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A member registered Mar 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Discord would be the best elosoespacial

Hello, its always nice to find awesome musics so any suggestion is welcome

thanks ill be fixing that tomorrow and yes i have been wonderign how to hold the trust for a while still thinking on the cum animation. it will be ccumming soon.


lol yes the clapping sound its abit loud , ihave been tryign to find a better one if you happen to know of some let me know.

i am really glad you did !

i am really sorry ill figure a way to improve the controls if you already have an ida that would suit better plesae let me know

you can use the directional arros as well, i kinda forgot to type that in the tutorial i agree the controls are not that intuitive thank you very much for your comment.

thank you v ery much!

Hello you can use the space bar or press the yellow button on screen i should make the tutorial replayale , my bad

Thank you very much for letting me know, ill speak with a friend who uses linux to try and solve this issue

Hello! thanks for letting me know i made a linux only export and it should b eup by now! i have never used linux so let me know if it doesnt work its supposed to be for linux 11

there is a SFW patch that censors most of the genitalia but sadly i do no thave the skillset needed to swap betwen genitals atm sorry about that

Hello! thanks for playing and im sorry but i do not have the skills to make this possible

Estamos de acuerdo en que el juego no tiene un enfoque de terror; en realidad, nuestro objetivo era crear algo similar a FNAF, donde el miedo desaparece rápidamente y el juego se convierte en un desafío. Como sabes, en la mayoría de los juegos de terror, el miedo suele disminuir después de la primera experiencia.

En cuanto a los días restantes, aunque algunos se utilizaron para actividades de marketing y corregir errores, sinceramente también aprovechamos un poco de descanso. Pensamos que la experiencia estaba completa, al menos en lo que respecta a un proyecto de 10 días.

Es posible que hayamos pasado por alto la necesidad de una hoja de controles más visible, ya que en la primera partida se mencionaba cómo correr. Eliminamos este texto deliberadamente para hacer que el juego fuera más ágil al jugarlo nuevamente y evitar tener que revisar el tutorial y la introducción.

Estamos de acuerdo en que podríamos mejorar la accesibilidad del juego, ya que entendemos que no todos los jugadores tienen el mismo nivel de tolerancia al error. Tus observaciones son muy valiosas y nos ayudarán a hacer mejoras significativas.

Gracias! creo que tienes razón debería hacer que la cordura baje más lento. Como estamos conscientes de que hacer imágenes terroríficas con sprites es muy difícil decidimos mejor estresar al jugador.

it has been done thank you very much i had no idea

 CC-BY4 Totally! im making this post a bit prettier today

(1 edit)

Hello. There is a way to regain sanity points you only need to drink chocolate or to stop the draining drink coffe instead, Tehay are scattered all arround the maps and you only have to click the ok buton to drink em.

The reason the sanity bar drains is to avoid just standing in a room and do nothing.  This should motivate the player to stay on the move. same with crawling trough the cracks in the wall if the player cheeses the enemies by moving one room to another with no penalty it could have some issues.

I am really glad you played the game and i would like to know what do you think about this game desing choices.

And the Qte is just to stress the player since you are already on the run.

Thank you!

there are only 4-5 mandatory sex scenes all othes are are optional.

a patch has been uploaded removing the need of monstere.png hoever i couldnt fidn antything that could fix the map issue please contact me over discord or twitter so i can give you a supporter code for all your troubles

that is pretty weird. never seen those lines before ill try to fix again the issue qitch the not loading monsters however the picture is on the game data same name and all, ill just disable the requirement untill i am able to find a workaround

Hello sorry for the delay this issue should be fixed! also some other mistakes should be fixed as well

thanks for the report the mistake is the capital M ill be fixing it now for everyone and upload a patc

yes this mistake shouldnt be happening for some reason the game didnt found a picture that i made sure was there on pc but ill doublecheck for android or remove it entirely

Gracias! es informacion muy util!

Te agradezco mucho el interés y el comentario! me gustaría que compartas tu experiencia en android y el teléfono que utilizaste porque alguien tiene un problema con encontrar archivos de audio!
Mil gracias por darle a este juego algo de tu tiempo.

Hello sorry for the late reply! I uploaded a new upate wich reduces all file size and lenght for android in hopes you gont get the could not find .ogg

It seems that the issue is that the audio files are too long and that causes a lot of performance issues for android. I  can tell you that Night.ogg is on the game files so ill try to cut to 40 seconds all the audio files for android and well see how that works.

i wish i knew more about android programing and  how to optimize the game in my case it runs fine but when entering battle frames drop significantly i am really sorry  i dont know how to fix this issue.

Hello the update has been launched and those 2 issues should be fixed now

Sorry for taking so long i had an update half done so i had to finish it in order to re package the game.  In my device Samsung galaxy a51 is working fine and i doublechecked the file PELEA is in the build

Hello! thanks for the reports an update with this fixes will be avalible in a few minutes for both android and pc

Hello! thanks for the report ill fix this right now sorry for that!

yes my bad!

thank you!