Put your thoughts on your play through in here!
Also, please copy paste any bugs you encounter in here, as well as a brief description of what you were doing.
Thanks for the help! :)
Whacky little RPG! Collect cats in a world gone mad to rescue your alien wife! 路 By
Just tried your game. Battles seemed really random, but it was lot of fun :D
Here are some issues i found so far:
Game started completely black and for some reason i didnt think of pressing space.
Maybe there could be some text telling to press space.
I was able to bypass barricades by moving around this lake.
I rolled in ufo and got stuck inside walls.
Having all interactions happen from same button could create some problems. For example when i had to carry egg. I could accidentally just throw egg instead of talking to npc.
Just defeated bird man. I will continue game and give more feedback once i finish it. :)
Ok, here is my feedback from my second attempt. :)
I couldnt quite finish the game, but i think i got most of the cats. I couldnt figure out how to get that one cat with sunglasses behind red rocks. Bomb seemed to explode before i could get there.
Also i couldnt figure out how to get through this gate. I tried to put vase on that button but nothing seemed to happen.
I walked throught those rocks on left corner and got stuck as i was walking behind those buildings.
I was still able to go through ufo wall by walking to left while standing in this corner.
Car race seemed really hard, since you cant really see where you are going. Maybe you could zoom out little bit or add some hints where to turn next.
"I couldnt quite finish the game, but i think i got most of the cats. I couldnt figure out how to get that one cat with sunglasses behind red rocks. Bomb seemed to explode before i could get there."
Yeah the one with sunglasses is a bit of a trick one, how long do you think you took to get as far as you did in the game?
"Also i couldnt figure out how to get through this gate. I tried to put vase on that button but nothing seemed to happen."
It's not a bug, but it seems I should make it more clear that the pots don't work on it. Maybe I'll have a laser shoot the pot as soon as it's placed in it.
"I walked throught those rocks on left corner and got stuck as i was walking behind those buildings."
Well that a new one! Should be easy to fix tho. Thanks for all your help and patience with these bugs :)
"I was still able to go through ufo wall by walking to left while standing in this corner."
It would seem we have a cursed bug on our hands! xD I also see you got the cat from the headless man! I'm impressed you figured it out! I thought that might be one of the less intuitive ones.
"Car race seemed really hard, since you cant really see where you are going. Maybe you could zoom out little bit or add some hints where to turn next."
Ahh yes, I did suspect that the corners might come on a bit quick, its so hard to judge when you know the track layout perfectly. Thanks for confirming and good job on managing to beat it! How many times did it take you? Was it so hard as to not be fun?
All this feedback is most helpful! So thank you very much my cactus friend! :)
So what are your honest thoughts of the gameplay in general?
Was it enjoyable despite the bugs?
Would it be something you'd be exited to play the finished version of?
What's the best and worst aspects of the game?
Took few hours maybe...I cant really say how long it took, since i skipped most of dialog on my second playthrough and took some breaks while playing. Car race itself was fun as it was very different from rest of the game. Took me maybe 7~8 tries, but felt it bit unfair for first couple tries since i couldnt see anything xD
I was usually able to weasel my way out of these bugs somehow, so they werent that big of a deal. Luckily i didnt get any crashes.
I loved characters and dialogs. I also liked sound effects alot. Although maybe crashing sound was bit too loud.
Every fight having completely different minigame kepts each enemy encounter fresh.
Worst aspects... well atleast not having save file :D
Not getting that sunglass cat started to bothered me, so i tried doing quick speedrun. I managed to figure out how to get that :D But i still couldnt figure out how to open that gate. How many cats is there by the way?
Sure, im looking forward to finished version :)
So first the good -- the graphics, animations and music are all excellent. The dialogue is funny but I would recommend getting rid of G**D*** if you're aiming for a wider audience.
I also thought the game had failed to load after startup. You could hear the piano music in the background, but the rest was just a black screen:
I finally figured out that pressing Space bar progressed to the game. Was there supposed to be a title screen here or something?
