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A member registered Jan 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi! So sorry, I am aware of this problem. I'll try to fix this later when I have time. Thank you still for bringing this issue to my attention.

Hello! Thank you for your kind words about my game, it really means a lot! I am aware of the game problems concerning the pacing coupled with repetitive tasks.

Still, thank you again!

Hi! I'm so sorry you couldn't play my game, I'll try to fix this damn camera controls not working. Maybe I'll be able to make a Mac export, but no promises. Sorry again, but thank you for the message!

Sorry for the inconvience! I am aware of this bug happening in the web version of the game.

So sorry to hear that ! It's an issue from the web version, I'm terribly sorry.

Thank you for playing ! I agree about long energy replenishment time, balancing is very hard.


Merci beaucoup ! Nous sommes très fiers du résultat et très heureux que c'est le cas pour d'autre :D

A pure banger.

Hello to the Dark Stain's team !

Disclaimer : This comment review is subject to change with futures updates :)

First of all, this project has a really unique gameplay and great visuals and it must be noted. I am able to go to the second phase of the boss again, after (of course) multiple failed attempts.

I don't know if this version is an earlier prototype of what was shown in your booth at the Geekali, because multiple elements seems to have changed. Notably how to approch certain boss' attacks.

In all cases, I find it quite interesting to dash more often, which offers a "larger" panel of gameplay than just parrying perfectly every attack.

Thinking of newbie players that launches the game for the first time, even though this is only a prototype, adding some text boxes that explains gameplay such as :

  • How does the level up of attack, meditation (healing) and stamina/dash works
  • Controls (even though it is marked on this itch page, I learned that people rarely read here lol)

I know that the goal is to be as minimalistic as possible and never take the player by the hand, but meh...

Even better, this bridge sequence could be used as a diagetic tutorial for attacking (by road-blocking with destroyable crates). You could even use an NPC, like a crow (to justify the flying camera angles) to explain everything making it much more enjoyable!

On another topic, using the mouse on the main menu is borderline impossible. You could either make the player able to use only the keyboard (up and down key to cycle buttons and space to select) or detect the mouse and display a cool cursor, both would be great.

An optional (and I insist on optional, because this not your vision on the game) signal/marker to know WHEN to parry and/or IF you can parry would be great. I had this impression while playing that some attacks where impossible to parry. A great indicator in Mortal Shell display a red glow in the back of player to indicate that the attack is impossible to parry and need to be dodged.

I also find that the parry, one of the key points of your game, needs to be rewarded more. You already recieve a big punishment when failing, which is a good thing to do, but I recieve nothing by parrying. Making the enemy staggered for even a short half to a second duration would be more than enough to offset this feeling.

One attack of the boss, the "dash", is one of the hardest to overcome but is pretty satisfying to parry. However, I see that there is a small animation where it feels disoriented and I thought of something. Maybe (4-6) rocks could fall on the battleground in a circle manner, that the player could hide behind to counter before being forced to learn to parry the attack if they want to win. The rocks are, of course, destroyed everytime and damage the boss only really slightly. They would be only a temporary solution to the player's cowardness.

The player's health bar and stats should be in the bottom-left, and the boss bar should be top centered in my opinion.

That is all for now! I will greatly appreciate a job as game designer :p jkjk

I know this is only a prototype, but seeing some of these ideas would benefit greatly the game's accessibility and fun factor.

(Désolé d'avoir écrit un gros pavé ET EN ANGLAIS, mais bon, bonne continuation !)

Awesome! This is a really fun short game, simple yet efficient. Love the little story that goes with it.

(and the fact that I gave the idea makes me prouder hehe...)

Happy to finally be able to try out this game! It was really fun, the controls are horrendous which makes it even more realistic. I crashed 9 times and managed to get a bottle at the third store! (I shouldn't be happy about this...)

This is a great game with the great message of NOT DRIVING WHILE DRUNK! Stay safe y'all ^^

Damn his pesky level 3 really didn't want to be added! I could have gone for more levels but I didn't have enough interesting level design ideas lmao, maybe in a post-jam version who knows...

