great call on the apology, you’re totally right. Thank you so much for playing! With the music, I feel like I need to credit the creator haha, it’s important so I hope people checked out their music.
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hahaha I can’t believe you made it so far! Originally I was going to spawn the walls in segments so that the game goes forever but I had an issue with the colliders so I just scrapped it and manually placed. As for the glitch where you can clip through the wall.
I ran out of time but I actually had a plan for it. It occurs because there is a frame where you are invincible because you get essentially two lives. I could’ve made all of the colliders bigger or I could have stopped movement when hit for a few seconds but decided to just leave it in and focus on other bugs.
Thanks so much for playing!
This is awesome, I love how simple it is. You really made a fun little game haha. I didn't get all the way through to making the sword as I lost interest but its good! I would recommend some sort of like multiplier, if you hit the ingot perfectly 5x times or something it gets double or triple damage. Somethign like that.
This game takes the cake for fitting the theme. Great work on the narration, makes the game really stand out. The movement is my only complaint, basing movement off of acceleration makes it very hard for precise movements which this game kinda needs. I wasn't able to get past the section with multiple doors as i couldn't make small enough movements to get by. Otherwise amazing effort.
Okay so great work with completing your first game, alot of elements are actually pretty cool for a first game and deserve a mention. First off though I just want to mention a few things that can improve the game... the FOV is a bit weird and feels way to zoomed in. Go to the main camera and change the FOV or the sizing. The second would be the explanation try to add more hints about the objective of the game. Throughout the game I would randomly run into objects just to test if they were the key.
Great work on the WebGL export, updating ui elements and music. Most first games don't have these so good work.
There are still 10 days remaining, keep going with the project work on polish and improving the game feel.
Good luck!
hahahaha thank you! Yeah I was messing with a random axis and scaling the size and was going to make some lore in saying that you woke up and your ship was to close to that sun making your ship distort so you have to clear some space to go faster???? Didn’t really take in effect for physics here but it made sense at 3am hahaha. But I just ran out of time. I got the cool floaty jump in though.