From watching your Youtube playthroughs I remember there being a way to roll through objects, but I couldn't remember if that was an ability you have from the very start or one that you need to acquire in the game. Anyways, it was while I was searching for the "roll" button that I noticed that if I pressed "T" or "Y" I alternated back and forth between these 2 screens:
The boss was able to deal damage, btw. Anyways, I had to reset to get out of that loop.
As far as the actual game goes, I found about 2 nuggets, used the shop to buy +1 HP and found the letter M. The boss fights against the devils were easy and actually quite fun (it did take a time or two though to figure out the punching action).
I got as far as the Big Head boss . . . and that's where I got stuck. Trying to gauge the power needed to lob the burger over the wall was pretty difficult and I never did manage to beat him. A power gauge would make it a little easier, or an outline of the lob trajectory.
I gave it another go since I saw you updated it.
I like how the grass and plants rustle when you walk through them. And the rolling animation feels perfect (especially when going through the barricades).
Also I finally got past the Big Head boss -- the power gauge came in handy. I think part of what makes that battle so hard is the fact that the wall is sometimes so high and it's hard to gauge an angle where the knuckle sandwich doesn't collide with it. But I was able to get past it this time so that's good.
I think I found a bug though. So on this playthrough, I skipped most or all of the dialogue and went straight to the two devil fights and then to the Big Head fight. I got the Roll ability. I remember from talking to the first brother on previous playthroughs that it sounds like he gives you an ability (Lift, I'm guessing?). But this time when I talked to the first brother he kept talking as if I hadn't beaten the Big Head enemy yet (but I already had). Long story short, it seems like if you don't talk to the first brother first before fighting Big Head, he'll never give you the reward.
But I did get one cat. Yay!
I'm glad the big head is more manageable now. And yeah the changing height of the wall is probably the cause of most the difficulty. I may yet make it easier again but will what more feedback has to say.
So what you found wasn't a bug, I just haven't changed his dialog for when you "rescue" his brother yet.
Maybe I should get on that quicker to avoid more confused play testers later on, thanks for bringing it to my attention!
The lift ability is unlocked a little later on.
Thanks for giving it another go! :)
Hi, first of all I have to say I'm really enjoying this game. I love the humour all around, the pixel art and the animations. I love the perfect balance between Undertale and Earthbound, really, really cool. Now everything I have on my notebook in the order I wrote it as I played it.
-People already said it, but the game starts with a black screen and nothing indicates that you have to press space, maybe a main menu is in order
-On the first dialogue that makes you choose, you can press the down arrow key and choose "Press space bar" as a dialogue option
-The dialogue is great, I love the humour and I really like the little animations of the key words.
-The "bad guy" music kicked in and I LOVE IT!!! Oh my god, every song in the game is amazing!!
-Here was my first crash. When the intro is rolling you can still press escape to acces the game menu. When you try to close it the game crashes.
-"The I hate cats" dialogue branch is incredible! I love this kind of stuff
-I am now playing and I really like how everything moves when I step on it, it gives so much life to the world.
-One thing I noticed right away is that neither NPCs nor items have colliders, that makes it kind of unconfortable to interact because you walk right through them. (EDIT: this is especially annoying since you do everything with the space bar so if you want to speak with someone sometimes you roll right through him or you throw away your item etc)
-I love the fact that I have "testicles of an angel" written down on my notebook
-I think the trigger of the doors that makes you enter should be a little inside the buildings, otherwise you enter the building by just walking next to the door. (I hope you understood my horrible english there)
-I really liked the MEOW collectible idea, really cool. And I also hate my job so I instantly liked that guy haha
-I could bypass the barricade as someone already pointed out
-The combat system is AMAZING! I really liked it, super charming. My favourite part by far was slaping myself, really nice.
-There is no go back on the combat menues. For example if i accidentally go to the items menu I am forced to use nothing to go back.
-Here I had another crash. I was low on HP so I tried to use a potion outside battle and it crashed (I was pretty far so it bummed me out a little) At first I didnt understand what happened, but then I could replicate the error consistenly. If you go to your inventory, use an item and then press escape the game crashes.
