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A member registered Aug 01, 2020

Recent community posts

Nice visuals, rigidbody should have physics material to not stick on wall. It would be more fun if there was more complex movement for example (double jump, wall jump, adding velocity) or mechanics that will affect player velocity(jump pad, strong wind, moving platform)

To fix camera jitter is to remove Time.deltaTime and if you using rigidbody for movement is better to give him physics material because without it, is very sticky on walls.

I agree with scanning, I got idea for alien ambush for more fluid gameplay and about waiting out the storm in the game i implement faster timer for storm when you are in safe zone. I should change from 4 to 15.  Thanks for playing and feedback.

Cool game, but with the mechanics and atmosphere it looks more like horror. I think the music does not match the atmosphere.

Its cool concept, very glitchy, (enemies health dont reset, first kill and every enemy have 0 health, in card pool user can interact with map trough UI, map is very buggy) but if I look away I really enjoy the minesweeper mechanic also card game. Multiple small games in short time to make (little flex from dev).

Its very useful to save your scripts as unity package. More information about that in videos.

useful resources: 

This game is great, after playing this game I canna think I have dementia. Most of the time I was lost as to which tile I was on. Perhaps a tile border for each tile would help players to navigate.

Great mechanics, but there is a bug with controls for example using arrows on keyboard, controls all dozers in game and same bug is on XBOX controller.

Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate that you describe in details what is wrong with the movement (it will be fixed in next jam) also I think that one pattern, that seams impossible was possible and there was a time to find the safe spot. I did not want show where is a safe spot (if you have any idea how to guide the player to a safe spot, I would love to hear it).

Great art and concept, but I would appreciate bigger hitboxes or maybe a choice of difficulty for the hitboxes.

Thanks for your feedback.

Should I add better jumping(falling faster, holding spacebar to jump heigher) for the character to not feel too rigid and fake?

There is no game? Translator in portuguese: Não há jogo?

(1 edit)

Can I play this game on Tesla?

Thanks for your feedback. Can you describe the jank in controls?