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A member registered Jun 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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The art direction is really nice it lacks a gameplay aspect, text or simply accompaniment though

Hello ! 

The drawings are very nice but I can only click on the proposed cards and nothing else. Moreover there is no text in the description part etc.

Is this version finished or did I misunderstand / not click on something? :)

The story and the artistic direction are wonderful ! Nice work <3

It makes you want to see it! :D If you continue it I will be happy to test your future iterations! <3

(2 edits)

Bravo it's great especially in one week!Being a lover of Monument Valley and long before that of Escher and the sacred and impossible geometry, inevitably I liked your game! ;)  <3

A regret not to have been more detached in the LD and for the main character but it really makes me want to see the sequel!

Small remarks:
- It's a little disappointing that you didn't indicate that the R key restarts the level
- The level (cycle) is a bit frustrating because we expect to have an incredible puzzle (and hard because we don't find it as easily as before) and finally we just have to go down. So there is no puzzle :'(

Anyway : Once again bravo! It's great!

Haha ! We are very happy with the game and also with the credits ^^
It's so cool that you liked it and that you liked the difficulty progression !
Thanks a lot for the message ! So happy you liked the game ! :D
Have a beautiful evening/day ! <3

So happy to read your words ! It's so great that despite the resistance and unbalanced flow of the game's difficulty you enjoyed it that much ! :D
Thank you so much for your feedback !  :)
Have a lovely evening/day ! <3

I can imagine by reading these words that this kind of game is not your cup of tea or that it is too hard (which is definitely possible indeed!) and yet you enjoyed it :D that's all the more cool!
Thanks a lot for your review!  :D
Have a beautiful evening/day! <3

You are so adorable and so supportive ! :) 
Thank you so much, that's so kind ! :D
Have a fantastic evening/day! <3

That's so sweet ! :D Thank you so much and satisfying to read these words !
So glad you like it so much :)
Have a gorgeous evening/day ! <3

A real army haha ! ;)
Thank you so much, it goes straight to our hearts! It's lovely and very gratifying ! :D 
Have a fabulous evening/day ! <3

Thank you so much, it's so kind to you ! :D
We will with pleasure ;)
Have a great evening/day! <3

Thank you so much, it's so good to read this encouragement for further development :D!!! We indeed plan to continue the project after the jam :D
Have a wonderful evening/day! <3

Thank you so much, your words touch me so much... !** <3 
We will continue the game after the jam! If you want we'll keep you posted on its development so you can see it evolve and test it :D
Haha ! Great for the door ;)
Yes spam and cheating are completely possible which is indeed a problem especially in a puzzle setting like this! We will of course fix it later :)
Once again, thank you!
Have a wonderful evening/day! <3

Thank you very much for your encouragement it's adorable! :3
We'll continue the project after the jam! Yeah ! :D
Cool for sharing, I'll go check your game ;)
Have a lovely evening/day! <3

Thanks a lot! :D
So glad you like the concept!
Have a happy evening/day! <3

Thank you so much for your feedback!  :)
Yes it's unfortunately the problem but we have a lot of ideas to solve this spam problem for the next development ;)
It's so nice that you could go to the credit :D
Have a wonderful evening/day! <3

Thank you so much for your thoughts ! :)
It's great if you like the idea and the graphics :D
Have a great evening/day! <3

Thank you so much for your compliments! :3
Yes unfortunately the spam click aspect was not handled at all this week haha, it will happen for the next one :D
Have a sweet evening/day! <3

Thank you so much for your sweet words and encouragement! :D
Indeed we want to continue it afterwards ;)
Have a lovely evening/day! <3

I really loved it ! The idea is great and fits very well with the theme and the narrative tone you gave the game ! Really great !

(It reminded me a little bit (only partially but I don't want to spoil any potential reader (narrative side not gameplay)) Life Goes On (Life Goes On: Done to Death)

Thanks for your work, I'd love to play the sequel if you keep evolving it ! <3

(1 edit)

The troll aspect is great ;)
Very nice story and idea!
Bravo <3 (also the graphics are really nice and the settings...  very nice!)

The graphics are adorable! :D I love the concept, the way it was represented and the AD! It's really beautiful! It makes you want to see more ;)

Small remarks : make a less rigid character (because it's a plateformer but especially because we can't see where we're going (it's normal of course) => it would reinforce a lot the pleasure of the game to be able to handle better the character and to be able to gain powers to handle it better and better)

The semiotics and the feedback for the duration of the power of vision of dreams is perfectly intuitive, it's perfect!

