Cats like hats!
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Solution Attempt + Question I’m so close, but I don’t see how I can adjust it to get the final two colors. Super unique puzzle idea!
I really should have been smarter about manipulating the bird and count backwards to where the bird should be, but for some reason it didn't occur to me, so I was left manipulating the bird for a long time, lol.Really fun, and the theme makes me happy! I love the effort yall put in to the end, too.
Thanks so much for believing in me. I solved the puzzle. I did it!!
Your last hint was so good. It’s so simple; all you said was
It goes to show how easily our brains see past details, as if they’re literally past our vision.
Regardless, I have a question about my solution. Why isn’t the little half flung down in this move I did?
Gosh this is such a good hint. You’ve put words to a lot of the thinking I had yesterday.
Further Follow-Up Questions
You are so right; I've been trying to stop the horizontal segment's vertical movement with the other bamboo, but that just causes the vertical segment to be trapped. So here's what I'm wondering: Is the puzzle solvable if you break the bamboo at the earliest point you can, in the top left? Or do I need to break the bamboo so that the horizontal segment is below the vertical segment? Swapping the segments in terms of vertical position seems impossible, which is why I'm wondering if I did the breakage too early.Question that Spoils the Puzzle's Start
I've gotten the bamboo to split. I'm not really sure what causes it other then turning it into a corner, and the one in the middle area's column's top-left works. But from here, I can't seem to get the horizontal fragment to cross the gap while also letting the vertical fragment stab the guy up above. Any hint?Maybe I wasn't supposed to do it this way, but ( V gbbx gur renfre nyy gur jnl gb gur ynfg ebbz va beqre gb nyybj gur fjnc. Guvf zrnag gung V unq gb fjnc gur erq naq gur lryybj oybpx va gur cerivbhf ebbz gb nyybj zr gb chfu gur lryybj oybpx hcjneqf juvyr gur renfre jnf ba gur ohggba, nf bgurejvfr gur lryybj oybpx jbhyq unir orra oybpxrq ol erq cnvag. Good stuff! It was a nice aha moment that made me feel clever, lol.
I'm at the situation you are at. How do I win after I moved them all to the other side?
If the solution is ending over here, I was able to do that. (The puzzle must have been recently edited to make ending over here slightly harder. See the extra dark square added compared to your image.) So why isn't the puzzle considered solved?
One thing I really like about this puzzle is that you can solve the first bit without understanding what moves do by just seeing if you reach a new state. Eventually, you'll be almost forced into jumping off the edge, which will let you see the quirk's of this puzzle's mechanic. In this way, the puzzle forces you through deduction to eventually realize how you're going to backsolve. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't really grasp what was going on, so I did end up reading other comments to realize that your feet is what determines the color switch.
From there after experimenting, I realized that you couldn't be in the middle after the switch as you'll be trapped, which meant you had to fall into the middle, so I worked to make that setup. And bingo! The puzzle was easy to solve from there. Awesome stuff!
I just love how the logic in this puzzle is using common sense to create the right premises. I tried writing this puzzle in formal logic, and I gave up because when I finished all the premises I used when I intuitively solved the puzzle, there were 75 premises, so the actual proof would be likely 1000+ lines. Yet this puzzle was a nice 15ish minute solve. It goes to show how good our brains are at logic!
I wrote out my thoughts as you play! To start out, really fun and fantastic job!
Here's what my notes were:
A little too slippery: maybe stop more on edges --- Future Nia comment: I didn't mind controls at all later on, so probably not a big issue.
Restart symbol not clear on first playthrough --- Future Nia comment: Maybe just have a blue bar that fills it up ala Smash? Not a huge issue though.
Maybe auto repick up magnet when run into it? I don't think it would change any puzzles, and it would make the magnet feel a lot more related to you.
Magnet only walls are good idea, but maybe make them look different, like transparent, so it makes more in-game sense why the magnet can go through
You're pulled closer to opposite sign doors, but you aren't pushed away by same sign doors? A little strange
Angled buttons are a neat idea, but you just also be able to jump on them rather than fall off
Puzzle with falling magnet was a good aha moment because it required experimentation: I said "aha" out loud". I discovered something important by accident, which is always nice!
It registers mouse clicks when you're in a different window, leading to character throwing as soon as you reopen
I HAD TWO AHA MOMENTS in same level! It seemed impossible, and then it hit me!
It's fun to repeatedly rhythmically press F and swing magnet back and forth through the doors: maybe make that a thing you do? :p --- Future Nia Comment: Yes you do!!
Spawn out of door of previous level? also kind of fun to run through to new door as a victory lap though
Now I'm pulled to door of different sign? This didn't happen earlier
I'm saying "ohhhh" a lot and that's good :D
Kind of weird that the magnet has only one pole---it's a game about magnets, but the magnet does something physically impossible, ha ha. It's a magical magnet!
I'm thinking! :DD
Sometimes a bit boring, but I think music will INSTANTLY solve that problem :D
I said yeah!
I'm talking out loud! :OOO
"ohhhh it's solved" the solution I thought it would be wasn't it, ha ha. But the correct solution was very enlightening that I stumbled into. Blocks (well, doors in this case) can block other blocks!
I said "clever!" :DD
I really do think run auto pick magnet will make the game control so fluidly.
Maybe make it so you can throw magnet while moving? Would be a bit less choppy.
Hope this was helpful! Thank you for releasing this demo! :D