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A member registered Jul 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi, the game got some small updates regarding visual, sounds and bugfixes, it should finally be playable now.
For this week I am planning to make the artwork for elementals and adjust difficulty based on feedback (IF THERE WILL BE ANY)
I'm waiting for sounds and music to come and I hope the project will be finished by the end of the next week :)

Amount of time spent so far ~40 hours

Wow, thank You so much for the nice review!! 
I hope You will stick around to see the final version. Unfortunately my plans totday got disturbed terribly so I won't be able to update the things I wanted, but I hope during next week You can see some sprite changes, sound addition, some difficulty changes and less bugs!

ill check it out first thing tomorrow then, thanks a lot!

Hi thanks a lot for trying out the game. I was hoping a Tetris player will come and rate my game!

Initially I was thinking about the shapes, but I also tried so hard to stop myself from going too far :) Most arcade games should be easy in mechanics and I thought it will make the game a lot more complicated than needed. Especially after second part of Your comment hahaha.

I want to change the UI during the game a bit, so that You can see your current element as a big sprite and below a smaller one for the next one, got a feedback that the big one for next is a bit confusing sometimes, if You look at it a lot. So maybe I could somehow show a simple drawing next to it what does it exactly do?

Tomorrow I am going to work on it and I will try to upload update in the tomorrow's evening, so stay tuned and thanks again :)

My friend is really into that and im waiting for him to play test and prepare something :)

Your clarity requests have been adressed :)


I just wrote bigger devlog for my reversed Tetris inspiration with abilities!
Game looks and feels playable now I swear to God and I'm slowly approaching closing the project and going to the next one to learn more new things. 
Before that I would like to ask You to test the game once or twice. 
I want to hear general thoughts on the idea, how does it feel like, maybe I should give it some more love and give add more features so that it becomes a small replayable game that some people would like to play from time to time? Or do I skip it and go for the 20 games challengge that I want to make after that?
Please also tell how do You feel with the game difficulty, speed and balance most importantly. 
If there are any bugs (other than that the play again button doesn't work XD) I really want to know about it and learn to fix it
https://itch.io/profile/mayzavan  -  This is my first project so I will just link my profile where You can also see the devlog.

Game for now took me about 40 hours and I believe it's already a bit too much for being this early in GameDev.

Thanks in advance and if you read it to here, leave a sign to keep me motivated You don't have to play it if You don't feel like it :)
Below You can see how it looks like:

PS sounds and sprites are to be done :)

(1 edit)

After one exam today I decided to rest before studying tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (seriously). And pushed all changes I wanted to put in here in the last update. The last ones were quite important so I uploaded it here yesterday so the game feels playable at least, but now I hope it looks and feels better. I mostly touched some UI stuff along with changing sprite for the monster and adding some features that increase the game clarity. I added how to play and controls section which I hope are not  too big, I was trying to make them as straight-forward as possible.
For the UI, I changed the fonts, sizes, made sizes of buttons equal etc etc..
Please take a look, give me some feedback about game balance, difficulty or any bugs You can find (PLAY AGAIN BUTTON still doesn't work I know ;-;)

Thanks in advance for Your time below I will attach some before and after photos: (Right is after)

I'm still not sure about background color (specifically the grey board and color of bricks - so feel free to give any suggestions You have)

Sprites for elements and monsters are still to be made and changed, and the music and sounds still to be added!

Oh and fullscreen didn't work as well as scaling of window, so I got rid of that for the time being D:

I created a demo Icon as well inspired on tetris of course 

And yeaah that's probably it for this week! I'll be reading any comments (if there are going to be any XD )
see ya

Hi thanks a lot for a review and help with coding!
Of course visual side is completely not touched yet, i'm working on some idea for background UI and menu in my head right now and got some rough idea how i want it to look like. About the music and sounds I actually have a close friend who is also finishing his exams and he will do all the sounds for the game himself :) In my opinion he is really good with what he does so stay tuned for that!

About the game clarity... YEaah i thought it was obvious, but I am biased since i wrote it myself, I definetely should work on it, right after clearing the bugs I have right now and sketching the idea for how I want the game to look like.

