At present, I have no plans to implement a traditional currency system. If someone wished to houserule it I won't stop them, much like the notion of grid combat that's been brought up before I will be hands-off on that.
Mildra The Monk
A member registered Dec 03, 2018 · View creator page →
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A customization-centric interpretation of the long-running series of Final Fantasy TRPG fan projects.
Recent community posts
Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition community · Posted in White Mage Limit Break? (and other questions about the SAGE Demo)
To answer your questions...
- Consumables are equipment slots, we're working on the wording.
- Artifact. Working on fixing
- This will be addressed in an update.
- At certain levels you get a progressive modifier to a chosen ability, that chosen ability is locked. For example if you pick Vigor for AMB 1, you get +1 to it at 1st level, +2 at 7th, +3 at 12th, and +4 at 17th. This is not cumulative.
- Extra effort die is d4
Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition community · Posted in White Mage Limit Break? (and other questions about the SAGE Demo)
FWIW, I did give my own first impressions in video form.
I am curious how you'd handle the dice system in battle through either a VTT or just a Discord/Zoom/etc. call. The remaining systems I could see working, that's the main one i'm curious about. Also, do you have plans on some sort of tracking sheet to use when people "multiclass" (I know its Disciplines, but old habits die hard)?Just a few thoughts.