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Update 19/08/22 Sticky

A topic by Hooligart created Aug 19, 2022 Views: 3,591 Replies: 25
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Developer (1 edit)
Join our official discord server -

1. Slightly reduced all hero health

2. Changed enemy selection in Tower/Colosseum

3. Reduced Health Point potion level to 1 and brought back Viagra (redistribute yourself)

4. Everyone was given 5000 gold per level as compensation

5. Tomorrow the Colosseum starts.

As always, we are waiting for your feedback! (Discord - channel 📓feedback-changes)

Have a good game everyone!

Play the Game


Hoo boy... Here we go again...

While these fixes help, they are still insufficient. I end up with three times less HP than after the last update, which is a start, but stil waaaay too much. Then, I realize one of the biggest resulting bugs is how much you heal with heart gems; only 75 points for 3 regular gems when I have above 270k HP? What do you want me to do with that?

Three fights in the tower, all against players with 1800k + HP. All with about 10 times the attack power I have, I can barely muster a 5k attack while I got hit by -- NO KIDDING -- 1.9M damage on one turn. All three matches were against full mythic decks whose lower attack values were around 1.2k (my best card is at 500 attack). Nothing I can do there but lose over and over and over and over and over again until I drop out of League 1 through 4, according to my estimations. 

While the immense gold reward was appreciated, I starting leveling up most of my cards I used in my deck, as well as those with rarity under said cards, in order to boost them as much as I could. Each level could get me a measly 3-5 attack bonus, which is ridiculously low. So, in essence, the gold bonus ended up being totally useless despite me leveling up maybe 20 cards.

"By popular demand" you should have fixed more than just lowering HP and give us gold. Nothing is fixed yet. It's a step in the right direction, but such a ridiculously poorly thought-out and tiny step that I consider quitting right here and now. Shame, the art of the characters was far and beyond much of whatever hentai I could find on the internet, and I just loved it.

I might think it over some more, but consider me 98% out of the door once and for all.

Игра стала хуже прежнего, из 10 боев не выиграл ни одной, урон у противников в два раза больше моего . Лучше бросить  эту игру и не портить себе нервы.

Same here, every players cards are way higher than mine. My question is, I thought it was only to affect hero not the cards. Please fix

(2 edits)

While Gold compensation from update is appreciated BUT the update does NOT fix the main issue = that is LONGER *TIME* PER TOWER MATCH (makes you feel that much time is wasted; less fun; stifled gold income/time invested from tower win chests).

1. Lowering HP is OK BUT scale is not set right. Also, you have reduced HP bonus from hard earned viagra crystals (?why is that).

2. enemy selection - now every bot is double you HP as well as have more atk. Now it has made the fights even more difficult to win than before this event (atleast the player had advantage of buffed up HP, which also is sort of blunted now) 

It would have been far simpler if your team had just increased the girls attack by a factor that was in accordance with the HP increase.

It would have been million times better if it was possible to reallocate/ respec viagra crystals whenever you require (so that players can try out different options as per need (= that is increasing girl atk OR balanced version OR HP focused) leading to different/varied/interesting opponent  selection during matches.

(3 edits)


Just killed the colossem event for me. Successively having same opponents for same league/ one lower opponent = Serge_Fan and Schnuller100 (i have nothing against them as they are selected by AI) - BUT mind you these have WATER decks have full 5 Mythics and atttacks of girl from 1.5K to 2K. and girl with damage ability upgrade (Venus). Even with my best combo , now with coin flip I am not sure to win such a fight ( as HP is now reduced thanks to your upgrade -> one charged mythic hit from 5 girls = loss) .

Only way to get points as of now is from fights with lowest league opponent .  while these opponents are changing, upper 2 seems fixed rotated with one other fully TOP WATER deck with Venus .

Colosseum is NOT TOWER for god sake - when is your team going to understand this basic fact. Restrict Mythic girl to one per deck/fight in these fights. 

Totally agree, the more update, the less attractive. It even more difficult, I face more hp and more attack power more frequent. It even worse than last update now

Это изменения блять ?Вы серьезно,да вас конченых сук, на хлеб и воду за такие изменения ,нужно перевести минимум а лучше дать хорошего пинка под зад .Просто кучке донатных хуесосов, стало скучно самим с собой играться, вот и подехали очередные изменения.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

I had finished all goals in last event and even entered in rank 10 to 20 BUT believe me for the fact that I have none extra joy/happiness for achieving it.

