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A member registered Jul 27, 2021

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This game looks and plays great, However, If you just keep your vision cone facing the opposite way of an enemy, You literally can never lose, I even bumped into a robot to test if it would do something with my vision cone the other way, and to my surprise it did nothing to me, But for real, this game is cool and has a sick mechanic. Also out of all the games my antivirus decided this one looked fishy, and scanned it before I could play, which I feel fits the whole spy theme XD. (Vinnie - Team Tax Evasion Station)

(1 edit)

Wonderful little game, I am amazed you all managed to get this much done in the allotted time, my only big complaint is a lack of knowing what all the mechanics were at first, but after my first death i got the hang of it, it has wonderful atmosphere too. From an art standpoint I think the main characters sprite and the enemy sprites don't match up looks wise but still the world and the sounds therein is perfect, well done. (Vinnie-Team Tax Evasion Station)

Love the game and its theme, However it crashed and relaunched multiple times on me, the screen for the computers felt too cluttered and the view cones for enemies hurt my eyes,  but it has a wonderful atmosphere and an interesting story.(Vinnie Lombard - Team Tax Evasion Station)