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A member registered May 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Totally! A couple more hours and a few bits of polish would elevate this game to another level. The classic story of game jams XD. You did great work in the time you did have even still!

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This game is right up my alley! It brings me back to the good old days of playing or, running around and eating others to grow stronger yourself. I loved the high level gameplay of the 3 different areas and choices of abilities along the way. It really made me want to play through the game 3 times to try out all the builds and get all the endings, and I had a fun time each go round!

My main criticism is that while the meta level gameplay is awesome, the second to second gameplay can feel unsatisfying. I never really understood how and when I'd get hit by enemies. The red ring is a good indicator, but I think every enemy has a different amount of time that you can spend in their ring before you get hit, which made it feel inconsistent. Additionally, when you bump into enemies you get slowed down a lot by the friction, which feels really bad when it causes you to get stuck and get hit.

Also, the controls pattern of using wasd to move and 123 to use abilities felt like it hampered the activated ability focused play styles, because I would often get hit when I have to stop moving to activate and ability with that finger. Moving 123 to mouse buttons would totally fix this I think.

Overall I loved the game though! The music is amazing and really fits the dino vibe, and the end cutscenes are super beautiful and made me laugh! I had a blast playing and I think you've made something quite special!

Awesome game! My highest score was around 60000!

This is not bad for your first ever game! Keep it up!

The shifting is definitely the coolest part. I also love the art and music. I found that sometimes I would jump a little late off a ledge and have it count as my double jump instead of my regular jump. If you update it, I think a little coyote time would go a long way to make it feel more fair. Other than that though I really liked it!

Anyone looking for an extra challenge, here are my best times for each level. This is after both making the game and playing it for a long time, so congrats to anyone who can beat these!

Level 1: 4.26
Level 2: 7:49
Level 3: 6.61

I like it! The first play through felt very hard and disheartening every time I fell or died. Then after beating it and getting the upgrades it felt very easy and I could start to go for fast times.

(3 edits)

Thank you! Art has definitely been one of my weaker skill when it comes to making games, but I'm trying my best to work at it! I appreciate the feedback!

Good game. Boss is very very hard. I eventually beat it by cheating. If you hold down jump, you wont bounce off blue gears or the boss, so I stood on the bosses head and dealt infinite damage to him, then jumped off after he died.

Probably loot crates and pay to win too XD

The ledge grab is cool. Super hard though. Took me just under 10 min to finish, and that's with skipping a couple sections by jumping over the top of the screen.

Very awesome art and music. Well done! Definitely a space bar breaker though.

Cool! Its a little rough around the edges, but it gets the job done. Also, please never scare me with that man again XD

Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm not to sure on how to fix the audio issues though, I'll have to look into it.

Yo nice! I'm super glad you liked it!

Overall I like it! However the top part of the split in the path on level 3 seems like you could go there, but is impossible. The low path though has a lot of blind jumps.

Love it! My best time is 34 seconds