Great that you found this small "easter-egg" lol. I created it due to laziness, and rather than hiding the button, I made this small joke. Glad you liked it :D

Honestly, one of the best jam game I have played yet. A great interpretation of the theme, good execution. I found the controls of the rover really correct. The marker system is great too.

The constant sound of the rover's engine (I think it's that?) was a bit annoying, and maybe calm ambiance music would have been cool to add too (however it was also very good without).

A post-jam version with maybe more planets, different hazards, limited markers that you can pick up, could be really interesting. Great job!

(1 edit)

Hey popcar2! This is an awesome game you've got there. This game is not hard, but rather challenging. Really good use of assets, simple gameplay mechanic, very cool overall!

It was great! The ambiance was really good, a really small Silent Hill hehe...

Thanks! <3

Haha this was really fun! It's short but good. I have nothing to say, this is just clever gameplay and a pretty good twist at the jam's theme.

Really cool! I love that you control the character from the main menu. Speaking of menus, it is really well done too.

I found the character to be a little too fast which given the environment can be a bit tedious to master. Hitting enemies too is sometimes a bit weird.

I didn't play a lot of Hollow Knight but this game reminded me of it. The song used is quite good and give a really good ambiance to the cave exploration. This is a really good use of Kenney's assets and I would love to see a post-jam version with new areas and different songs to go with it.

Really good! The concept is wonderful, and I would play this a lot with some adjustments :D

Using only the mouse is a great choice, however I would have preferred keyboard controls for the character because it was really hard to maneuver around the map and sometimes it would go around instead of going straight towards the point (maybe due to the pathfinding). A visual indicator of the path would have been good in case you don't want keyboard controls.

Searching for towers was also a bit hard, and I was afraid to explore, which is... the opposite of what I should do. I think there is a lack of delay between each waves because you jump straight into the next one. What could be cool is a portal where enemies come from, that open itself after one minute or two, or that you can open yourself. It offers greater control over this aspect of the game and enable the player to engage more in the exploration part of the gameplay.

Towers were really hard to find, at least for me. The map seems to be pretty big, and it is easy to get lost, pair that with the controls that I find a bit clunky and navigation is hard. Towers were scarce, the first one I found was about three to four waves in, and the others took way longer.

Unfortunately, my search for towers led me to lose quite a lot of castle health. A small arrow/indicator on the screen pointing towards the direction of the castle would have been a great thing to have.

With these said, I think this is a great concept that you could build upon in a post-jam version.

The concept is really interesting, however I found the game a bit frustrating to play mainly because the character is really slippery (I understand that you couldn't fine tune the parameters in time).

It made it hard to advance through puzzles, I couldn't get past the second room and the first was also kinda hard lol (IGN moment). The tutorial prompts were a bit out of the screen because of the camera and thus making the player having to look for how to play (I suggest making the camera focus on the room rather than the player unless you plan onto making bigger rooms).

However, this is an excellent concept, and if you were to create a post-jam version that adresses these problems I would be eager to try it!

Well, that's unfortunate... Were you able to access it from level 2 ? Thank you for playing anyways !

thank you!

thanks for your review! and, oh I forgot about that lol...

Hey! Thank you very much for your comment, I really appreciate it (it makes me smile). As I said, I plan to change some things and controls are one of my priorities.

Again, thank you very much, you don't know how happy I am!

Merci pour ton retour. Ça a été mon tout premier projet sous pygame et je me dis que je m'en suis pas mal sorti. J'ai pris un tout petit peu de niveau depuis, parce que le Python m'intéresse vraiment donc j'espère pouvoir faire de super projets avec ! J'en ai un autre que je peux potentiellement sortir donc on verra :)

Mon retour sur le jeu (j'écris ce commentaire après un Alt+F4) :

Le jeu continue d'avoir des espèces de micro lags mais ça doit être à cause de la faible puissance de mon ordinateur. La difficulté reste évidemment un des points "forts" de ton jeu, il est parfois frustrant mais il apporte aussi parfois du challenge, je repense au niveau que l'on voit sur le second screen de la page de présentation. Même si le concept reste toujours intéressant, j'ai encore quelques "critiques" (en plus de celles que je viens de faire). Les collisions sont parfois hasardeuses car comme je l'ai dit, des micro lags surviennent et elles me permettent de voir que quand par exemple je prend l'oiseau, je meurs en vol sans avoir réellement touché le bord d'un mur. Les collisions avec les piques sont également un peu frustrantes certaines fois. Les petits ennemis que l'on voit dans le dernier niveau (si je ne me trompe pas) sont la raison de mon rage quit : déplacements hasardeux, ils passent à travers les murs et sont de vrais sacs à PV. 

