Hi, I'm Mario, I'm looking for 3D env artists to create a manifesto game that illustrates how a post-capitalist society could look like if people just got their shit together. I'm looking for someone who can create great-looking stylized buildings in southern Spanish style, along with some trees and urban elements. If that sounds interesting to you please HMU here or through discord at @mariobg3, thanks a ton!
A member registered Nov 12, 2016 · View creator page →
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Cuando la sociedad desciende a niveles orwellianos, la única respuesta es irse
A little homage to Homestuck and silly game for 4 players on the same computer
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🔥 Fuck Capitalism Jam 2025 🔥 community · Created a new topic Developer looking for environment 3D artist
Hybrid VR Locomotion 2 - Accessibility & Exploration comments · Posted in Hybrid VR Locomotion 2 - Accessibility & Exploration comments
Hey, thanks for the comment! That downside's due to a bug, the intention was that the key you can get in the house was one you had to give to the kid in order to open the door at the end of the house and continue. However, we didn't catch it in time, and the stage couldn't be completed either 😅 (it was designed to be twice as long, and we only managed to ship the 'tutorial'). If you're interested, we'll try to have the full intended experience available when uploads are reenabled after the jam 😊 thanks for playing!
Thanks a lot! You have https://twitter.com/elinasart to thank for those, make sure to let her know!