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Lightwave Studio

A member registered 69 days ago · View creator page →

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Thanks for the review! The mouse issue seems to be a web-based issue and doesn't happen every time ( even on the same PC ) so we definitely need some troubleshooting! Thanks again!

Thanks, yeah I wish we had more time to add more content but I'm glad how it turned out!

That is a pretty good idea. There are definitely a lot of different ideas to add to this game! Thanks

I appreciate it!

We've noticed that there have been issues with the mouse not aligning properly for some people! Thanks!

Thanks so much!

Thanks. If you do not sleep, you will slow down which makes you easier prey! I think the ending comes a little too fast so that isnt too obvious 

I loved the music and the concept. Very simple and creative mechanic, yet lots of fun. Also it is a nice game for couch co-op.

Great look and feel. Controls are a bit hard, but still fun to use

Nice game! Sounds were perfect

The music was really nice. Good game

Not the most original idea, but very well executed and fun gameplay!

Really enjoyed the simplicity of it. I struggled a lot with the hitboxes of the lamps but got past a few hard levels. Assets looked great!

Very cool idea!


Visuals, animation, and audio are amazing. The gameplay itself is a little bit boring but overall I think the game is great

I love how you incorporate text/buttons with pictures. You have a very special ability to make fun visuals! I think you should always use this style in your games! The game play itself is fun also!

Not the most unique gameplay but the style, theme usage, and zero ui aspects are great!!

Not the most unique gameplay but the style, theme usage, and zero ui aspects are great!!

Amazing visuals and audio. Like so good. I didnt understand exactly what to do or what the main objective was however

Great idea! There was a lot of text to read through for the tutorial which is kind of not Zero UI but after learning how to play it was fun! I wasnt really able to figure out how to build a tower in time for the night. I think I only grew 1 carrot in time. But the camera work / audio were pretty awesome

Nice game! Simple yet fun! I was able to beat the first 2 levels EZ but the last 2 really had me trying but finally got it! Audio is a little annoying for every move but the music was cool. I like the opening menu for sure

Awesome game! Perfect use of zero ui with the blood leading the way. The shooting is a little hard to do and movement is a little chunky but overall I enjoyed the atmosphere. Entering the building was very cool

Visuals and audio are awesome. There is text with instruction which is not supposed to be included with Zero UI. I think I may have spawned on the end of level 1 and worked backwards? I think I was stuck

I'm not sure if the audio was bugged or not, but there was a constant buzzing. I wasnt really sure where to go, but found my way to a maze and guessed that the game was about finding campfires to light. Atmosphere was very nice!