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A member registered Jun 06, 2022

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(2 edits)

Hi! I am mattatore, user 172174.

I will not describe the advantages of the game, I think it is rather subjective and will make the post too big. I will tell you about the shortcomings and my suggestions for improving the game.

1. I would like to have a deck like in the Dirty League. There are at least 4 locations in Booty Heroes (Campaign, Arena, Waterfall and Journey), and during the game you collect a lot of cards. Plus, there are bonuses for certain combinations of cards. Definitely need some sort of order and sorting in all of this. And there should be a Faction Aura display nearby to see the changes in bonuses.

2. I would like to sort when searching for an opponent in the Arena. Or a more accurate search for a player. Obviously, if my damage is 10k, I won't even think about climbing up to an opponent with 100k damage. Flipping through in search of a suitable one can be tedious / long.

3. At the moment, the player's personal level gives nothing but 20 diamonds. Maybe you should think about some additional bonuses every 5/10/20 etc levels? Both in terms of inventory and improvements for your board.

4. Speaking of bonuses. It's not a bad idea to introduce elixirs as in DL. For example, an increase in damage to Chaos girls and so on. Because some levels in the company take too long to pass. Maybe it would help speed up the process.

Also a few comments on the gameplay.

-- I would like to be able to have a quick battle in Journey when the enemy is clearly weaker.

-- Thea's girlfriend's event recently ended. And it's been hanging closed for days. Will there be a restart? A new event? I would like to see a timer like in DL.

-- I also collected several bags-chests for winstreaks in the Waterfall. They just hang there. How the prizes are awarded is not too clear.

My HP dropped from 800k to 300k. Okay, you can still do something about it if the opponents have about the same changes. Even despite the low damage of the cards.... For interest, I launched 5 games in the tower. 5 times in a row I had rivals with health above mine. And it would be fine if it was 400-600k. No. 1.5 million 2.5 million. And with a card damage of about 2k.

Similarly, it is almost impossible to play in the Colosseum.

Guys. Admitting your mistakes is normal. We're all human and we get into shi**y situations. The fact that you tried to fix the game when you got a bunch of hate is already great. But these fixes are not enough for a comfortable game.

Focus on the quest system idk, changes to the chests so that we can delete them etc etc. Stop jerking off those health points back and forth, everything was fine.

With each update, the game becomes less interesting for me.

All HP rewarded to the heroes for reaching level has been significantly increased

Firstly, such a "reward" looks like a curse. Why, name at least one reason WHY players need 1 million HP? To fight bosses? So WHY do bosses need so many hp??? I think that with this level of card damage, the maximum HP should be 100-200k for players with the maximum level. match the previous changes of the maidens' damage.

So, you have increased HP by adjusting it to the damage and are not going to increase the damage? And now I have to fight the enemy for half an hour to get a puny chest that will give me 100 gold and 20 ordinary cards? Oh wow, if you're lucky, then 10 rare or 5 legendary, wow!

A hero whose turn will be the first one in all PvP battles (Tower and Colosseum) will now be selected randomly. Given that, a hero who performs the second turn will be compensated with 3 charge gems for each active skill.

No kidding, this is a good fix. Yes, it makes the fight a little longer, but also adds acceptable complexity. The key word is acceptable, unlike a million health opponents.
Personally, I will wait for the boss fights to change. But with each update, the desire to quit the game is growing.

I think they raise the prices of cards and refresh button because some players are whining about how fast they complete all the quests. But yes, for beginners, such prices are quite unaffordable.

The funny thing is that we still get 100 coins for defeating the PM-monster, and 25 (!!!) and 50 (!) from ordinary and rare chests. Even a legendary chest gives something like 300 coins, but how often does it fall out?

Definitely need an increase in all these awards. And for an event store, it would be nice to add a third or even a fourth row with cards + toys + items/potions. For example, two rows with cards, third with mixed toys/items/potions. Okay, I got bad cards, the event ends, but there are not enough coins to refresh cards, where should I put the rest? OK, I'll spend it on Viagra or Libido or Voodoo Doll or Wasted Time or Bronze Key etc. Why not?

(2 edits)

Are 10 wins in a row impossible for you? Can you show me your card deck? Sorry to spoil all the fun for you, but in this game there is an imba (or pro) build, collecting which you will win everyone and always.

These are water cards. You need to collect something similar as in my screenshot, and the game will immediately become VERY boring. Only grind will remain! I was constantly stuck at the end or beginning of some floors, but having collected such a combo I soared to 1 league _without defeats_. As you can see, I don't even improve some cards because it's not necessary. And yes, because of the stupid quests too (like, boost three mythical cards).

You can also try to collect similar with light cards, if they are better developed.

Good luck!