Oh you switched to Godot !
"So now I'm just making a weird little game", tell you what, I think that's a good state of mind to just create. Works for drawing too.
Love that water color too.
Excellent concept et très bonne exécution ! Je soupçonne seulement un bug (qui n'en est peut-être pas un ?), quand un chiffre apparait alors qu'on a déjà explosé une case adjacente, il ne prend pas sa mine en compte. ça peut être confondant lorsqu'on tombe sur un 1, on se dit qu'il n'y a pas d'autre mine... alors que si !
Mais très bon jeu en dehors de ça !
J'ai perdu mon nain après en avoir fait spawner un autre, du coup je me suis retrouvé bloqué avec la caméra. C'est dommage ; je trouve le jeu assez ambitieux pour une jam d'une semaine et bien réalisé pour ce lap de temps, le jeu est fonctionnel alors qu'il doit avoir pas mal de trucs de programmés, et est assez clair.
Peut-être une bonne base pour un autre projet ?
Hey ! I'm actually trying to get back to it. I finished the TTRPG in march, and made a polished version up until last week. I printed it and consider it done for the time being, although it clearly still has many problems (lack of content on some sides, pages layout problems here and there...)
I'm relearning Godot from zero with their courses. I'm not sure what I'll do first, it's still slow because I got things to do with my actual job too, but it's a start I guess. I'll post games here if I ever finish anything !
EDIT : might actually put the TTRPG here, I gotta check if it being a Zelda fanmade game is against Itch policy tho.
1700 was my best after two attempts !
Nice but I'm not sure the game uses this effect to its best. I feel like the sprites are too distorted to be clear and attractive to the eye sometimes. It still gives a very nice "psychedelic" feeling. Maybe not using water on the bottom might help having less messy sprites, because it's the part that tends to get the weirdest appearance with this effect.
Somehow I feel like this concept could go further with other gameplay mechanics than run and jump. What if the player controlled directly the path ?
Otherwise, to stay in the same kind of gameplay, I think it'd be better to have a larger path and a gameplay more axed toward avoiding than jumping. I find it more satisfying here to avoid the small rock by strafing left and right than jumping.
It's not a negative critic tho, I enjoyed it and find impressive that this can work on actual hardware.
Hello again, sending here to avoid posting non related stuff on your Sap / S:SD logs ; the TTRPG will be finished this month, I gave myself end of february for a deadline. I think I'm gonna make it, it won't be perfect but the doc will be more than enough to play a campaign. Still only in French, tho. I'll reach you as soon as it is ready !
And after this... I think I'll come back to game dev !
This log is very interesting. The methodology behind asking yourself "what does the game's current state fails to do ?" is a very healthy question, and while it's hard to judge without playing the game, it seems like you are capable of being honest with yourself on it - which might be the hardest part.
It is something that has to be asked in the development of anything, especially a game, and your answer to it - making S:SD and Sap two different projects - is very interesting. This makes me want to see the game even more !
Also, actually splitting the dev into two projects is an hard decision, and I admire how confident you seem of this choice. It will certainly be for the best.
Still reading all your logs, actually login in Itch.io just to read these every 3 days or so.
I honestly feel like the idea can be very fun, really looking forward to it ! I'm glad to know you'll update the infos on it often too !
Don't worry I have not forgot you for the TTRPG ! In fact, it's almost complete. We've made our first session with friends as a test, I need to rewrite some things and add a bit of content, but the first version is nearly there. Depending of work, I think I can actually finish it this month.
Oooooh you're doing a card game ! I can't wait to see this ! And it's surreal and abstract !!
I like the idea you describe here, a virtual card board game where the player both explore and influences the environment if I understand correctly ?
Hope it'll go well, I'll follow the dev if you put devlogs here.
Oh sure if I finally finish a clean doc, I'll send it to you ! It'll be in French tho, and I'm not sure I'll translate it to English (might be a good exercice to try but that could be long...)
I actually tried several codes on your game, hoping I could get over the sea at the end (or, what I'm seeing as a sea). I love how it is reminiscent to Dwarf Fortress in how you can imagine landscapes, or any other kind of environment ; I saw you were describing it as going under because the player can use ropes and ladder, but I've played it without reading the description and can't unsee it as a top down explorer on a world map, with bridges to place and ladder to go over ponds (in Zelda I fashion). And I actually like that it can be viewed in several ways.
I'm going to try some other codes just to see. And I might try a similar experiment if I finish the TTRPG fast enough. Also I did not encounter the DLL problem for now.
Hey ! You posted just before I went traveling !
I'm not doing game dev for now, I've work a bit programming since LD48, but with work it's a bit hard to find time and energy. I'm working on a tabletop RPG tho, in Zelda's universe.
I've tried LD50 but it was not during holidays this time, and I could not finish prototype.
I see you've just released a game, I'm going to play it right now !
Hey ! Long time no see !
Nice little experimentation, I like a lot this kind of micro program. It gives a different view on our favorites texts...
It seems that texts wrote in verses gives a lot of blank parts. Maybe it needs larger texts ?
Definitively going to try some other texts I love. Glitches and experimental games are my jam...
Hope you are well since LD48 !
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Finger's Fart. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of hand and rectal biology most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also the various fart noises, which is deftly woven into this masterpiece characterization- its personal philosophy draws heavily from Japanese literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Finger's Fart truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in Finger's Fart existential catchphrase “Prout braft pwouuaaat.” which itself is a cryptic reference to ancient Chinese texts of war I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hundraw's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a farts tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid