Thanks for feedback :)
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Thanks for feedback! Unfortunately, i don’t plan on continuing development on it, because i do have other project and i see more potential in it. However i plan to share source code of this game public, so anyone can make changes to it. If you want to see progress i make on other games you can find it here on Twitter(or X):
Thanks for feedback!
- I had better idea for tutorial on first day(by better i mean with graphic elements and optional), but for some reason i deleted it.
- Cant argue with that
- The problem with speedrunning in this game comes in its core of gameplay. It would more fit into endless runner type of game. I think i rushed this idea without thinking much in speedrunning aspect, which is probably most important one in this game jam.
- My first idea for Polymars mode was to include figure/sprite changing to player and adding it as aspect of gameplay, but because of my laziness i made it only come with more speed than usual. (5 instead of 2 if i remember correctly)
- Also cant argue Overall, most of my bad decisions were made because of my laziness and rushing it too fast.
Thanks for feedback :)
Answering your questions/feedback:
1. Projectiles go down and up (also diagonal), but when you move it looks like they aren't on the same place. And no you cant control projectiles (only if you choose upgrade).
2. I haven't added difficulty progression to game, that's the catch :)
3. I don't know why i didn't do that, i just thought that it would not fit in.
-Matissoss GameDev
I remember i watched video on how to come up with ideas for games.
Video said i should do it like this:
1. Write diffrent interpretations of previous word (word Aqua)
2. Select your favourite (word color)
3. Continue (change [in meaning: color switching])
I used this tutorial and game isn't that bad, although it isn't that much theme-related.
Great Game! It was fun to play, but i have few suggestions/problems with it.
First is the UI/GUI. You can get lost there easily and i suggest to simplify it. Main menu is mess and seems un-responsible (my suggestion is to: simplify and add animation to buttons).
Second thing is boat physics. You can too easily change direction in which boat goes and it has weird feeling that it accelerates if you press two buttons at once like W and A or S and D.
Third thing is waves. I suggest that you spawn them not every enemy at once, but over time as it can get laggy (experienced it).
Fourth thing is leveling. You can easily miss upgrade you want when you're fighting enemies.
Fifth and last thing is music. Game could use pirate-themed music in background.
Overall game is great, but needs improvement
(sorry if something isn't understandable, it's because english isn't my main language)