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A member registered Jan 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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It was more like 10 hours actually, I only joined on the last day. You're right of course, it's not a finished game.

Yeah I had no more time for anything else! ^^ There is music, maybe it's too quiet?

(1 edit)

Everything getting more and more discombobulated with time was kind of what I was going for :D

But I agree, it gets too jumbled after a while, thats why I added the reset button as a bandaid fix

I can't progress past Day 1 - its impossible to avoid the werewolf. Nice concept though. Love the art!

I didn't really understand how to play

Would have been cool if you could do a 'saving shot' by using your last little bit of life to kill an enemy to recharge. But right now trying to save yourself results in losing.