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A member registered Dec 28, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hi Hadley,

Thanks alot for playing the game and including it in your compilation video.

I agree with you too, that the game does need a tutorial level (watched you playing it in your video), its an oversight on our part (apologies...!) but I'm glad that you thought the idea was cool!

We're gonna continue developing this project, so stay tuned!

Quick simple fun. Loved the art and how it trains you to aim for high scores!

Hi Break2fast,

Thanks for playing the game. Glad to hear you liked it!

I do have plans on continuing on this project in the near future, so stay tuned!

Well, just sharing my experience as one whom messed with Unity (or C#) for a fair bit:

  • I tend to use List more than arrays, they are very similar. I do think some of the beginner mistakes I made are usually due not keeping track of them (like initializing them or adding and removing of stuff), but errors logs will help you out.

some read on choosing collection type:

  • [SerializeField] (for private lists/arrays) / making list public (the former is a better approach imo) can help you keep track of your list in your inspector, so you can quickly refer to its contents during debugging
  • Pretty much everything else comes with experience. Do I need a class to store stuff or can a list of variables do the same trick? Planning out what your script does and needs on paper helps a bunch!

Considering your art style for the game. One approach I would try to emphasize on is the immediate feedback that comes along with the players choices (e.g. maybe a lower pitch SFX during speech to indicate hostility, colored font etc). Just my 2 cents though.

Hope it helped! :>

Really fluid combat there and I enjoyed the bits which allowed me to try to aim for higher score. The head swopping mechanic really relates to the context well.

Some gripes I have with the game were the difficulties of the 3 special enemies; the medusa and banshee were too easy while the minotaur deals way too much damage in comparison and the fact that the health drops were completely random kinda tacked on the difficulty.

Played the game twice. Ended with 100 happiness and 200 gold the first time round and 120 happiness and 150 gold the second time. It gave me the "long live the queen" sorta gameplay vibe (albeit a shorter,simpler version of it), which I really loved.

I would really like to see some in depth reaction from the nobles or the commoners at the end. Some scenarios were good for a laugh although it would be good to allow certain choices carry a harsher penalty (towards gold or happiness) or allow the choices carry over to another scenario.

Just curious though, the game didn't seem all that buggy (really awesome considering its your first game), so what kinda advice were you looking for in particular?

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Game url


For some reason the link doesnt point to the url. Updated here


I'd like feedback on

  • The instructions of the game, is it useful?
  • Overall challenge of the game to your tastes. Is it challenging or too easy.
  • The leader crew system, does it change the way you utilize the crew?
  • The facilities. how useful they are in assisting you to defending your ship?
  • Well..pretty much anything else! suggestions, feedback, especially on the races if possible. Im experimenting the concept to decide which direction to go from here

(1 edit)

Charmingly cute art and story...!

Really liked all the little set pieces that flows together pretty well.

The boss fights and enemies made for a good change of pace during the story progression too!

Day Final Log:

And....its done! >:D

After some serious crunching, managed to get up a playable level with my team!

Link to the game:

Feels really satisfying, even if its not complete. Its like the project which I've always wanted to realize has took its first step, thanks to this jam! Its just a prelude to something better, I do want to experiment more before I set a direction and wait for a appropriate time to continue working on it.

Sprite work is really tough, but I'm really glad that most of the art assets were created by me. Learning how to use piskel was a super plus during the jam, and my programmers definitely improved as well!

Lastly, thanks to everyone whom liked the concept (a huge motivation booster!), would appreciate some feedback from you guys and hope y'all enjoy the game!

Day 11 & 12 Log:

Some screenshots of what to expect from the game

crew leader system...with only UI assets left! :) Also, our logo in the background!

combat with the finally completed raider ship! Facilities WILL malfunction if the ship takes too much beating.

Whats left:

  • 1 or 2 mechanics left!
  • game rebalances
  • 1 or 2 proper levels of differing difficulties
  • game instructions (so players will not get overwhelmed with what to do!)
  • The rare bug fix!
With the deadline coming up. Most of the essential art assets are finished. So I'm helping the technical team to optimize their coding and do bug fixing.

Final Notes: It is really unfortunate I could not have found time to design a better race oriented system, planning on getting the technical team to try something simple, and hope we will have a proper game submission at the very end!

Day 9 & 10 Log:

Thanks for the support and liking the concept so far. What really got me going was the support from the community aka you guys! :D

And now....Update!

In-game combat... so one sided the dragon never knew what hit it ;) (just kidding, its lacking feedback)

Gave the ship a proper make over with new furniture and toys to play with (Above the screenshot features one of the defensive measures of the ship, the shell gun)

  • 2 more facilities planned and on the way to finish up the ship.
  • Lies in the ship center is the ship's core, powered by a magic crystal. thinking of adding a game feature to the crew to allow more active management for the player.
  • Time for the team to get our hands dirty and sort out all the nitpicking details (enemy variants, what feedback to put in for now, levels...difficulty, UI) despite the time remaining for us.
  • Logo needs a reworking over :<

Final Notes: With 4 days left, I might help out with some technical aspects of things (adding sounds for example), though I'm pretty confident (and proud of ) with my teammates at this point :D!

Left a summarised version in my game thread, but the past few days were pretty dismal as I'm struggling to come up with more stuff for my technical side. Looking at references didn't help and I'm trying not to do pixel per pixel referencing if possible (that or finding the reference I want that is creative commons isn't possible).

Caught a second wind just probably yesterday when I started the mini-challenges with my members (Basically, I threw them a challenge of getting xxx feature done in half a day, even if its the bare bones of it, then probably explained how it should be done, while they gave me a priority list of art assets to be done the same way as well). Was amazed at the improvement they have gotten upon starting this jam, which sorta spurred me on as well.