Also if You have any idea on how enemies should look like, feel free to give me suggestions :) Should I go with some monsters or shapes or what? i have no idea honestly for that

I GIVE UP IM SORRY but it was reallyu polished ;33

Hi, Even though lately I'm short on time, because of university exams I found an hour to fix some issues that were really impacting the smoothness of gameplay and how tiring/pleasant it was to play. 

List of changes:

- Now can hold to move

- Fire AOE increased

- Score counts properly

- Spell has small cooldown

- Difficulty adjusted

Also updated list of known bugs and things to do, feel free to leave any feedback so I can update it and work on it. I'm aiming to make a small, nice game, I just started learning and don't want to sit on one project too long, but also want to start learning pushing projects to the acceptable minimum, which for this game, for me, is quite high since I really got into this idea :)

to do:





few more unlockable elements

save system for points and best score

column player indicator


play again doesn't work

sometimes the water won't correctly move all enemies

water OP

air weak

walls probably shouldnt work on whole column

I'll be happy to take a look tomorrow after my exam:)) I remember it was my fav game I tested like half a year ago, can't wait to see how it changed

oops XD 


No chance for me to get through the right part :p It feels nice, but i couldnt get used to the fact that there was no moment for the player

The damage buff somehow didn't work for me i think when i was calculating it 🤔

 B))) im heading on discord with question tho

pretty good AI I think

This one is really solid, looks a lot better, but the controls were really weird for me with the mouse haha can get used to that thoo. I only wish the bullets were a bit faster lol

The only thing I would change honestly is the way that distance is calculated, just to add some reality into the game that way, but other than that really solid I was trying to cause any bugs but didnt find any:)

I remember playing Your first game and it really does feel a lot more engaging with more movement! It was quite some time ago tho lol, cozy and nice art and music as always keep it up!!

(1 edit)

Oh I see, I attached it by accident. I added links to game itself and You can also check it out here. Thanks a lot for comm

Also the brick structure is to change, most of these are free assets i found quickly to have something to code on :)

(3 edits)

I just uploaded my first Godot project,  I played a bit in Unity before that, but nothing big.
The game is inspired by Tetris, but with enemies and abilities from elements.
Don't expect much since I am really just learning and I would love some feedback to get some direction in GameDev in general. 
Game is really small so it should take just few minutes for You to try!
I am planning to follow an advice I have heard from many people and youtubers. At the beginning make a lot of small games to learn so that's what I am doing, but in the end I want to make it feel polished and nice to play. For now it feels a bit weird I believe.

Please try the game and leave any feedback to help me close the project :))


I will leave link to original post in here if anyone is interested!

Also if You prefer I created an anonymous poll
Feel free to leave any feedback there as well 


Still didnt beat the higher difficulty, skill issue again lol

About the trailer i just think its a bit too long honestly, a bit more action and less text in trailer would fit i believe? but who knows im just guessing hjaha

Then maybe at least when a player dies the dendis he collected in that level should be deleted? Because that makes farming them a bit too easy (or is it?)

I actually barely made it out alive through the easiest one, skill issue probably

Oh also skipping a section feels to cheap honestly, it should cost more imo

I agree with both Wasabi and SolarTest. Additionally i feel like a camera could be a little more zoomed in, the game is pretty and making it that small is a loss and makes playing a bit uncomfortable i feel. Other than that everything is cool art, music animations, oh about animations maybe the dying animation for enemy could be a bit faster or something? I just feel unsure whether i can go in it or not. Last thing i got a small bug, here's the screenshot, if i remember correctly i was spamming attack when falling and somehow fell down there

i just started working on it and uploaded it 4 days ago so im not surprised haha thanks a lot for keeping me motivated!

Countless hahaha i really am trying to go with minimum amounts of presses i make, but what i thought a great improvement would be is adding 2 scratches at once and maybe you need more to collect. Because right now the game is so random but when there are 2 at all times you can plan your moves a little bit ahead which would make it a bit more interesting in my opinion

huge succubus yea thats what ive been waiting for that what its all about

and oh god it was so enjoyable and close i had like 30 characters left i think??? while i had 300 at the beginning of last level. the difficulty really spikes up i think. Other than that game being brilliant and i will definetely not delete it, one gameplay might feel a bit too long honestly, maybe there could be a shorter option. btw would love some difficulty and wpm or something on screen like this one below :) thanks for great game and fun

Waiting waiting waiting