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A member registered Sep 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Leuk idee! Misschien zou het fijn zijn om duidelijk te maken welke dingen open kunnen en welke wel. Misschien een dynamic crosshair? Verder is het voor replayability ook leuk als de medicijnen op een willekleurige plek staan elke keer. 

Fun mechanic, maybe a cooldown on the ability would be better. Otherwise, adding other sorts of obstacles would spice up the game!

Fun idea! I think it'd be fun to use different kinds of "slippery material" to influence the cars in different ways. Maybe you could also add different kinds of robbers like some heavier cars that spin less easily.

This was pain. I hate it. 10/10

Fun mechanic, you can do more with it. also 

Fun idea! I feel you could do a lot with this, like collectable powerups that make you bigger or something like that. Keeping track of your score while playing would be nice too. 

Fun idea! I like that you didn't just make a video game like everyone else. Obviously I'd like more different generated post-its, because you can memorize them pretty easily. But I like the mechanic, and I think you could maybe even expand it for more players. Maybe they can take turns? 

Fun game, Much penguin, Simple mechanics, Quickly familiarized with gameplay. Maybe it'd be fun to drop items on the stage which would have to be collected by the penguins? Like powerups or something. 

I really enjoyed the switch mechanic, and the fact that it requires thought and effort to figure out how to get through a stage. However, if you wanted to prevent people having to trial-and-error their way through the stage, having a map or mini-map would be nice. 

Leuke gameplay, ik ben fan van de snelheid en hoe je op een stealthy manier de sleutels moet zoeken. Het zou misschien wel duidelijker zijn als er wordt aangegeven hoeveel sleutels er zijn en hoeveel je er gepakt hebt. Verder is het ook leuk als de powerups uiteindelijk uitwerken.