Been checking up on some jammers' threads and their work is simply...well it certainly helped in giving me the push I needed :).

Day 7 & 8 Log:

With school coming up, its gonna be hard to keep up with the dev logs...gonna try to keep it to maximum 2 days per dev log if possible.

In other news...putting more interactions on screen now!

Featuring another type of enemy with the raiders, dragons! Testing out attacking interactions and feedback...raider ship is still WIP

Facility interactions. Needs more feedback though...

Created more sprites with Piskel over photoshop (still relying on CC references for modifying though...). Never looked back having discovered more tools and little tricks! :D. We started little challenges (both technical and art sided) to push ourselves and improve, which made for an awesome weekend!

Final Notes: Having met the half way mark. Really feels satisfying to have joined the jam and attempted this project. Theres still much to be done, so gotta have to put our focus on the more pressing game mechanics at hand (as well as the art assets that is required for it).

Looks charmingly cute! great work with the backgrounds and sprites!

Thanks! Its gonna be a fairly big undertaking especially for my programmers since they're new to Unity. They're taking this as a good challenge to pick up the fundamentals fast and work out the details for the project.

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Day 5 & 6 Log:

Another putting together session. Plus some intensive bug fixing! Redesigning the ship took a full day...:(

Fixing the breaking the 4th wall bug :/

And finally, when art and technical side comes together!

The (almost) finalised design of the ship along with a few unfinished placeholders here and there.

Also switched pixel creation from photoshop to piskel. Hard to grasp at first, but the tools it provided were a lot more effective to work on sprites! (everything aside from the characters were done in piskel)

Final Notes: Gotta make use of the weekends for some intensive art creation! More updates to come!

Day 4 Log:

WIP on the last race! :D Adding feelers to the generic fairy worked out pretty well I guess... logo early draft on the right.


-Taking some time to also conceptualize the logo design. This is going to be one of the hardest challenge I reckon...!

-Time for a ship make over!

-Preparing the initial facilities for the programmers to work with.

-Write out dialog for the crew (for better distinction of race and characterization).

Final notes to self: Organize all the layers! and do the ship sprites on another file :/.

Day 3 Log:

Quick concept of the ship (on the left side) and putting whatever is done together among us! Introducing character movement with the finished wolfmen crew!

Programmer Notes: One of the problems that we're gonna face is handling 2 cameras at once. trying to make sure everything is in the right place!

Final Notes:Took awhile to figure out what the last race is going to be :< ... soon to be done with the character sprites. Looking forward to redesigning the ship as well as get to work on the facilities!

Thanks! Im always a fan of the fantasy genre, plus strategy games too. Was inspired by games that featured multi-races (final fantasy ivalice alliance for e.g.). Thus Im hoping to use this game to try and experiment what I can do with race to race interactions.

Thanks alot! I'm still relying on references and all (the occasional outlines and such), but adding my own twist to the character is really fun and rewarding!

WIP of the elf race (almost finished!)

Figured I should give the elf a bandanna to give it a wayfarer look :)

Day 2 Log:

While the programmers are still hard at work, It really feels good on my side, to feel that I'm somewhat improving my attention to detail on the sprites. I also figured it would be good to plan and design what armaments the ship should have for its journey.

Facility design @ WIP as well.

Depending on the progress, I want to keep facility usage to be simple, yet allow players a variety of options to fight off the threats to the ship!

Final Notes: Tomorrow, hopefully I could get to show the technical side of things~

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Quick, concept of the 4 races (not all finalized):

From left: Human, Elf, Wolfmen, Undecided race

and a initial sprite sheet for my friends to try sprite animating in the Unity

Day 1 Log:

Just coming up with the sprites itself was already quite the challenge. Makes me appreciate the artists out there...!

Looking up tutorials and references helped alot. The rest was raw effort!

We're trying to give the game a focus on the crew itself. Some of the mechanics I want to try experimenting for include:

  • Leadership - Assigning leader to your crew grants it bonuses specific to the race
  • Race x Race - pairing specific races may grant bonuses / incur penalties

Friends are hard at work, so technical side updates will have to wait!

Final Notes: Juggling between school and this project is a good challenge, got to keep up the momentum!

(12 edits)

Hi all, new to the site, and participating in the jam with 2 friends of mine!


Magnolia Sky Couriers (MSC) is a project that was thought up of a long time ago, but never really took off due to my lack of experience with programming and game design. I thought this jam was a great opportunity for my motley crew to push ourselves to try something new.

So, while Im probably a bit familiar with Unity now, I never really had a hand in doing Art. Thus, I decided to have my 2 friends handle the programming side of things while I get down and dirty with coming up with all the art assets.

[EDIT]Props to nagabenang for teaching me how to put images! :)


MSC will have you manage a airship and its crew of different races (3 - 4 planned) that travels around carrying packages in a fantasy world setting. Along the way, you will encounter various things that threaten to your ship and cargo. The goal is to reach to the destination port with the both ship and cargo intact!


The game would have you directing your crew mates to man facilities (much like a RTS like game), which will automatically get to work. Manning the right facility to the right crew will allow you to utilize your ship to its full potential. Trying to sort some stuff for now, so I won't divulge too much gritty details here!


Art will be pixel based (attempted by me) while music and other miscellaneous will be sourced as long as its CC.

[EDIT]Goals Added!


  • While my friends are looking forward to learn and pick up Unity. I wanna try out the art side of game development!
  • Exploring a new genre
  • Hopefully make a complete game, and a fun one at that.

More to come with WIP and as the days go by!

Feedback and suggestions welcomed! Good luck and have fun everyone!