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A member registered Aug 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Дякую за фідбек!

Гм, тоді виходить дуже цікаво, бо чесно кажучи, я не знав, що гра працюватиме на телефонах (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) 

Музика мала бути, але нажаль не встиг дописати, довелось вставляти ноти

При одруки знаю, нажаль дислексія бере своє, але боремось як можемо ୧⁠(^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ^)⁠୨

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Крапки у кінці речень це більше як мій стиль письма/звичка

Але одруки, то так, бо як дивно б це не було, але автор має дислексію, але робимо своє найкраще ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ

All I ever wanted, all I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
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Стосовно рушія: 

Я обрав GameMaker Studio 2, щоб гра працювала у браузері, хоч це певно погане рішення для візуальних новел

Основну частину коду було вигадано та зроблено з нуля, у тому числі повністю вся система діалогів, що нажаль й з'їло майже весь час розробки

One of the ideas is to make the game gameplay-wise similar to Tron or Snake, but yeah, this may not be my best solution, to be honest

You need to take yellow one can, then, going around any side to blue one

The secret is to leave enough space when going by black and yellow colors to go around these drawings by circling them when you get blue and come out to output color line

It's no longer a short prototype game, it's already something I'd like to have in my Steam library ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

It's a really great project, probably one of the most unique ones here!

Damn, I couldn't get it to jump in the tutorial to move on, no matter how hard I tried to figure it out

He just doesn't have enough jump height, or he didn't jump at all until I reloaded the level


Damn, I think I got lost, I just walked straight up the hill, came across a house that had a non-collision ladder, and then just kept walking, melancholically by sounds, while rub hills with brush


I got a flag on a cave, easy scores (ง •_•)ง

Cool game!

btw, with some chance, you can get a good score with the technique of spinning on spot ;)

Wondering, it reminds me of one of the games I used to play a long time ago, but I don't remember the name

Anyway, I'll give plus for nostalgia!

Yeah, there is really such thing, Thank you for remark! 

It seemsthe Brush is too agitated

Thanks for the feedback!

The possibility of reaching a dead end is the idea of the game, something like Tron or Snake, I was thinking of making the player have to replays to understand how to complete the level, but, yeah, now I realise that this is not most successful decision

Yeah, sorry for inconvenience, but thanks for the feedback!

This is my first prototype game, so I think there are a lot of weak decisions here, to be honest

I like really tricky ones, like lvl 013 and related ones

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The game is interesting, but I died cause sometimes an enemy appears from above (which I can't see behind this green pause button) and when it gains enough momentum, I don't even have time to turn towards him

The game didn't work for me (Opera GX browser)

Yes, it's not finished, but this graphic really is the hook

From the point of view that this is a prototype contest, this is really great work

Damn, this is a really great puzzle, I really enjoyed solving some of the levels!

Dude got a momentum from bodies of his dead brothers and jumped out of the screen, lol


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Very cool project, for sure!

I would separate the particle effect from the fire extinguisher as well as the camera hack mechanic. They feel like flawless code, especially considering that it is a 3D based game

Even as a short, test-build game, it has a lot of potential thanks to its well designed basic gameplay mechanics