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A member registered Jan 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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Very satisfying gameplay, although the asteroids being fully random are a bit unfair. My attempts usually ended when I was caught in orbit without an angle to leave and an asteroid appeared in collision course. Other than that, it was pretty fun.

Loved the camera and movement!

If you want to expand on this I'd suggest offering fewer options to the player outright (making them unlockable later) and a more direct main weapon. having to select an enemy to shoot was a bit clunky.

Super tight controls and progression. Had a blast!

I never expect much from RPG Maker Jams, but I'm a sucker for struggling wizards so I gave it a shot.

*Light spoilers ahead*

I honestly enjoyed it a lot. This short experience manages to nail item use and elemental weakneses in a way that most big publiser RPG don't even try to do. Simple but very efective.

The overall plot was very compelling, at least to me. It really speaks to the fears and anxieties a lot of us end up going through due to social pressure from those who want the best for us but don't fully understand how necessary that freedom is for the soul.

All criticisms I do have are very likely due to time constraints as this was put together in a matter of days. I'll write them here just in case, but these are minor nitpickings: I would have love to know more about Dehlia and help her find the guide, I did miss some more "guidance" from my own "guide" since I was a bit lost at the Sea of Magic and some of the plot could have used more time as it felt rushed, specially the ending.

*spoilers ended*

Overall a sweet experience about overcoming the fear of breaking the mold and disapointing those around you with challenging combat that asks you to engage with its systems if you want to win.  Loved it.

I never expect much from RPG Maker Jams, but I'm a sucker for struggling wizards so I gave it a shot.

*Light spoilers ahead*

I honestly enjoyed it a lot. This short experience manages to nail item use and elemental weakneses in a way that most big publiser RPG don't even try to do. Simple but very efective.

The overall plot was very compelling, at least to me. It really speaks to the fears and anxieties a lot of us end up going through due to social pressure from those who want the best for us but don't fully understand how necessary that freedom is for the soul.

All criticisms I do have are very likely due to time constraints as this was put together in a matter of days. I'll write them here just in case, but these are minor nitpickings:
I would have love to know more about Dehlia and help her find the guide, I did miss some more "guidance" from my own "guide" since I was a bit lost at the Sea of Magic and some of the plot could have used more time as it felt rushed, specially the ending.

*spoilers ended*

Overall a sweet experience about overcoming the fear of breaking the mold and disapointing those around you with challenging combat that asks you to engage with its systems if you want to win. 

Loved it.

Loved this thing so much. Wish I could throw you guys some money, but I'll seettle for compliment.

*Abandon hope all ye who enter here*
*Spoilers ahead*

I LOVED how this is a story about how overwhelming bureaucracy generates complacency about procedure. The employees know that if you follow the system you'll never get what you need so they just turn a blind eye to help who they can. And everyone is so nice. I was terrified of why the *hell* Michael, hell's manager, would be so nice. Guess I should have noticed the name there hahaha.

I can only imagine that most assets were thrown together and then stylized to match (what with the 72 hours), but in the end it creates an absolutely cohesive visual style.

Absolutely loved the twist at the end.