-The PONG battle had a few problems. The game starts right away without leting you read what is happening. You can press space and the same dialogue will apear over and over. Sometimes the egg clips on the walls and the characters making a really loud noise.
-I found the race too hard. In all my tries, the guy passed me by and I never saw him again until I ended the race.
-Here I had my last crash. During the race I lost the guy so I pressed escape to see if I could cancel the race or restart it and the game crashed.
I stopped playing with this third crash, I will try again later though. I really wish there was a save or checkpoint system so I dont have to start over, but I get that it would be a very complex system ans I tottally understand that ther isn't one yet.
Oh, by the way I didn't feel lost at any point. Everything felt super fun to explore and the puzzles were fun to decipher. I couldnt break some of the red rocks with the bombs, but I think discovering how to do it by myself is part of the fun. I ended up with 4 cats and I think three letters, but I was absolutely not over with it until it crashed, so I wasnt frustrated at all at that point.
I hope this was helpfull, if you didnt undesrtand something I wrote please let me know. English isnt my native language so I can try explaining it better.
Yes this is super helpful! Such a detailed list!
First off, if you do want to playthrough again, download the new version, I fixed a few bugs already.
"-Here was my first crash. When the intro is rolling you can still press escape to acces the game menu. When you try to close it the game crashes."
I had no idea about this! I had never thought to try the menu in the opening scene! Thank you!
"-I am now playing and I really like how everything moves when I step on it, it gives so much life to the world."
Thank you! :) I tried pretty hard to make the little details like that enjoyable.
"-One thing I noticed right away is that neither NPCs nor items have colliders, that makes it kind of unconfortable to interact because you walk right through them. (EDIT: this is especially annoying since you do everything with the space bar so if you want to speak with someone sometimes you roll right through him or you throw away your item etc)"
You know I never even thought to give them collision... It should be easy enough to do tho. Thanks for the idea.
"-I love the fact that I have "testicles of an angel" written down on my notebook"
Your welcome :)
"-I think the trigger of the doors that makes you enter should be a little inside the buildings, otherwise you enter the building by just walking next to the door. (I hope you understood my horrible english there)"
Don't worry I know what your getting at, and I agree, just turns out that was a little harder than I thought, but its on my to do list.
"-I could bypass the barricade as someone already pointed out"
Fixed in the new version, but thank you!
"-There is no go back on the combat menues. For example if i accidentally go to the items menu I am forced to use nothing to go back."
Oh, I forgot to put in the game that you can press 'CTRL' to go back. It works, but you would of had no way of knowing that. My bad.
"-Here I had another crash. I was low on HP so I tried to use a potion outside battle and it crashed (I was pretty far so it bummed me out a little) At first I didnt understand what happened, but then I could replicate the error consistenly. If you go to your inventory, use an item and then press escape the game crashes."
Hmm, I thought I had dealt with all the bugs in the menu, but apparently its still got some surprises for me! Thank you for figuring out how to replicate it, I will look into it.
"-The PONG battle had a few problems. The game starts right away without leting you read what is happening. You can press space and the same dialogue will apear over and over. Sometimes the egg clips on the walls and the characters making a really loud noise."
I was aware of the noise glitch, but I didn't realize you didn't have enough time to read whats happening, I guess that is the hard thing about playtesting yourself when you have perfect knowledge of the game lol! I should be able to do something about it tho.
"-I found the race too hard. In all my tries, the guy passed me by and I never saw him again until I ended the race."
Don't worry, it's not just you. I'll have to do something about it. I have thought about just zooming the screen out so you can see more, but I thought that might take away from the fast fun feeling. What do you think?
"-Here I had my last crash. During the race I lost the guy so I pressed escape to see if I could cancel the race or restart it and the game crashed."
I had no idea about this one! Thanks for pointing it out! Also a restart button might be a good idea.
"I stopped playing with this third crash, I will try again later though. I really wish there was a save or checkpoint system so I dont have to start over, but I get that it would be a very complex system ans I tottally understand that ther isn't one yet."
