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Mark Cleveland M

A member registered May 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

We seem to be talking about different things. But I can understand the question. If a playbook ability renders the conversation in a Forged game null and void, or isn't compatible with the players getting their final says, and GMs getting theirs, then no - it didn't do its job. In short, this game left us questioning if we misread the tin.

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I must've misspoke. I didn't mean to say obviate the fiction, so much as the judgment calls typically made by players and GM about said fiction.

In particular, we felt some abilities do too much, some not nearly enough, and some do oddly specific things. So we soldiered on using the vanilla abilities from Blades to get by for a couple sessions more. But yeah, that was our group's experience for the first few sessions. 

I mean.. my point still stands though. Take your pick off the Broken playbook. Jury Rig, Pulling the Threads, Fractured Mind, the Carriage, and Interface all missed the mark. For starters. And that's not the only playbook.. 

Thanks for this! I'm a designer who has worked hacking several game systems and studied countless more, and after my first look at this compendium, it's an excellent read! The first few sections I read all cover various systems used for particular aspects in tabletop rpg design, old and new. And i really appreciate the organization into short, concise sections for easier parsing. Will provide a more detailed review when I get time to peruse deeper (in particular, to see what ideas you put forth on what hasn't quite been done yet).


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Group of experienced Blades players attempted to play this game after much recommendation online, but we found it riddled with foundational issues. Biggest one is the playbook abilities; we found them mostly incompatible with the final says ensured by the core system of Forged games, because of the specific wording. Many obviate the fiction at hand, or give guaranteed outcomes that overstep, instead of letting the game do its job. Maybe we misunderstood the intent (Forged, right??) but this one falls flat for us.

2 load seems fine but such an item probably shouldn't be a standard item if that's what you mean

Hi Olivier, and thanks for your questions!

Re: cloaking device and other items. Remember that any PC might have any item. At any time. The players get final say on what they want to achieve with their characters action; now, or in the past. And what specific action they think can pull that off. 

That's one of the only rules of the game that should be held close (so much so, it's one of the few Core Rules). Anyways if that's rule one, then rule two is: the GM gets final say how much a description of a PC can achieve, given a particular goal and course of action. Rule 3 is that the GM decides whether a roll is needed and which type. And rule 4 is the players decide how many Karma they earn at the end of the session.

It's also up to the GM whatever else happens in the world as a result of a given action.

Given this, your questions are making it tough to answer. It's best not to set an edge cost for permission to take a particular action. You could set a cost for a flashback that's particularly outlandish, but it might be better to let them attempt that for free, and make a roll instead.

The additional questions that arise from trying to answer your questions indicate the need to discuss your experience and group in more detail. And quite frankly, the best answer for one situation for one group is almost never the best one for another situation, let alone another group. You sound like a conscientious player, with a desire to learn and impress your players! so I implore you to accept the Community Discord server invite included with your download, to better tap into the hive mind and get the help you deserve.

If that's Not possible, do respond here so I can better assist you



Wow! Thank you so much for your success story. You're so welcome 

And I do have interior art to share, but I'm currently reviewing how best to present that in a printed form. Stay tuned please and thanks for your praise!

Hi Olivier, any typos or reference issues are not "game-stoppers" in the available version. For the upcoming release there is a high level review underway (more work than what you described is in order for 1.0, but everything is functional and users are enjoying it right now). Since it will be at least a couple months before another release.. I'd recommend going ahead and starting your game.

Also you might join the Runners Discord server to see what's being suggested so far, and offer up any solutions you might have in mind. Thanks for the question, and your offer to assist. Made my day!

Can you explain the difference between the digital version offered here for $25, and the "digital deluxe" version offered through Mythworks for $35?

Aw, I am sorry to hear that. FitD is such a powerful framework, but I know it's tough to work with. I followed nonetheless! I hope your future projects prove to be less spirit-breaking

Seems well-inspired enough, but this use of the Forged engine has all the marks of an inexperienced beginner to the basic gameplay. As a fellow hacker and fan of the touchstones, I will provide specifics if such contribution is desired, otherwise I will just let this simmer and check back when an update comes out.

Wow such praise! You're why I worked so hard! Also the others who want a different but equally-weird fantasy-future Earth. But yea, I am always so thankful and humbled to have readers like you among my fans. And I can't wait to show you all my other fantasy mash-ups using this same framework later! Which I'm definitely taking more chances with the Forged system than I did here..

Thanks again for your review, you rock

it does! Please join the discord if you haven't already too. Updates incoming. Thanks!

How many pages is Wolf Head.pdf?