I had more fun and excitement when I had rushed into rank 70 to 100 at last few hrs of the event and get to unlock mythic for the first time.

Now the game is no more fun than it was before😭

Are all of you really demanding that the increase the health replenishing power of the heart gems? If they did that without adjusting the balance of the attack powers of the girls fights would take all day.

There is a simpler and more elegant solution, introduce new a new type of card for the health gems, we've never had Heart Girls before.

And while you're at it tweak the attack power of girls somehow, I remember a long time ago that I had way more attack power, but in order to fix the balance back then you adjusted things and modified toys and added the viagra element and other things that nerfed the gains in attack power that were originally in the game.

If you can adjust attack power so that most matches last 15-20 minutes instead of 35-over an hour it might gainstay some of these more recent updates negative problems.

We wouldn't need entire decks of heart based girls though, maybe one or two rare beauties who work in tandem with the other decks so they can increase certain types of girls attack powers while increasing the percentage of healing.

Just a thought.

My HP dropped from 800k to 300k. Okay, you can still do something about it if the opponents have about the same changes. Even despite the low damage of the cards.... For interest, I launched 5 games in the tower. 5 times in a row I had rivals with health above mine. And it would be fine if it was 400-600k. No. 1.5 million 2.5 million. And with a card damage of about 2k.

Similarly, it is almost impossible to play in the Colosseum.

Guys. Admitting your mistakes is normal. We're all human and we get into shi**y situations. The fact that you tried to fix the game when you got a bunch of hate is already great. But these fixes are not enough for a comfortable game.

Focus on the quest system idk, changes to the chests so that we can delete them etc etc. Stop jerking off those health points back and forth, everything was fine.

With each update, the game becomes less interesting for me.

(2 edits)

Cannot win any fight in th tower now. All the girls have way to much power and finish you in 2 turns. I boost my HP to 1k (was down to 700) but still to much power from the bot girls.

In Colloseum I used all my mythics to win some fights. You cannot use any more in your deck girls lower then Legendary. So what are them for?

Прощай игра, из за этих изменений играть стало  неинтересно 

Came back after a couple of weeks and was happy to read about the fix.

Then I checked in the tower. All opponent's HP is around 1 million HP. (league 2, I dropped on purpose from league 1).

My HP fell more than half... think the viagra redistribution has a glitch as I had 100% before and nowhere near that. 

Regardless no longer going to win a fight in the Tower and it will still take way too long. 

Getting frustrated (again). Guess it's only been a day, but... yeah, maybe I'll check back in a couple weeks. 

Got fed up with losing in the Coliseum, so started to play Tower:
Just got beaten by a single 2.2M hit from Schnuller,
then another 2.3M single hit from Shawn 
and when I thought it couldn't get worse, Randymandias hit me with 2.4M!!
Not convinced that any of these players aren't bots.
So, to respond to your "fixes":

1. Slightly reduced all hero health

And yet some players still have well over 2M HP!

2. Changed enemy selection in Tower/Colosseum
And it resulted in loyal players either getting thrashed regularly
or having to still play 15 minutes to lose

3. Reduced Health Point potion level to 1 and brought back Viagra (redistribute yourself)
And how exactly did that help?

4. Everyone was given 5000 gold per level as compensation
Terrific! Most of my common cards cost over that to level up once

5. Tomorrow the Colosseum starts.
And the sh*tshow continues.

It seems that you are so interesting in monetising this game that
playability is a second thought. Why is everything so slow...
and yet it's impossible to see how much your hit was worth?
Why do you have to turn over cards and then collect them
when no other option exists (reduce it to one button!!)

I could go on, but I'm sure that other players will help me out with points that I've missed.
Improve quickly or you will lose all your players.

(1 edit)

Oh, and 4 players in a row with 5 mythic blues...
Then 5 mythic reds, aaaaanndd then 5 mythic purples.
Enjoy their money ;)
I'm off to waste my time on something less stupid.