I did have a go at adding saves to the game, but yeah, it was a lot bigger task than I had anticipated.. I'm happy that you and others want to keep trying despite the crashes, but I do feel bad that you have to start all over every time. Thanks for your patience, and for the detailed feedback, it really does help a lot, a lot of the things you speak of I would of likely never even thought of trying.
I really am happy you had fun with the game! :) And I'm grateful for the feedback! Thanks again mate!
Just downloaded the latest version and I will give it a go tomorrow :) About the race, mabye just slowing down the opponent could do the trick considering that he does a perfect lap. Minigames are a great addition to rpgs, they give charm and freshnes, but ultimately the game does not cater to top down race game fans so in my opinion it should be rather easy and completed in one or two tries. Enough so that the player feels a little bit of acomplishment, but also that he can get it over with relatively fast and get on with the story and the rest of the "normal" gameplay (thats why he/she is here for moslty). I put "normal" on quotes because of, you know, testicles of an angel xD Of course this is only my opinion.
I have actually just worked on making the race a bit easier(hopefully) by zooming out the camera as you accelerate!
I'm going to release a new version today with almost all the bugs you spoke of fixed!
So maybe check for a new version before you try again tomorrow!
Thanks for being so willing to keep playtesting despite no save game ability. I am surprised that your still willing to play again from the start but none the less grateful. I know I say this often, but it really does help me out a LOT.
Glad to hear your liking it! :)
Maybe the car race is finally in a good spot yay!! Hahah it's taken a fair few tweaks to get it feeling fair. And yes the car sprite does occasionally tear because of the way I angle the sprite when you turn. I was hoping with the zoom out it would be unnoticeable xD. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to fix that one.
You make a good point about throwing things off the ledge, I hadn't thought of that to be honest lol. I think I can fix that for ya! :P
You know you can jump down ledges while carrying things right?
As for the bomb blowing up when you touch the old man. I think it might be confusing you since that's about the timer of the bomb if you rush there. However the not being able to roll after thing is indeed a glitch, a persistent annoying glitch at that. :(
The problem is it thinks your still holding a bomb and hence can't roll, if you press enter afterwards it should fix it. But yeah, I need to get onto that because everyone is reporting it so it happening frequently.
Thanks for all the feedback so far! How many cats have gotten?
Hey! I played your game and here is the link to it!:https://www.twitch.tv/videos/767659193?t=00h20m15s
Hope the feedback helped! And yes, please let me know how the feedback session was! I would be more than happy to hear your thoughts about! Cheers, Good Work! And Happy Game Dev! :D
Cheers for the video! :D
Yes!! You're the first person to video themselves playing Cat-Powered UFO!
You have no idea how helpful that is! The fact that I can see your reactions in real time is extremely useful!
I'll try to address some of the points I can remember from your video
* I will add more dialog options later on, I have prioritized adding more content over this for the time being, but don't worry, I agree with your point, the branching dialog should lead to different texts, and it will! It's just more of a polish thing and the game is far from done! :)
* You can't save the game yet, partly because I'm having a hard time making saves work, and partly because I have been uploading new versions regularly, making the save games not work. I do feel bad about making play-testers like your self start from scratch each time :(
* I've been working on the game for about 3 months now! I was hoping to have it done in 3-6 months, but it is looking like it will take longer than that! :P
* I think you asked early on who made the music? Anyway it was this guy
* I definitely intend to finish the game and have it up for sale! I'm aiming to have it be about 2-3 hours long, that may change tho.
I followed you on twitch! Make sure you tell me if you play it again so I can tune in!
Also, I think your mic turned off at the end of your video, not sure what happened but thought I should let you know.
Have you considered putting your streams up on YouTube? I think being able to read comments would be useful to you.
I have a YouTube channel my self!
If you want me to give you some feedback on one of your games, don't be afraid to ask! :)
Man OMG i couldn't stop laughing, I LOVED every single second of it XD. And yes the audio did get cut off in the end, I will probably do the game again next week! And yes I was thinking of putting it on youtube too soon! Please let me know when your game's done I will check it out and stream the entire game!
