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Medicine Storm

A member registered Jun 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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The downloading of these assets from OGA has been disabled for now. Let us know what you decide.

(1 edit)

Love it. Clearly there is some overlap between our memories and thoughts about video games, because this touched me.

Looks great. Like the music. The auto-panning camera makes the controls frustrating. Since the direction of actions are relative to the camera position, the direction I need to jump is constantly changing as I am trying to make the jump.

Echoing what others have said about movement and hitbox, I think a potential solution to both is to reduce the size of the hitbox to include only character's legs, and not the head. As it is now, the hitbox represents a tall character lying horizontally into the Y-axis of the environment, but this is a simulated 3D environment where the character should be standing up, extending into the Z-axis.

For some reason the aesthetics of the door flanked by candles indicating progress struck me in a very positive way. Nice touch.

I enjoyed the game. Thanks.

eh, that bug is not terribly significant, so I wouldn't worry about fixing it before the judging is done. It is usually not allowed since fixing bugs after the deadline weakens the point of the deadline, but WithTheLove sometimes makes exceptions on a case by case basis. You should ask him. 

I did indeed manage to utilize the gourds :) Thanks.

Per the Jam rule #3, Credits must include: 

  • The Author's name or handle (done)
  • The name of the work as given on
  • A URL pointing to the asset on (done)
  • The license for the work

You have two of them, and honestly they are the 2 most important ones IMO, so it may not be a deal-breaker, but to be safe it would be a good idea to also include the name of the work and the license as well.

(1 edit)

Up = jump, bleh!... otherwise, no notes! Good game. :)

Fun game. Since space is both pick-up-gourds and throw-gourds, I ended up throwing the gourds I just picked up while trying to pick up more.

Credits are slightly non-compliant.

Fun game. Since space is both pick-up-gourds and throw-gourds, I ended up throwing the gourds I just picked up while trying to pick up more.

Credits are slightly non-compliant.

Effectively creepy game. Movement seems a bit slow, even running. 

Love it! You've captured the feeling of those old Dragon Quest games that I enjoy so much. Well done.

Some errors(?) to report: 

  1. Like with the love studios, I was not able to complete the Silver Root quest because the doorway opens the pathway to walk around on the treetops. Nothing could be found.
  2. After Tex joined the party, I collected the bombs and other equipment from the treetop hideout, then rested and saved at the campfire at the base of the hideout. After that, attempting to leave the area did not leave the screen, it just made the characters invisible. After stumbling around blind (invisible) I eventually found my way out of the forest but still did not re-appear until I stumbled into the mountain pass area and triggered another cutscene.
  3. After defeating the Stone Golem at the end of the mountain pass, I realized I missed the treasure hinted at in the dead man's note, so I immediately re-entered the mountain pass area and was promptly attacked by the Golem again.

Still playing. Looking forward to discovering more. I keep dying in the dream-of-lies inside the temple. Being perpetually muted makes the battles abruptly impossible. Difficulty went from 7 to 299 real fast. Should I be grinding for levels a lot more before getting to that point?

yuss! all 3 endings! This game made me smile.

That doppleganger is a curveball! I am curious how your engine puts together the 2.5D scenes and does transitions and turns. I really like it. I notice my wizard will NEVER level up his dagger skill; he's not skilled enough in it to ever hit even the weakest enemies, which means he never gains any skill experience from inflicting damage, which means it will never gain a rank, which means he will never hit even the weakest enemies. :/
Overall, a fun experience!

(2 edits)

Looks great! I'm a big fan of the Might & Magic games, and this seems a fantastic love letter to that franchise. However, upon starting the game, I took two steps and was promptly incapacitated by a large snail; How do I attack it? Right-click, as indicated above, seems to do nothing (nor left-click, middle-click, space, ctrl, alt, or any other key besides WSAD). I am able to turn, pick up my character's items (only allowed to put them right back where I got them, though) and "end turn".  Everything else is "you cannot move while engaged in battle".

EDIT: ah, right-click the handed item! Not the enemy itself. I should have known. Disregard!

RedVoxel, WTF?

10/10 would play again.

what do I do after mounting folder MySprites? the screen remains a blank command prompt.

Hehehe! Well, I'm not a nuclear engineer, but I'm definitely a fan of particle physics. I liked the ending with Beaker getting shot, but I want to know happens after that! Is the implication that I just doomed the ship?

Warp rifle. An excellent mechanic.

  • I appreciate the choices do not seem to have an obvious "correct" answer.
  • Why does the OGAS Unity's fission reactor only have a single control rod? That's not just soviet-level lack of redundancy, that's not even sufficient to prevent a criticality incident!
  • Help and credits screens move way too fast for me to read.
  • Seems like the ball only has one possible movement angle.
  • Not winnable, but it is a functional breakout clone otherwise. :)

I had fun with this!

  • when I try to make watermelon nectar, I'm told I don't have any "grape". When I click on the pineapple icon without having any pineapple, it still makes it, but uses watermelon instead.
  • If I have the supplies for one of the drinks the customer wants, but not the other, why am I not able to make the one drink for them and offer a refund on the other for partial credit?
  • No obvious way to move to the next story prompt; just have to wait if I'm a fast reader, I guess?
  • This bunny has a bonkers jump arc! I love it.
  • Short game. I guess it should be called "Get Star" until you have a chance to add more content. Haha!

Looks promising. What is it written in?

Love it. Came here from your profile, but noticed you haven't shared any of your stuff on OGA. Good voice clips are always in demand, there :)

O... M... G! I had no idea what a flawless tribute this was! That's fantastic.

That is all exactly what I wanted to hear. :) I'm sure I'll be writing to you soon with more Godot questions.

Understood. Given the time constraints, you accomplished a remarkable amount. This is a promising game. :)


A bit short, but solid controls and gameplay. I actually really like the function of the floating dagger spell. I'd like to steal that if you don't mind. :)

I must admit I never would have figured out the climbing thing if I hadn't read the comments below, so I have to second the critique about tile ambiguity.

That said, I just learned a ton about narrative delivery from this game. Thank you for that. Opening the game to a conversation with a sapient talisman was very intriguing. I also like the passive-dialoge-during-gameplay. It wasn't critical enough that I had to stop and pay attention, but not distracting enough that I wasn't able to both focus on gameplay while reading the conversation. The parallaxing added to the feeling of vastness and melancholic ruins. As did the music!

I love that I was able to understand some of what was going on just by context clues and snippets of the conversation. The fact that the negative effects of the fog were not (immediately) clear (or even tangible!) made it very freaky.

I didn't pay much attention to Godot, but you've showcased some of it's power. That shadowcasting effect: Is that a tool abstracted by godot or did you have to manually code the entirety of that feature?

(1 edit)

Looks good! I like the music, but there was no detectable sound effects. The controls are intuitive, but I found it nearly impossible to destroy more than a few opponents. I'm not sure if it is intended, but I found it frustrating that I am not able to fire at all unless I have a lock, which usually takes longer than the opponent is on the screen.

Though I realize this is to encourage me to match velocity with them before I can take them out, I was rarely able to match their speed and heading before they were out of detection range.

Concept made me lol. gameplay is a bit... coarse. Had no issues running the game, but wasn't able to close it without involving task manager.