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A member registered Oct 10, 2022

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Really awesome game. Unfortunately the options button didn't work but other than that mostly just quality of life stuff, e.g. health drops as you can get swarmed by enemies and a global highscore system would also be cool.

Firstly, great animations and artwork. Game feels very smooth although the gameplay experience would be nicer with double keyboard inputs instead of keyboard + controller. Maybe adding a control list to the menu?

Very simple yet fun game. Players move way too fast to clearly understand what is happening. The game could do with a bit more polish such as animation for being damaged, maybe a bigger map or anything that ends up a better mix of playing space and speed. Also, a health bar would be easier to see based on the speed the player is moving in this version (plus will look cleaner).

Great building block. Love the idea of being able to change gravity. Could definitely be a really good game with a bit more polish. 

Promising idea but sadly uploaded file is a compressed unity project making this version inaccessible.

Addictive. Where is the end 

I would but um too many items to copy across on the uni computers. Apologies

Very cool and stylish little game. The only criticism I have is it isn't one button. But awesome visual novel!

Love the pixel graphics and how it gets faster the more rounds you get through. Only criticism is I would change the speed so it could go faster or slower rather than just increasing constantly to throw the player off a little more.

Fun little platformer and like the double jump. Not sure if the dev log on the left was meant to be kept in or not.

Like the idea and how well it works with one button.

Just it does not work in chrome.

Turtle power. Very addictive so good job ^v^

The zoom out when the tsunami came was quite sudden (although it is a tsunami so makes sense) but it made it a little harder to concentrate on the turtle gameplay.

Very snazzy. Finding it a little hard to dodge tho so maybe make the dodge the one click and the shoot the two clicks.

Love the graphics and the idea for different minigames.

Little confused on what I was meant to do for some of the minigames so some how to play guide would be nice.