There is a new version out!
UFO travel is now a thing! :)
Here is the changes this patch
Sorry in advance for my wrong english, I'm not native speaker.
I played your game and it was great! I love humor in this game, I was smiling during all gameplay) It's so fun to explore this crazy world with all the unusual characters and unique mini games in the battles. But unfortunately I could not find all 10 cats because after I joined an elit society in cave full of frog-crabs my save file broke! When I try to press the continue button, the game crashes( Please, fix it.
Thanks for the feedback!
This is a bug I haven't heard of yet, I'll have to look into that.
Could you please show me what the error say when it crashes?
There should be a copy button down the bottom, you can just paste it into a reply to this post.
I'm happy that you had fun playing, I'm a little surprised that you could enjoy the humor in English if it's not your native langue, you must be better at English than you give your self credit for!
Oh also, what version were you playing?
Just wanted to say thanks for getting back to me about the save game problem, thanks to you I have been able to figure out what was going wrong. I do believe it should be fixed in the next version, which will out hopefully some time today, but if not, early next week.
Unfortunately If you do download the newest version, you would have to start your game from the beginning again.
Thanks so much for the feedback and bug report! I really am counting on people like you, there's no way I could find all the bugs myself! :)
Just did a playthrough and I think I did everything there is to do so far (13 cats). Found this because I know the composer for the soundtrack and they recommended it to me after I played in a couple of the songs. This game is amazing. It has so much character and makes me want to talk to random NPCs. Some of the puzzles were actually challenging which is a nice change of pace to other puzzle type games out right now. If you can, please add an autosave mechanic. I only ran into one issue, in the hologram game show, I think the saws are supposed to destroy the robots but they didn't. Other than that, I can't think of any problems so far. I can't wait to play it when it's finished
Thanks so much for not only playing through the game, but for taking the time to stop and give detailed feedback! :D
"Just did a playthrough and I think I did everything there is to do so far (13 cats). "
Yep! You were pretty close! There are 14 cats in the game so far. However, the plan for the finished product is to only need 10 of those cats to fight the space devil and rescue your wife.
"This game is amazing. It has so much character and makes me want to talk to random NPCs. Some of the puzzles were actually challenging which is a nice change of pace to other puzzle type games out right now."
It makes me so happy to hear this! :) How long did it take you roughly to play through the game?
"If you can, please add an autosave mechanic."
I'd never actually thought of that! The plan is to rework the save system to have multiple save slots before release. I could probably add an autosave at that point. Good idea.
" I only ran into one issue, in the hologram game show, I think the saws are supposed to destroy the robots but they didn't."
Yeah, I know what you mean. They can destroy them, but it seems like half the time it isn't when you think it would. It's still a bit janky for sure hahah xD! I do intend to polish it up, don't worry! :)
One last quick question.. How much do you think this game is worth?
Thanks so much for the feedback! :D
To answer your questions, It took a couple hours, I don't have a good estimate because I accidentally closed the game without saving and lost most of my progress. It's hard to pin down how much it's worth at this point since it's not done, but I'd say $5-10 is probably good (depending on how much there is when the game is finished).
It's getting a lot better! The combat especially is an improvement. There is a nice variety of mini-games. My favorites are the ones where you punch the enemy and dodge anvils. The fist sandwich mini-game is much easier now, I remember that one being difficult in earlier versions. The ball bouncing mini-game with the bird enemy was a little tricky but I eventually beat it (probably helped that I had some extra points towards Max damage). I got as far as the frog crab boss and then ran out of potions and died.
Maybe I didn't notice it before, but I love the moving cloud shadows cast over the ground. Very simple but nice effect. The graphics and animations are very diverse and consistent. I could almost believe this were a long-forgotten SNES title.
Very nice to see a menu system! Simple but it gets the job done!
Overall the game is looking very polished but I do have a few minor suggestions:
- The pixelated text font is admittedly very retro, but also harder to read, especially on full-screen (I was playing on a 32" monitor). Maybe you can find another font that is still playful but more readable at the same time.
