Game link:
Unreal Barrage is a Top Down Shooter game where you play fast paced matches in which you shoot others Units and try to win!
- Game Modes:
- Lastone Standing: Be the last Unit alive to win! Each Unit has a set number of lives, when a Unit dies a life is taken away and it respawns after certain amount of time.
- Deathmatch: achieve the most amount of points possible before the time runs out! When dying, Units respawn after some time, until the round time ends.
- Pickables: objects that all Units in the game can pick up. They bring different effects.
- Helpers: they aid all Units, and come in the form of Health and Shield restoration.
- Weapons: they replace your default Weapon for a new one for a little amount of time. Each weapon has a different fire mode and a different way to damage other Units!
- Gamepad support!