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A member registered May 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! And about the camera angle, I just couldn't find a way that *actually* works to make the camera move freely, so there's that...

Very creative idea! Though often the dash was longer than expected or sometimes didn't work at all when I pressed the button.

Thank you so much!

You know, literally both mechanics you mentioned were going to be in the actual game, but it felt too easy, as you said.

Anyway, thank you so much for playing!

Yay! Thanks!

Yeah, I figured people would think that was a bug lmao. Anyway thanks for playing!

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I dunno, I never remember implementing manual camera movement. It just follows the player.

Yeah about the checkpoints, I didn't have time to add them 😅

Also, wdym add a camera?

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Oh, and also, specifically talking about that part you found frustrating...
After I made level 4, I  -somehow managed to- brake the entire platform-scaling mechanic, so I had to redesign all the puzzles from memory, so here we are. Yeah... sorry about that.

Wow! Such a short name for a game!

For the first paragraph, yeah... I'm not a good puzzle designer at all... I just kinda threw out some platforms here and there, if they were fun, I keep them, else I delete... I guess now you can see why the level design is bad.

For the second paragraph, you're right... Z and LMB aren't really the most comfortable controls. I just figured having both arrows/z and wasd/lmb would make it more accessible but after the jam ended I realized it was a a bit bad.

And for the third paragraph, I just liked it to be a surprise what the action button does. I didn't want to show what the whole game is about BEFORE the player begins playing, so I did that. Apparently most people who play tested it didn't agree but I kept it there anyway.

But anyway, thank you for playing! It's nice to know that some people actually didn't get bored after the first/second level. Thank you for playing!

Yaaay! Thank you so much!

Yay! Thanks you!

Thank you so much!

Phew! I was scared no one would get there to see that part!

Woah! This is so nice - heck, this is probably the best jam submission I've played so far!

The art is real cute tbh!

Yay! Thanks!

no. what's your point?

A bit buggy, but the concept is very creative!

thank you! and about the checkpoints... i kinda didn't have time to add them 😅

Confusing at the beginning, but when I know how it works - it's so good! Keep up the great work!

Great game! This game's idea is so good! Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much!

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Simplistic art style, yet fun gameplay. This is nice.

Classic theme idea. Pretty good, I'd say?

This is too good no to be in the top 100

Hey! I really, REALLY like this! Can I use it for my game?

uhh a bit late reply, but the character isn't in space???

This makes me love simple games!

One level, nice level.

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I hate this game

Bad Great game! Games like Hollow Knight or Ori can't even be as terrible as this thing compared to this! I hate like it so so much! The graphics are terrible amazing! I also hate that there is no story like the part of the story where the player smiles!

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Now inhale that, Microsoft Word creators!

Yea that was before like 200 years back then I didn't know how to game dev.

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Looks like no one likes prototypes.I am sad.


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yeah, didn't have time to polish things a bit

And thx for feedback

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Please Don't forget that the goal is completing the game fast to get higher ranks

oh and don't forget to use the mechanics too ! (especially dash climb and boost launch)