- Playing on a keyboard, I find pressing Enter for Interact to be a little awkward. Space bar for rolling is perfectly fine. I would suggest mapping the shooting and interacting to the Z, X, C or V keys on the bottom row. Less distance for the fingers to travel makes for a much more enjoyable rpg experience. A lot of top-down shooters use the above-mentioned key mapping convention.
- I noticed a few spelling errors here and there. If you have a text file of all the narrative/dialogue I can proofread it for you if you'd like.
Very cool to see the progress this game has made in the course of about a year! Very inspiring!
Thanks so much for not only giving the game another go, but taking the time to give me feedback! It's always much appreciated and very helpful. :)
"It's getting a lot better! The combat especially is an improvement. "
Yeah! I thought so as well! I finally have it in a spot where it feels intuitive!
"I got as far as the frog crab boss and then ran out of potions and died. "
Cool, how many cats did you have at that point and how long did it take you to get there?
If you find that particular part too frustrating, you can always skip it! The game isn't completely linear like that.
"Maybe I didn't notice it before, but I love the moving cloud shadows cast over the ground. Very simple but nice effect."
Yes! That's a recent improvement! I'm glad you like it!
" I could almost believe this were a long-forgotten SNES title."
High praise indeed! Thank you so much! :)
"- The pixelated text font is admittedly very retro, but also harder to read, especially on full-screen (I was playing on a 32" monitor). Maybe you can find another font that is still playful but more readable at the same time."
I kinda get what you mean by it being a little hard to read, I had chosen it for ascetics rather than function. After reading this, I tried to experiment with some other fonts, but gamemaker had a hissy-fit about it! So I'm going to leave it for now, but it's on my watch list. I'll have to look into what the problem was in more detail. :(
"- Playing on a keyboard, I find pressing Enter for Interact to be a little awkward. Space bar for rolling is perfectly fine. I would suggest mapping the shooting and interacting to the Z, X, C or V keys on the bottom row. Less distance for the fingers to travel makes for a much more enjoyable rpg experience. A lot of top-down shooters use the above-mentioned key mapping convention."
This seems like a good idea to me. I may leave in the original controls for WASD players, but your ZXC suggestion seems a lot more comfortable for arrow key players.
"- I noticed a few spelling errors here and there. If you have a text file of all the narrative/dialogue I can proofread it for you if you'd like."
Ah yes, the never-ending struggle! I have had a friend go over the spelling and send me a document with numerous mistakes in the past, turns out he didn't get all of them! Unfortunately, I don't have an easily accessible file with all the dialog in it. That is wrapped up in brackets indicating where to drop down a line and add animations to the text. It would be a nightmare to try and decipher and I don't want to put you through that.
"Very cool to see the progress this game has made in the course of about a year! Very inspiring!"
Wow! It's been that long since you played it? xD Time flies!
Thanks for the food for thought friend! :)
Hiiii so I played the game a bit (since I responded timer shows around 41 mins and I have to go now.
Soo my general thoughts are that the game is really great - in every aspect - easily for me making this kind of game is unimagineable right now so :))
Nonetheless few things I'd like different or didn't like:
- being attacked is quite random, maybe it should be faster and harder, but always manageable to do
right now every time I got hit was caused by RNG that left me on a tile from which I couldnt move anymore and it wasnt the one that survived:///
Maybe there is something i dont know but uh it didnt seem so
- after defeating the enemy it shows -1hp remains -3hp remains and so on. maybe it should be changed to enemy defeated or something cause it looks a bit weird i guess??
I can't tell if its intentional or not, but the world seems not to care about your actions in some way. After changing the scene a lot of events are reverted. For example i told a guy that i lied and he is not pretty or smth and his head blew off, after going to the scene on the right and going back he was standing there again in the state where we ended before i told him that i lied.
- items section seems to be workign a bit weird. For example while watching the photo, it is covered by the UI all the time and it looks a bit baaad? Another weird thing while clicking on the map the camera zooms already in some random place above the character for the time being until you press to open map or not.
For now thats all I can think of
Really great job and thanks for sharing the game:))