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A member registered Mar 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much ^^ We surely will! <3

Super fun! Loved the artstyle aswell, super cool style! ^^

hey there! thank you so much :3 yeah honestly i had tons of fun messying around with how to create cool patterns i love math and I honestly had never had the experience yet to play with it in game dev haha

haha yeah >_< unlucky

thanks man <3 we really appreciate it, it's a little ambarrassing that we ran out of time, but we're super grateful that u support the idea :3<3

I love u vim<3

This is really good, i love it, cute art and really cool gameplay! keep it up!

this is absolutely amazing :3



U rock Jax, thanks!

and sorry i got hungry hehe

Thank youuu very much!

Thank you so much! <3

Amazing game! The art is just soooo cute! I loved it, plus it has that nostalgic feeling from club penguin but better haha!

Thank you so much! We really appreciate it! ^^

Thanks!! yeah renpy unfortunatelly has a pretty new web exporting feature and we tried it but id didn't look as good. Maybe when we continue the story we change engines and it'll be possible! ^^

Thank you so much for the kind words! Yeah we liked the idea so much, and there's so much potential to create more stuff that we plan to continue it evetually! :D

really cute style, nice cats!

really cool and fun!

simply amazing!

amazing work!

even number of cookies, cool

cool! really cute style!

nice style!

personal advice: make cookie icecream sandwich is good :D

more cookies needed, cool art <3


nice 3d graphics, though why is the camera control inverted? O:



too many cookies made you loose your horses



really cool concept :D

nice, but maybe need a little more work :D keep it up

cool concept, nice gameplay loop 👍

interesting idea :)

amazing soundtracks by really talented artist, i will always count with u for my projects!! :3

please consider commissioning her!

we need update :D NOW! >:(

loved it!!!! I really wish there was more haha <3