(1 edit) (+1)

Even with 29 victories in row, I am not able to complete Main goals (forget extra goals). Main reason for this is your redefined crappy *better opponent* selection - all i am getting is full 5 Mythics/Water Deck/Venus with ability upgrade. 

Hell! Now even with lowest league selection i have to face the Water Deck with 4 Mythics - are you kidding me. 

YOUR MATCHING has become lot more INSENSIBLE with this update.


When colosseum event wast first started - it had brilliant concept to involve weaker girl cards into something meaningful, another good idea was freedom to choose different girls/deck vs different opponents/bots and utilize the whole roster.

NOW, anything below Legendary is redundant/ barely useful - these girls are free spectators to watch the colosseum fight between Mythics with chance to get cheerleading when your deck has empty spot for them (btw this is sarcasm/pun - and it is intended)


Just make colosseum fight deck with compulsory category slots = one deck should have one common/rare/epic/legendary and Mythic girl 

(if you do not have one, can leave it blank; Mythic and legendary slots being interchangeable so that you can have max 2 Mythic per deck or 2 legendary if you do not have Mythics),

Just make coloseum fight distinct from Tower PVP and have their unique fight experience - so that this event becomes more meaningful. This will also LIMIT players getting too many rewards as the total number of fights will then be kind of fixed - which i think is your team's main concern.  

Deleted 2 years ago

На врятли они это сделают


my friend hooligart , I've been playing this game for almost a year this is the first time I've not played last event and this Colosseum because of last update , it's getting harder and boring so if our opinions matter to you and you want your game to get more popular you must cancel August update and get things back to where they were with minor modifications to increase the aesthetic of the game , but if your only concern is money with my apologies that's another matter i won't waste my time anymore like the rest of the players and thank you.

Deleted 2 years ago

BUT bro! I don't think you will get any response like with many others' complaint earlier in this community 


(1 edit)

Well Congrats to developer team for changing the Tower PVP into "Dark Souls Mode".

It has inspired me so much that I feel like I should begin anew by lowering my league to lowest possible, and give a warm welcome to newbies starting this game and letting them taste the joy of challenge they need to face when playing this wonder which is managed by highly intellectual team of experts. Let newbies have realisation that the Mojo of game is = *Money conquers them all*. So newbies should just splurge few of tens of thousand of dollars & see yourself rising to the top and crushing the presented challenges. At this moment, newbies can have glorious moment of satisfaction, and look in the mirror and say "Yes! I have made big in life". Don't worry, your new challenges will be stiffened some more by expert team, so that you keep feeling challenged and spend few of thousands of dollars more each time.

(1 edit)

I am fairly certain that the 'tweaks' you made to the tower has basically resulted in having opponents pitted against AI characters with unrealistic expectations, basically man-made world bosses from the developers under the pretense of being other players, but are, in fact, designed to destroy and crush anybody and everybody in the Tower.

How else would you explain my encountering four times by now mister Schnuller100 who has five mythic water girls leveled to the point of doing 1.5K+ damage with a single attack? Whose health is higher than most of the 'players' and who destroys my deck in two moves.

I was already not winning in the Tower, so trying my luck a few times I have encountered this exact same person at least four times in the past three days and I suspect that this is not a person, but something cooked up by the developers to force the player to pay them more money to beat their made-up premium players or Gatekeepers if you will keeping the Tower fights from being fair, balanced and properly designed. This is not PvP it's PvD... and if I wanted to get schooled by the developers of this game and their pitiful AI bots I would have just gone back to the Final Fantasy franchise.

Oh yeah, and fix the sip of blood card, every time I leave the tab and come back that power stops working and freezes forcing me to refresh and lose tower matches anyway.

(1 edit)

Ok Dev team
I think you are all going from one extreme to the other. First people complained that they had too little HP to make matches long enough, then way Way WAY too much HP to where matches took so long nobody wanted to play,   Now back to the old setup.
 AS a level 22 player i have 6175 HP.   That is not quite enough to ensure that my mythic cards get to use their powers at least 1 time per battle. 
I suggest adding 15% HP  (NOT 15,000%, just 10%) to the players from where we are now as of 11 September 2022. The target should be to make sure matches go between 4 and 7 rounds, making for quick game play but also the ability to ensure you get to use the powers of your deck. 
Just my two cents.