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Mega Games03

A member registered Dec 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Solid fun dungeon crawler!  I really like the mechanic of going into the creatures and getting your power ups like that. I really love classic dungeon crawlers like this and I thought your game was a great interpretation of the theme and jam! A great game and it's cool to see someone from a previous jam I was in (mini jam 103 you submitted gray decay and it was one of my favorites)

Thanks, glad you liked the art! I honestly didn't even think of just having the combat automated could be a good idea and maybe I could still add the special moves I had planned but just make it on a cooldown. Yeah, the game has a lot of forced waits that I plan to allow to be skipped or just shortened.

Yeah, maybe adding a list of what each fertilizer did and how to evolve the plants would be a good thing to add to the game. Glad you enjoyed the game!

The game is fun, but the UI makes it difficult to see and play anything at least on my PC. The evolving guns and cool skill tree are nice, but the UI makes it difficult to see how much health I have left or what my weapons are.   

Thanks for playing! Yeah, I spent a long time on the art and stuff and could have spent more time on adding depth to the combat. I have plans to add special attacks with cooldowns but sadly ran out of time. I am glad you enjoyed the game I plan to work on it after by adding more enemies and plants as well as adjusting the difficulty curve a bit to make the first day easier. 

now that the deadline has passed are we allowed to make changes to the game? I've had done play testing and had my friends do some and there are bugs so I am wondering if changes are allowed with the jam rules?


Haha I am franticly play testing rn trying to make as few of bugs as possible it's been about 3 hours and I am hoping for the best

That's good to hear! I will have something done but Idk if I will have the full scope of my game. The core mechanics are in place, but I need to build on them more to have the full game I want.

Looks good the update is nice!

The game looks pretty good! Although I have a few things I would recommend fixing.


  • The new game button, once you reach the game over screen, is nonfunctional
  • I ended up losing the last game I played because 4 enemies had trapped me 
  • The coins that you earned were very low and I could never afford any of the upgrades
  • I earned a new character option that I had unlocked already and there was no point in having it show up

What I liked

  • The soundtrack was great!
  • I loved the whole aesthetic of the game; it was great and reminded me of the old mega man games that I love
  • The character moved well, and the game was fun to play.
  • The multiple characters and enemies were nice

The page now looks like this, and no download or game panel is showing. Not sure what the issue is but when you fix it I am happy to make a full play through

It appears that you have uploaded your entire unity project instead of the built version of it. I can open it with my personal unity but can not open the game alone to play it. I would suggest you look into Unity's webGL tool to allow your game to be played in the browser.  I played the game in the unity editor and it looked really nice! Similar to the binding of Issac with many unlockable characters. Overall great game just needs to be more easily playable.

It's so much better! I really like that I know what's going on more and I think it's a lot more fun! If you're wanting to add more, I would recommend a scoring system, UI for the main menu and game over screen as well as maybe some enemy diversity that function similarly to the player. Like, make a cannon, Mini gun, and rocket enemy just as an example. Despite having ideas for more to add I think the game was much more enjoyable to play with the new updates and I enjoyed trying to min-max with just a single weapon type.

Nice, it looks good! What's the gameplay going to look like? I'm glad to hear you have plans for further development and a mobile game would be really cool!

Thanks, I am looking forward to playing the game with the new changes!

No Problem Glad I can help! There is still a week left for the jam and  I know you can make your game great!

I think the game would be fun if I knew what was happing. It seems to be an arcade shooter-style game where you get random perks/buffs (I assume that is what the cards with different graphics are). I would recommend giving the player info on what the perks do and how they affect the player. Well playing I also couldn't play for too long without the cards popping up and stopping gameplay so I would recommend making the threshold increase based on how many upgrades you have. 

The game controls well but I don't think there was a difficulty curve of any sort. You could make it, so the enemies shoot more often and make less of them increasing how many there is the longer you play. I think the game could be a lot of fun it is just lacking a few things to make the gameplay clearer and more satisfying to play.

The game was good! The art looks really nice and had a cool vibe. I think the game could use a few things

  1.  I would recommend adding a main menu and maybe some kind of story as to who we are playing as and where it is we are.
  2. A boss fight at the end would make the game ending feel a lot more satisfying.
  3. If the ladders worked that would be nice
  4. A clear animation of when you're on the wall and can wall jump 
  5. Multiple levels would be good your game has a lot to it and I think it could be multiple levels could help build out on a lot of mechanics you had.

Overall has a ton of potential but is missing a few things to make it a really great game

Sorry to hear you lost power, stay safe in the extreme weather. Hopefully, the day of game design helped you get a good idea. You still have plenty of time to make a great game and I am looking forward to playing it!

Glad to hear your game is coming well! I hope you can figure out how to make the game fun. I think you a great idea for a fun game as long as the mechanics are all satisfying. I'm looking forward to playing it!

haha I decided to make it a farming Sim turn based game that will have the plants as your combatants and they will evolve through time and fertilizers you get.  And ooh a vampire survivors style will be cool and I'm exited to see what you make and play it!

That's great to hear I can't wait to try out your team's game! Classics have some of the best mechanics I have lost many hours playing old dungeon crawler roguelikes.

How's progress coming? I'd love to hear about how everyone's doing and if you think you can finish all you have planned for your game on time. 

The mechanic is really cool and reminds me of the Mario galaxy games I think with some good art sound design and fixing the gravity mechanic to feel less janky it could be a really cool and unique game!

Solid rage game! either that or I'm just bad either way it was a fun platformer! I liked the simplistic graphics and sound design that felt very cohesive and made the game fun to play.

I plan to do a strategy management game that has Randomized events and build the games look around the theme. I haven't gotten all the ideas yet but i think having the player build an army would be cool.

I am coming into this just to learn personally and play some awesome games. As far as I know this jam is pretty chill and just for fun and learning so if that's what you're looking for I'd love to see you in the jam!

Thanks for playing! glad you enjoyed the cute graphics and yes poor Jimmy doesn't have a chance against the snakes.

(1 edit)

I'm looking forward to it!

The game has a good starting story.  I liked the art and the few characters there. It'd be interesting to follow the rest of the story and find out where the player is where they are and what causes them to wake alone in the forest. I thought the alluding story of a dream of some sort is cool.

Really great game I loved the concept made me have to think and plan ahead I think a level where you had to back track could have been fun and challenging last level but overall great game!

(1 edit)

The game was a ton of fun I liked the mechanics 

Edit: I also thought the music was nice I liked the tunes

Thanks for playing! I thought I did a fairly good job of explaining the only one I didn't was the movement which is classic arrow keys or wasd. Thank you for the feedback and glad you liked it!

Glad you liked it thanks for playing!