing art, try to use the same colour palette as it, the bullets feel out of place. The second is that when you roll the dice after getting the 6 upgrades, you already take a risk of losing these upgrades, so having another risk by it not working at all seems a bit harsh, but that is just my opinion.

Fun game! Dashing is satisying, graphics and sounds are nice!

Fun Tower Defence, the art is really pleasant to look at, the small monster in the cage isn't getting out any time soon!

Mario is just red Luigi.

Pretty okay, the movement without the dash feels a bit sluggish, everything else is really cool :O I also like the enemy design!

Enjoyed this game, fun idea, probably the best game that does the dice = damage/upgrade thing

One of the best games in the jam, intelligent puzzle game :D

Polished, pretty fun, music bops and sounds rock. The gameplay is perfect for a jam game, but it wouldn't probably scale that easily into a full fledged title, so good job!

ah yes, the game would be easy if white dice added damage to the player :P

I tried to fix that issue, will do it after the jam version, i do not know why it does that, probably something with the while loop I made lol

White dice add damage to the enemy! Try to use them as little as possible :D
Thanks from playing nonetheless, maybe will add some instructions into the description.

Polish, simple, and reminds me of the fan favourite witch from Dicey Dungeons :O Pretty fun!

The mechanic is really cool, a fun twist on it, but all of these types of games somehow do not stick with me, pretty good though. I really like the art and sounds.

I feel like they were perfect as they required me to think, but they still were easy enough that they didn't take me out of that zen like feeling

I didn't account for having a larger screen. Will maybe fix it after the jam, thanks for playing :O

Pretty zen like, really fun and not that challenging. (which is a positive!)

Pretty cool, I was expecting something more action like, but this was also fun, i think that i would have sped up the enemy animations though

Really fun, scratches my bullet hell itch :D

Pretty fun and simple, i like the creativity, nothing i would have ever thought of, also Pico8 games are always impressive, even if on this small scale.