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A member registered Apr 13, 2023

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You will need Broken Glass which is gained by throwing the Rock (found in the trash can next to the water fountain in the First Hall) at a hanging light in the Gym. With that in your inventory check the framed quote  to the right of the blackboard in the English Class. You should be able to now use the Broken Glass on it to get the first half.

You're welcome!

It takes a little work to get that going. Firstly you need to scrounge up $1,000 and then start the quest "Wicked Game". You must get kicked out of the building by the Guard and then call Maxine to let you in. When she offers to let you join the A.S.S. you should express interest in perks. She will then bring up T.I.T.S. and give you the choice of which group to join. Tell her you want T.I.T.S. and decide what type you like. I personally go medium, as doing so means a check will be delivered every morning that has a value equal to the day number. (ie. Day 57=$57 check) Hope this helps!

Do you ever sleep? My feed is pretty much nothing but your doings...  XD

Well once again you brought tears to my eyes, I thought I'd be able to jump back in and face her without falling apart but it seems your narrative was once again just too much for me. So from the bottom of my heart thank you for saving Kana! I eagerly await the point where we can do the same for the others too!

Now as for the technical front: 

1. I encountered what I will affectionately term the "Bedbug" debug screen by opening my previous save which had been set in the bedroom. Upon pressing "back" I was unable to find any means of re-entering that screen (short of reloading that save). Not sure if I was supposed to be able to be there but some handsome person seems to have left the door open...

2. Said save file was also one of 3 that I had been messing around in with the Kana Quest "Lyx Loop" bug. This particular file had 2 instances of the "Get Ingredients" lead when it was made and both of those leads remained when I loaded in. Running through the lead twice from start to finish did manage to successfully clear them without any further funny business.

3. I feel it might be beneficial to certain players (myself included) to implement the ability to either skip (via left mouse click) or speed up the clock progression speed. It was quaint the first few times I saw it but quickly got to where it began to feel like it was cutting into the pacing/flow of gameplay. The way it is currently setup feels more like loading screens have been artificially added. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying that the new time system is bad or anything. It's just in its infancy and could use a little more polish before it shines. I believe that having each action take its own amount of time as opposed to everything costing the same will improve the sense of accomplishment at the end of each in-game day.

That about sums up my thoughts on this one. I've been toying with the idea of starting a new play through for a while now to see just how much some of the more recent changes affect the feel of the game, maybe I'll be able to sniff out some more bugs along the way. Thanks again for all your hard work!

I knew it! XD

So we're gonna get some of that cake in the next update, right? Thanks again for all your hard work, it's greatly appreciated!

A man of impeccable taste!

I can't tell you how devastated I was when I got that first ending. I was getting Cave Story vibes before but after that it was much stronger. I am curious, there were a couple jumps in there where I just barely hit an edge and it felt like I slowed down and was able to pull myself up. Was that something that you intentionally put in to forgive players for not quite making the jump or was it maybe a glitch of some kind? Thanks for the awesome game!

Thanks for taking the time to do mai wai... I mean do Kana's story justice. Also out of curiosity are you more of a Guybrush or a Bernard?

Delays are fine as long as there is open communication. I can't tell you how much I myself appreciate it when creators talk to their fans instead of just disappearing without so much as a peep. Thank you again for all your hard work!

Two bugs found with this one.

1 - Firstly another paperdoll overlay issue in Lucille's room while chatting with her.

It is noticeable once you "think" about being in the middle of a war and her thinking of cosmetics.

2 - The next one is a kind of soft time loop involving Lyx.

I had already talked to Lyx about Kana, had her visit the farm, and just got the scat from the forest. When I returned to the manor I talked to Lyx and was given the option "about Kana" again as well as "hand over the scat".

If you select "about Kana" the game will act as though you haven't already done this and have Lyx agree to meet you at the farm as normal. Giving Lyx the scat prior to or after this doesn't stop it from happening.

I then went and did the farm and forest scenes again picking up more scat. Touching the scat in the forest played the "touch scat" scene tha should be encountered while in the mansion, so it did recognize that I had already done this before.

When I returned to the Mansion and talked again to Lyx I now had the "about Kana", "I found the scat", and "touch the scat" options all selectable.

This can be done over and over.

Thanks again for all your hard work here, it is greatly appreciated!

Also thanks again for what you do here. Not just anyone can make a game, even fewer can make you care about their characters.

It hurt sooo bad and the music didn't help. I'm ready to get those sweet healing powers whenever you get around to implementing them. hint hint

Jesus dude, I just saw the new Kana and daughter scene and I had to step away for a few minutes. I'm not normally one to be affected by games but at this point I almost want to stop playing. I'd happily give up any further adult content just to be able to help her.

Yep, that should do it!

(1 edit)

Okay that one I remember. Head to the Outskirts and head to the Beach. From there you just search her Cottage again, and from there the Mansion.