Easy is still challenging, but it's do-able! I barely found a winning combination after a few tries, and beat the game on easy. Which is to say that damned boss ran away at the last moment with 1hp! infuriating!! (in a kind of good way)

(2 edits)

It's a mobile game too

Issue now appears to be fixed. Please try once more.

No, you're right. See my comment below. A technical issue prevents the file from updating (fraggin Technos!) and this issue is sadly affecting All users. Awaiting support from itch.

Technical issues with most recent upload. Support ticket started. Please stay tuned for details.

That IS good news :) can't wait for you to see the finished thing

(5 edits)

AH: It does confusingly have the exact same version number! (again, this was not a significant change to the rules, but a repair of an export with Extra blank pages, which caused the page references to break)

Download again for best results

Hope this helps!

Also sorry about that!

Thanks for mentioning this! You shouldn't actually be missing any pages though: scroll past those ten blank pages to find Character Creation as expected (but with wrong pagination). Alternatively, download the game again  (and replace the one you have). 

To explain a bit: The issue you mention was reported privately almost immediately after that 0.998 went out, so I uploaded a hotfix of the PDF almost immediately afterwards, with the pagination fixed (and a weird device specific issue I have to work around from now on as well!) - but to be clear, it was just pagination, not missing pages as it appears.

aw well shucks - thanks for your glowing review of that bit zerodan! 

This is obv great. But any chance we could get the playbook Gather Info cues on the next version; IE something like this?

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Me too! I actually wondered if you'd tell me how you liked it, and if you got into a game? I didnt see you join the Discord, but I appreciate you just the same :>

Oh, dang: Sorry I missed This! I got you though: I just counted them up again and a bunch came out yesterday and today. Hopefully can get one if you are still strapped or whatever :> cheers

my pleasure! hope to see you popping up around the Blades Discord if nothing else. Cheers!

(1 edit)

I talked to the developer over on Reddit about this game, and what a pleasure that was: so patient good sir! 

I just had to pick this up once I realized what a pleasure this will be to run for friends. I am super hyped to try it out! Will add to my comment after I get to try it (hopefully this weekend at #coninthedark2022! maybe someone sees this and wants to join us?)


I know: it's been way too long! Best info I have now is this is about to be top priority, but things got delayed for important business: IE the first annual the online Forged in the Dark convention we are planning to hold in less than a week! And I promised by now-dead-friend that inspired me to finish it that I would indeed print it.. So stay tuned please, I've just been busy working on this goodness

Hotfixes (current version is technically 0.998b): 

  • due to corrupted files.. Punk Hacker and Rigger playbooks were replaced; notes above updated to reflect restorations. 
  • clarification.. dots in the special actions do not contribute directly to any attribute rating. New visual indicator on Mage and Techno playbooks should help to imply these are separate.

Yes, some became available just a couple hours ago. 

PS My fault for missing last month, I just got sidetracked and the month ran away from me while I was waiting for proofing of this major update to finish. Stay tuned on the blog here to get immediate notifications in the future, and thanks for asking

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Comments from playtesters

"I prefer the way it works in Blades because it's known and easy to follow. It gives an almost numerical value that lets the player quickly understand and cuts down on the need for negotiation."

"I’ve been playing Fistful of Darkness and my group and I often get caught up using Blades terminology—even the GM—which is mostly confusing to the one player that had never played Blades."

"Yes, I prefer the way it works in Blades. Just familiar." 

In light of this, I decided to modify the approach to determining effect and position - and leave the underlying system of controlled/risky/desperate as is. Now players will say what they are doing, and the GM will clarify if needed "What do you hope to do? And what do you most fear will go wrong if you fail?"

Thank you kindly.

I detected a little harshness, but I'm nonetheless interested in helping remedy whatever is unclear.  Maybe something like this helps?  Not sure what else about the factors can be communicated with a diagram to be honest. Trying :)

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thanks for the feedback. Additional visuals are being prepared. Perhaps I should do some more than Blades did in this case. An illustration of the factors (potency, scale, and quality/tier) seems do-able. What do you wish it showed?

Anything else you thought needed an illustration?

Edit: Also I'm curious if you are a player or GM?

Yea, that too. But I guess I just want to remove the word controlled from the discussion, but still keep the possibility for an outcome to be prolonged by trying again in certain situations (when they enjoy a definitive fictional advantage of course).

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> The way you read it

..Is not what i said, but maybe I wasn't articulate enough. I guess I will just have to do better to communicate this: Effect will always remain a separate slider from risk. I will edit this into the OP above.

I'm also not trying to discourage metagaming- I'm proposing that the language surrounding the metagame discussion be simplified.  That's literally it. I will also replace the word "DNA" since I really mean "language" or "vernacular."