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A member registered Mar 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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honestly, i get that this is your first game, but I have to point out how it isn't very creative, there is no music or audio at all, and the visuals are nonexistent. This is great for a first game though, keep it up!

this game looks neat, but it's not clear what i should do and how i should do it. Am I supposed to beat the boss, and how? The shots take too long to reload, so it feels so unbalanced. 3 stars, the visuals and audio boost this game well.

Thank you so much for rating my game. I didnt really get time to work on it too much, but I'll definitely implement that peace phase you talk about in the next update. :)

fun game, but I'm gonna raise a point someone raised about my game: it's hard to get into, and the goal isn't communicated well. Music is good, it's really creative, but the visuals are somewhat lackluster.

I definitely do NOT want this to get past top 25, but this game is kinda fun. its a fun, really small game, but its just something to play once.

This game feels great to learn, and the idea is very creative. But, I have one, more technical problem: the input system often allows me to jump and shoot a fireball at the same time, which kinda breaks the balance a lot. but honestly, 5 star game! Visuals and audio are okay, but the gameplay and creativity boost this game to the top.

A really great game, the music is wonderful and the artstyle is gorgeous. It's really creative, but I have to bump it from a 5 star to 4 star because the controls are really, really bad. it's a bit weird to say this when you can only use one button for this game jam, but the controls are still horrible, and feel super unnatural. I think that jumping should conserve momentum in order to make it feel more natural.

This is a really interesting concept and the music is great, but the level generation is really bad, as I literally fell into a pit with no way of escaping, and obstacles seem to rarely pose a threat. If you were to fix these problems, I really would love to see this game get in the top 5.

this is honestly what I'll call my first game, the other one I made was so bad lmao