Yes, our morality enforcing overlords seem to be again flexing their muscles.


(2 edits)

Since I keep seeing people asking about how to get the Moment of Glory here is the answer ripped directly from the official guide link that WAS posted above (Thanks Google).

  1. Moments of Glory: Strength  —  unlocked during Search & Rescue by telling Kate that the Nurse is in the supply closet, then breaking it open (5 strength points required) for her
  2. Moments of Glory: Resolve  —  unlocked during Twisted Fate by telling Kate you were just leaving the gym, then slamming the door in her face
  3. Moments of Glory: Strength  —  unlocked during Twisted Fate by fighting the cheerleaders off (8 strength points required) after Kate orders them to tie you up
  4. Moments of Glory: Wit  —  unlocked during Twisted Desire by having Kate steal the final paper star from you, then calling Isabelle (8 intellect points and Isabelle's number required) to prove to the cheerleaders that you were the one who found it 
  5. Moments of Glory: Talent  —  unlocked during Dead Girl's Score by playing something fast but dark to Lindsey, having Kate show up and criticize your piano skills, then asking her to show you how it's done
  6. Moments of Glory: Insight  —  unlocked during Wicked Game by replying "Your fears..." to Kate when she asks the Ghost of Christmas Sins what her sins are

You only need three of them so don't worry about trying to get them all.

No no, not at all. It's not like the change log had prerequisites for the event listed. Nothing stupid about reaching out to the community to bounce ideas around. :)

So does that mean it's going to become something more akin to a passive buff that you just won't have to bother using? I guess that could work but it would require some retconning unless you were to say that the MC has used it enough that it changed into a passive ability. Anyway, thanks for your time responding to me. :)

Noticed an issue with Chloe in chapter 3. When you use Hidden Voices on her the dialogue is centered and is partially obscured by her paper doll. Thanks again for all your hard work, this game has been quite entertaining.

You may have to progress further with those two assuming you haven't already done everything previously possible. I just loaded my current run in which Lyx is available to talk to at any time in the west hallway, Claire has completed all her interactions with Ema, and all other content has been done. I was personally able to get this new Claire scene on the first night by sleeping alone but maybe it's based on some RNG thing. Good luck to you regardless.

(1 edit)

Can you remember specifically which quest it was you were on? That would be helpful in replicating the issue on my end. Never mind, I see it in the image you loaded. I will see if I can get it to happen for me.

Out of curiosity were you in the middle of a quest when this occurred? I would like to try and replicate this problem for myself.

No no, you are correct but I didn't mean that the roll back itself is an issue. My concern was the idea that time not being tacked back on could potentially lead to a soft lock in time sensitive/specific scenarios. Sorry for not better articulating my idea.

So I found something interesting about the game, you can travel back in time! Yes I know what a shock that in the game about going back in time you can go back in time... So at least in the PC version you can use the mouse scroll wheel to undo a specific number (I haven't bothered counting exactly how many) of actions/choices you have made. In addition to this it rolls back the clock/energy bar, and thereby the locations of characters. You can then use the scroll wheel to "redo" everything that you had previously done up to the point where you started scrolling back. The curious thing is that while your actions themselves are re done the time/energy it cost to do them are not tacked back on, leaving you in a position where you can go through every location in the game in search of money/items as well as talk to all the characters available and not have used any time/energy in doing so. I've been debating whether or not to report this one as it hasn't been detrimental to progressing yet for me (It's actually left me feeling a lot more clever than I actually am) but could potentially become so in the future. Specifically I was thinking what happens if I am supposed to meet someone at a specific time like Maxine at her office in Big Witch Energy? I have tested that particular scenario and found it can't be forced, hats off to you TimeWiz for the preemptive safeguards on that one. Anyway that's all I have on this "issue", I'll keep trying to break your game and report back if I find anything. Once again thank you for all your hard work on this amazing game, it's been a lot of fun so far!

Oh God! >o< Lol, I really appreciate your sense of humor, this game has been a lot of fun so far so thank you for your efforts!

Am I the only one who's afraid that if I invite Hana to sleep in my bed I'm going to wake up to Ard glaring at me?

Afraid The only thing I can recommend on the money end is to just keep going through every location available and hunt for it, I personally spend the first week or so not doing any quests and just collecting resources. That means gathering money as well as farming laundry detergent and tissues to trade for other consumables in the desk in the English room. As far as the doughnut thing I'm not sure which one you are referring to. The only ones I've seen are where you buy them so the guard will leave his post and the one where you steal them to get Jacklyn to do an art project. Both seem pretty straight forward. If you could explain your issue I might be able to help.

(1 edit)

Found a softlock, if at 5:00pm you peep on Flora in the shower then proceed to help her make chili downstairs (still at 5:00pm) she will send you to get her phone. You can no longer get into the bathroom to get said phone as Flora is according to the game still inside the bathroom and tells you to get away from the door.

It's the future PETA promised us in stunning 2d graphics!