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A member registered Feb 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Muito obrigado bill♥️

god bless you 

note:the post above was originally posted on game jolt but this also includes and newgrounds


for some who are wondering, if this same error occurs in the game jolt and newgrounds 

and the answer is no. The game works very well in HTML on these two sites, the problem was only on

(2 edits)

update: I just discovered that the game works in HTML,

this error that I had commented a few days ago was the UTF-8 ERROR

I said it didn't work that day because I was in my head that the game wouldn't work and because of that I exported it to executable

and this isn't the first time it's happened,

Last year I was publishing a game 6 years in development called boby in miracle land, on game jolt, newgrounds and and during that day I was creating the game page on itch io itself, with the game ready and exported in HTML, I sent it to the page and tested it and it ended up being like this

and I was worried and didn't know what I was going to do,

Then I searched for some forum or tutorials about this case and I had seen one that seemed like a great solution, I did this and that and it didn't work and so I was left with plan B of launching the game in .exe as I am currently doing

But maybe I think I know what could be going on with this error

in my construct 2 I have several plugins and behaviors. and some of them that I have installed are leaderboard or login systems for server sites like game jolt and newgrounds

and perhaps this could be what has been happening,

The boby in miracle land game had many unnecessary plugins that made the xml file within the HTML export and what it did in the analysis of sending it to corrupted and gave this error signal

How did I find this out?  it was because the game for this jam Sapph's Golden eye didn't have many plugins

this is what caused this error to happen 

I'm sorry to everyone who expected my game to be in HTML so they could play more smoothly

but here's the discovery

and by the way, I played many of the games in this jam and you guys did well, each one had an incredible and fun idea and nailed the art style

Thanks for playing Smaads, our beloved c2 needs attention sometimes

I've been using it for like 6 years and I can't let go of it

Note: for some who are saying that the game should be in HTML, know that it will not be possible, construct 2 is giving an error after submitting the game on and is the only way to submit The game is in executable. In the future, if possible, I will resolve this issue in the final version of the game.

Also, the jam theme is in the game, and it's based on difficulty 

hello abho, thank you very much for playing te game

unfortunately I can't put the game in html on due to an error in construct 2 as it prevents this due to some special character in the capx project, as the game is in demo, in the future I will solve this problem in the full version


Construct 2

corrigi umas pequenas coisinhas do jogo 

Caso acontecer algum bug estranho nos sprites 
Atualizem os drivers com um driver booster ou procure e atualize o windows 


por enquanto só tem prints de como o jogo esta
ainda ta tudo placeholder

My name is Craig Tucker. Last week was my birthday, my grandma gave me a check for 100 dollars. I was so happy. But then, 4 kids from my school came to my house, and said I should use my 100 dollars to invest in becoming a Peruvian flute band. they promised I would double my money in one afternoon. But the government arrested us, along with all the other Peruvian flute bands, and took us to an internment camp in Miami. We begged to go home, but instead the government told us they were sending us to Peru. And so that is why I'm now in Peru. if I die let it be known it is because of 4 guys I don't even like from my school lied to me and took my birthday money.

Polo Sul Jam 03! community · Created a new topic Engines

Pode usar outras engines alem do godot 

Ou é obrigatorio a usar godot

Great game 


muy bueno


desculpi henslay kun~

na proxima live pode jogar o meu jogo

Nossa muito obrigado

eu fico muito feliz

desculpe se houver bugs no jogo por ai 
eu não tinha muito tempo para postar logo mas tá ai o jogo se quiser falar sobre o bug que você encontrou pode falar 
seja sincero

Game Jaaj 7 community · Created a new topic mano

tem gente que vai fazer jogono power point kkkkkkkkkkk 
mas fazer o que, pode ser qualquer engine mesmo 
eu vou usar o Construct 2 por que nao vou usar de jeito nenhum o 3 
nao tenho dinheiro pra pagar R$ 34,99 por mes ainda mais R$ 279,99  por ano

ja fui uma vez 
mas eu me arrenpendo do jogo que eu criei, cruz credo.........

mas desta vez vou fazer diferente e espero que vai ser um tema bom pra eu saber o que eu faço de jogo que realmente PRESTA 

sim confia ta 100% orignal nada mudado juro pela minha alma


que saudades do primeiro jogo que loco ele ainda ta vivo e com uma grande sequencia
eu ainda nao joguei esse dai mas eu estou instalando

(1 edit)

já to corrigindo um dos bugs e outras coisas que to adicionando ai quando eu colocar no site já chega ta bom

vou atualizar o jogo pelo os bugs se der tempo né

tem sim um final bom se tu chegar a 50 inimigos derrotados voce consegue