Je ne suis pas un expert mais je sais que pour inculquer les contrôles et les concepts de base d'un jeu il faut faire évoluer le joueur dans un environnement sans risque : cela aurait été judicieux de mettre au premier niveau des ennemis faibles (genre 1 ou 2 points de vie), qui se déplacent avec un pattern bien précis pour inciter le joueur à prendre le canon et à tirer dessus. Puis tu pourrais en rajouter de nouveaux, avec des patterns un peu plus complexes et un peu plus de points de vie pour ajouter de la difficulté sans brusquer le joueur (le niveau le fait déjà très bien tout seul). Je suis conscient que la grande difficulté même si on te l'a reproché maintes et maintes fois font partie de la force de ton jeu mais néanmoins il ne faut pas oublier que le joueur n'est pas encore habitué. Ce genre de techniques d'apprentissage implicite est très repris puisque utilisé dans le célèbre Half-Life 2 (que tu connais certainement).

Bref, sinon j'aimerai donner des idées au cas où tu aimerais rajouter quelque chose en jeu : des espèces d'évolutions de personnages pour les différentes capacités (le canon peut tirer 3 balles au lieu de 1, par exemple) ou une quatrième capacité à débloquer, genre une caisse/bouclier qui ne peut pas sauter mais qui peut supporter deux coups au lieu d'un seul (sauf sur les piques).

Je sais que ce jeu n'est pas ton projet principal mais j'avais envie de donner mon "ressenti" sur cette mise à jour. En tout cas, le concept reste excellent et quoi qu'on en dise, le style graphique aussi mais ça tu le sais déjà !

Le jeu est super ! Le concept est assez original et le switch entre les trois capacités est assez intuitif, le jeu est simple mais très beau. 

Cependant j'ai trouvé le boss très compliqué et couplé avec des gros lags je n'ai pas pu le battre. Il n'y avait pas aussi de menu pause xD. 

J'ai hâte cependant de voir le jeu évoluer pour pouvoir le tester comme il le faut (avec un PC de meilleure qualité).

UNIGEON community · Created a new topic Suggestions/Ideas

If you have any ideas/suggestions/enhancements for my game, please tell me here.

Cette update est superbe ! Les vaisseaux sont superbes, les paramètres sont fonctionnels, le jeu est encore un peu dur mais tout de même bien sympa à jouer.

J'ai une question : C'est possible de créer un fichier mods pour permettre aux joueurs de rajouter eux-même leurs vaisseaux par exemple ?

(1 edit)

Ce jeu est such hard as fuck, et le pire c'est que je suis dans le niveau de difficulté le plus bas !!!! Le piège le plus chiant c'est quand à chaque fois tu appuies sur une touche, l'écran zoom, c'est hyper relou xD !!! Mais sinon toujours un aussi bon concept et le challenge est au rendez-vous !

Merci de ta réponse.

Points positifs : Dans l'ensemble c'est pas mal. J'aime bien la musique, les dessins et tout. Points négatifs : J'ai pas compris à quoi ça sert de tuer les pigeons à corne, ça fait gagner des points où ? Et oui la planche est un peu trop grande, j'aime pas la vitesse du yéti, les pièces ne servent à rien (enfin je crois).

Mais sinon j'ai bien aimé le jeu et sa se voit que c'est du style de D3NX :D !

Hi Raft Developer ! I have some ideas for you :

  • In the future version, if you can add an possibility to choose the type of the shark (like an Megalodon or more!)
  • Item : Feather, Ink Sac
  • Craft : Paper and Writing Paper
  • Item : Quest Book (The player can write quests like "Craft 15 Ropes" and when is done, he gives items)
  • Add the possibility to seat in the chair
  • Item : Backpack
  • A bed to skip days
  • Item : Gunpowder
  • An improvised gun
  • Improvised Bullet