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A pixel platformer where you gather light to gradually see more of where you are. approximately 30 mins of content, playable on Web, Mac, and Windows
I liked it a lot! Got a high score of 1369 - I wish there was a public leader board, but probably not possible in a jam game lol. I liked the visuals, though I thought the grey blocks were a wall I couldn't fly over at first.
Some constructive criticism for you - there are a few design problems. Or at least, a few ways game design could be improved. Biggest one is that I found myself mostly not really trying to dodge bullets - which is sort of central to the genre. I think the bullets were a little too small - so it made it difficult to predict where exactly they would land - which made dodging difficult.
While I like the idea of dealing more damage when you are on lower health - I feel like it didn't really affect me as a player. It seems like there would be this interesting choice of how much damage do I want to take and am I willing to shoot fewer bullets - but In practice it always felt better to just always heal right away and constantly shoot. Because health drops aren't always available (or feel like they might not be, as they are drops) I found myself always picking them up without thinking. I think you could force the player to engage with the games concept if there was another mechanic that incentivised it. Maybe you manually heal with a button press, giving you more control over when you heal and when you start shooting less. Or maybe you will heal only after not shooting for a few seconds - idk but I feel like it could have been explored more.
Anyway, great entry - you should be proud especially as (as you said in another comment) you are new to Godot. Great work!!
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