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A member registered Feb 16, 2022

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you can use MTool to translate it, it is free


Small suggest

Maybe "Fistuloid" can become PVZ2's pea-nut and avocado blend, not just avocado?

(1 edit)

"'ve just never encountered this problem" is not mean this problem is not existent, and i am not sure what you mean " block the enemies that block your shots", you mean kill that? Or use some baby like "Cube of Meat"? Whatever which is you choose, they all lead to you place more baby in a line and plums will easy to fly

A simple probably

Why you belive low HP mean easy to kill?When you have not AOE baby, only need two or three enemies can block you attack, protect plums face you first baby, and you lost


(1 edit)

"Sangunie Bond" is useless for Wall-nut First Aid, it is a bug or you hope so?

After one week, you can not take more baby, but you must face more monster, so, even plums only have 1HP is still very despair, beacuse the premise of this matter(Low HP) being discussed is you can hurt it, if you can not touch plums, no matter what the number is, it doesn't make sense

like, everyone say, red fly, if you not have a throw baby, only shoot it, one or two wave will be fine, but when you need face more enemies, it up→flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy→down, and you will lost, so you must have a throw baby

for PVZ2, the fly zombies, they up→fly→down, one by one, whether it face a whole line plants or interval plants, so even if you only have shoot plant, you still can defeat fly zombie

in fact, that zombie is not slow, it just up→fly→down once by once, but red fly is up→fly→fly→.........→down, and you lost

(My English is suck, so i use gogle)

A little problem

you see, dear writer, I don't know where did your inspiration come from, PVZ1 or PVZ2?

for 1, due to it is linear level, your plant can hard-binding zombie(I don't know how describe it abstractly), like split for miner, clover and cactus for balloon

for 2, it is not linear level, plant can binding zombie so.......hard, if you not have clover, but you have high attack, you still can defeat balloon

but in this game, I see monsters hard-binding babies like 1, but it is not linear level like 2, so i want know where did your inspiration come from