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A member registered Oct 10, 2023

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I get stuck during the second being drained event. (Unsure if important but after the first one I immediately set my size back to max and then went back.)

There seems to be a bug when encountering the first personal training event/introduction during the last "night" time slot. I am now unable to sleep and only get the option of taking a nap. Thus soft-locking myself in this state

The new content is AMAZING. Especially the hidden ingredient.  I did not expect that from the final update at all,  but this is really good. 10/10

Great Start. I am looking forward to more.
On the main page I have the option for "hide / show dialog box" but pressing it only shows me this error message:

An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly.

Error: dialogueBox is null.

Stack Trace:

toggleDialogueBox@ line 57 > injectedScript:5:9


Also really funny, in the Tent with the third Protection Crystal in Chapter 1 before the World Tree, you can climb up the Vines on the back wall of the tent.

In the Chapter 3 (Paid) version:
You can take the teleporter back to the mainland area in Chapter 1 after beating the first few elves, then go across the water again and try to continue through the already drained and empty Village.
But the fence at the end will still give the same dialogue: "I should drain the villagers before I leave the village."
It's nothing major, but since the game seems to be big on secrets and finding them, I thought this should at least be mentioned. Maybe someone trying to find all the secrets (like me right now) will walk into this and think they still have stuff to do here to continue and this is a secret but in the end, there is nothing there.

Am I blind or where can I buy the v1 release?

This is a cascading problem that goes up to Ravenna S10.png if I supplement it with random pictures.

In the new Demo Deluxe release:
Fighting against Ravenna as soon as she becomes available gives me a "Failed to load  img/pictures/Ravennna%20S8.png" Error from which I cannot progress further.

Round 4 also has the option to "continue" after not choosing Anna, which makes you miss her Win if you choose this option.

Spelling mistake in the second Miko encounter:
"With a slight had movement she shends you back to your home, feeling tired again."
Should be "hand movement" and "sends you back"

Great update once again, thank you for your work.

There is a spelling mistake during round 3:
"A tense atmosphere grips the crow, everyone being anxious about their favorite girl and wondering who will win."
It should be "crowd".

For some reason, I don't get the option of calling the boss after finishing another growth dose (even when ignoring the gym event and heading straight home the option was not available). This option only became available after the third round.
I think this happens because the "taking a walk" event happens every time after round 2 since it is the same event as walking home where you can visit the gym.

A spelling mistake during Mimi's second training:
"She flexes her arm, her progress is impressibe." 
It should be "impressive".

Mimi's last event still shows her in her previous size but you can see the final size (which is a different picture) in the gallery.

In the gallery, Molly has an option for Size 3 and Size 3.1 but both show the same picture.

Just a personal taste nitpick here: Anna's arms look bigger in the size 4 picture compared to size 4.1.  (This could also just be me being too petty so can be ignored if you disagree.)

(I hope I'm being helpful and not just obnoxious here.)

Great work so far though, I love what you are doing. Amazing update.

I am very interested in what will come from this. I hope the development goes well.

I'm back with some feedback although I didn't complete the game in its entirety. I did find some things, that I want to share.
So here is what I find both what I believe to be bugs and some that I'm unsure about if they are or not:
1. After encountering an enemy you get 2 options of the same "meanwhile"
2. When using "Try to Parley", you encounter the enemy from the beginning when they are not up for talking, meaning you can repeat this process until they are up for talking, with no consequence whatsoever.
3. When failing to talk to an enemy you get the option of either fighting or guaranteed leaving.
4. Potion of Clarity now gets added to your inventory but you cannot see them in the inventory screen, meaning you can only sell them and not use them.
5. The Taunt status effect stays forever in your status when leaving combat with it. (But you don't have the negative effect applied to you during this time.)
6. There is a typo in the selling Menu for "Scroll of Shop - 80 Essence Vials" (It only sells for 8)

And one last thing which is only quality of life but would be highly appreciated: Making it so you can use multiple of the same item at once. Currently selling items to gain Essence Vials and using those for Essence is the most reliable way of obtaining a lot of Essence but using one at a time is too tedious. (Unless of course, you want to discourage players from using them this way.)

I apologize for the way I wrote my comment.
It was fueled by my own emotions with a disregard for how you would feel about it.
In the future, I will simply write any further feedback in the form of a bug report instead.
Once I have some free time again I will look at your new version.

I'm saddened greatly by this game.
It has all the ideas and concepts to be good but simply falls flat on its implementation.
It tries to be atmospheric with its descriptions and slow text animations. But turns into a tedious repetition with these ever the same unskippable text animations and texts.
It takes you out of the game by realizing that you still cannot get the potion of clarity previously mentioned as a bug and still not fixed.
What could be a big source of motivation with its promise of growth turns into simple number crunching as I've only ever seen the same description for growth every time I invested essence into an aspect of myself.
The combat while existing and doing fine, is simply not worth it as I seemingly get nothing after the first defeat of an enemy.
Sure that means the game wants you to instead talk to them and gain their favor but this just stands in contrast to the story of "only one may become my champion" and the overall vibe of dread and danger this game seemingly wants you to feel.
It's so frustrating to write all this as it all could be great and atmospheric but simply blows up in a car crash.
The shop is not even working correctly. The only way I found to get Vials of Essence was to sell items I have, only to realize that the sell option not only doesn't care if I even have the item but also instead of taking that item out of my inventory, it gives it to me as well as the essence vials the merchant would have given me for selling this item.
Not even mentioning how the game also doesn't work for "sexy" growth. It tells me I cannot handle more growth in my gender-specific 'sexy part', as I will call it. But it then not only allows me to continue using more essence on it but also will reflect this infusion of essence by still applying this growth to my character.

This just feels like a proof of concept for a game, too little to enjoy but also stretched out over so much repetition that I didn't even finish the game and instead stopped playing in the fourth of seven? levels.

Two things:
1. The "Mana Tanks" Essence Perk does not increase your maximum ζP Energy even though it does so for every other race, is this intentional?
2. I experienced the same thing about temporary stat loses with the Wolfgirl, only this time I gained a bunch of temporary buffs into my Stats as permanent Stats, now I'm a level 13 Wolfgirl with these stats:

STR: 58 INT: 58
CON: 64 DEX: 64

I don't mind but that will seriously destroy the progression for the rest of the game.

Only now do I realize, I forgot to thank you for making the game. It's fun to play, I like the narrative so far, and while I agree with previous comments that I would enjoy more descriptions of their growth (especially for the big jumps when purchasing the Perks for more scaling). I am already enjoying the game a lot, enough to have played through it multiple times. already. <3

Here is a fun little "feature" I found:
Using Conversion to convert the entire rest of your health into Energy while having the Perk "Lifegate 3" will then give you max health again but this does not consume the "Lifegate 3" Buff, meaning this could be done infinitely for free heals and Energy. (I did not try this with lower versions of the Perk.)

No, I was playing on my PC in my Firefox browser.


I've also encountered the "NaN" for numbers issue. It happened to me from spamming the basic attack "swipe" as a dweller. I would assume it was caused by clicking too quickly and not letting whatever it was in the background.

I lost half of my intelligence while repeatedly fighting in the Ruins 2.3 Area.
I would assume the cause was using Floga Bead and the enemy debuffing me with -50% int simultaneously and the game not giving me both temporarily lost Int stats back.