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A member registered 81 days ago · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

The synths you used really give that underwater feel. Great work!

Really cool and consistent! Your take on the theme is really unique and the music fits really well, having that digital vibe while but also not being too conventional. Good job!

The organ and solo strings in Twisted Dream are sick! Great work!

Amazing! Love all of the tracks but "How I've Fallen" is my favorite. I love the chord progression and how the synth melody and piano melody interact. Great work!

Great job! You struck a really good balance between the wonder and loneliness you talked about in your description. The big synths give that sense of vastness and exploration, while the piano pulls everything back to give that melancholic feel. Also love the artwork!

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you so much! Your two tracks are some of my favorites that I've heard so far!