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A member registered Jan 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Very much enjoyed the overall plot of this one, it all comes together to create a humorous narrative that is engaging. A few QoL changes, such as showing dialogue on-screen and allowing the player to skip dialogue they've already heard would go a long way into really polishing this up. 

(1 edit)

Cheers! I thought the twist of photography for "shoot" was an interesting one, although not as expanded as it could've been. I can't recreate that bug on my end, so very odd! (Edit, I managed to recreate the bug, whoops!)

Cheers! I didn't get the character controller as optimised as I'd like unfortunately, especially in air motion where it felt very sluggish (if I had time I'd have given different acceleration, and also vary it for air control and grounded movement). Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

This could make a really great game if fleshed out further. I like the concept of having a platformer where you're trying to escape a building, perhaps if you do expand on this game, you could add some more tension with the level changing the longer you take. There's a lot of possibilities with the concept and theme I think you could explore further, which is always a good thing with a concept!

I think the major thing that needs improving if so is just the players jump, it feels somewhat inconsistent and lead to me dying more than I probably should have!

The gameplay of this would be absolutely amazing as a quick to play mobile game, definitely worth considering building on it and releasing it on the mobile app stores. 

I did find a bug where if you are close enough to the enemy, the bullets fly in the opposite direction of the player. Not major, just something to note.

I love the theming on this one, I think this twist on the theme is definitely one of the best submissions I've seen. I could see this being an absolutely amazing mobile game with a tiny bit more work.

This is incredible, especially considering how long you spent working on it. Would definitely be interested to see this be built upon into a larger game. 

Two main things that stand out to me that could use work:

- Controls should allow you to drop down from a platform. You can jump up onto a platform, but not drop down.

- Some platforms look as though you can jump up onto them, but your jump is a tiny bit too low. General rule of thumb is that if something is intended to be inaccessible to the player, then make it more obviously inaccessible. If a platform is too high to jump on, it's better to make it obviously too high, than make it seem like it might be possible. This is especially important given you have a time limit.

Overall though, it's incredible you got this assembled in the time you did, and I'd definitely be interested in seeing more of this game if you decide to work on it further.

I love the concept, definitely think it could be expanded further from this jam. Biggest fault is just that the player controller doesn't feel the most satisfying to move - it feels like I get stuck on some platforms if I'm too close to them.