Really bravo it's super cool! <3

I didn't understand why the eel follows the mouse, but congratulations for the graphics, the animations and the sound! It's very juicy, very pretty and colorful ! Well done :D

(1 edit)

Very simple and nice! It's a pity that the triggers of the elements are small (or bug I don't know). And I unfortunately never got past the beginning of the second room with the cube pushed. My character disappeared it seems during a collision with the cube (I imagine) and I could not leave the hole.

With more playtest, diegetic indications in the environment you can make a nice game! :)

The graphics are simple but clean ! And of course it lacks sound (feedback and atmosphere). In general your game lacks a bit of feedback.

A last point, is my incomprehension in front of the choice of the key M to interact with the environment. Why not Q or E (in QWERTY version) ? 

Don't hesitate to contact me if you make a new version! :)

Anyway, congratulations for the general atmosphere ! :D

So glad you liked it ! I hope it makes you want to do lots more ;) <3
Great job ! Great team !!

Oh no ! You'll have to endure us again I guess :p <3
Great job ! Great team !!

So weird!Still sorry you experienced the game via this experience 
Out of curiosity what is your setting ? (PC, Mac, Linux, old, new etc.) It's of course not to monitor you but to understand and fix the bug you are talking about :)

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for taking the time to play and thank you so much for your feedback and kind compliments !
I will be playing and giving feedback on your game with great pleasure !

Have a pleasant day ! <3

This is so sweet and rewarding !!!

Thank you so much, it means a lot to us !
Have an amazing day ! <3

As I said after the comment you posted on the game page, thank you very much for your long and comprehensive feedback you are adorable !
It's so important to have feedback and be encouraged like you did !

Thank you a thousand times !
Have a fantastic day ! <3

Oh no this is so sad ! I'll look into how this bug happened, I didn't know about it at all and am sorry it happened to you....
Just to be sure, you mentioned FPS, were you seeing yourself in first person or third person?

Thanks so much for your comment and feedback !
Have a beautiful day ! <3

Thank you so much for your feedback ! It's so rewarding to have your opinions :D
The game will continue to evolve after the jam, we will drop future evolutions on itch‧io, feel free to check back and playtest!

Thanks again for your kindness ! <3

(1 edit)

You rocks and was especially sweet with the whole team ! Thank you for your kindness and your creations ! Can't wait to continue the project ;) <3
Great job ! Great team !!


You're right and it is completely our faul t! In any case it's  well noted ;)

Thanks to you again for your feedback, it's very precious for the future !

(2 edits)

Thank you very much for your very gratifying and complete feedback! You are so sweet!

Thanks to your comment, I understood that one of the problems with the controls is the fact that we are a French team and so we put the game in AZERTY naturally. You can of course change them but indeed we should have put them in QWERTY automatically as well for us.

Thanks a lot for your compliments on the graphics, the sound and the gameplay ! It's great that you like the mechanics so much! We want to continue the game afterwards to present it to a contest this summer, so it will be updated as we go along. You will be able to test it again and see it evolve if you want :)

I'll be glad to see your channel ;)

Have a lovely day ! <3

Ps : For the bedroom check the walls you might (un)see something to one of them !

Thank you so much ! :D

You are the second person to talk about it so I take your feedback on the controls even more seriously! What shocked you so much ? :) I'm really interested in your feedback !

Wonderful day to you ! <3

Hello ! No worries :)

The game is only played with keyboard and mouse.

You have to decide if you want to play in AZERTY or QWERTY (menu at the beginning - title screen or by pausing the game by pressing the ESCAPE button)

Controls :

  • ZQSD or WASD => Move the character in the environment
  • A or Q / E => Turn the room
  • Space => Jump
  • Left click of the mouse => interact with elements 
    • lights
    • Elements to make disappear

If you have any comments, feedback or questions don't hesitate !
Have a beautiful day ! <3

(1 edit)

Graphics, anims and polish very nice and juicy! Feedback well done and mini narration at the beginning which works well ! It's not revolutionary but very cute (maybe a little cryptic victory/defeat conditions though)

I would love to see more! Congrats ! Great Job !!