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A member registered Mar 27, 2021

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When you think about it it doesn't actually require you to do much on the battlescreen. Not yet anyway. Besides Kurohime's events (which were interesting btw) and the supported skills, there's nothing you can gain or lose from the overview map. I feel that it's actually adding a lot to the game, if you want to experience it. If not, there's nothing forcing you at all. Just like the card system, another slightly pointless but interesting activity. 

You do have a point on advisors tho, it would be nice if there were a research that enables you to train soldiers/ collect resources for you. I imagine it would make your stay in the overview map even shorter but it's convenient.

When you put it that way, I suppose so. However, Begus, Dorgania, and especially  Amagal had problems of their own at the time. Who sits on the throne or if they're able to hold their own in combat wouldn't matter much. No one would have the time to attack the country as a whole. (Besides, with ryen's lv at the beginning he would have been an easy target for an assassin anyway). If you play Ryen as a merciful king, sure, he's probably better than any of the other candidates, definitely better than the arrogant nobles, at any rate. Evil side though, (purely theoretical, because I don't think Trey would allow that) Ryen could be much worse than a random guy off the street. 

Imagine hearing about this as a commoner, your new king is a demon-like draconic who almost definitely harbors ill-will against humans. He is super-powerful, extremely lascivious, and spends his days hunting for maidens without so much as a backward glance at the state of the realm. He fathered countless children, many of them bastards. He sets atrocious taxes and harsh laws, making Dorgania look mellow by comparison. Worse, without Mira to soothe him, he often takes the true form of a dragon, wreaking havoc in his mindless rage everywhere on the map. Oh and his brother is trying to raise a golem army to form a dictatorship over the known world and possibly wipe out anyone he sees fit. Best case scenario, they fight each other and one of them dies with the other sufficiently weakened for the survivors to remove him. Worst case, they work together, and reduce freewill to a symbol of the long-gone past. 

Also, who will succeed the throne after him? I don't know if you're familiar with Fire&Blood, if you are, you probably understand what I'm worried about. Aegon the Unworthy is no match for him.

As mentioned before, the country is economically declining and militarily defunct. What better target of attack  is there for any of the three countries?  And what better excuse is there than a rash king with a disputable bloodline who spends his days meddling in other countries's affairs and creating diplomatic incidences?  It's sheer luck plus the support of all the faithful lords and friends around him that keeps Ryen safe and the kingdom prospering again. Lords and friends, who might not be so inclined to assist if Ryen has been a tyrant. 

I remember first playing this game quite a while ago, back then the story ended pretty much where it is now. I've seen in the comments that there has been some kind of "rework" for the game, welp, that's nice. Before I start ranting I would like to make it clear that I like this game and where it's going. I just feel like there can be improvements.

This version seems to have expanded on a few things while removing others...I remember something about Selena not being too happy with the amount of women around MC that's not here now. Maybe it's better this way I guess, less awkward. (Btw believe it or not Selena's theme music was the one thing that caused me to search for this game again. I love the lighthearted, friendly commoner feel to it. Suits her well.) 

Celestia had more backstory than my first playthrough...that seems to have done very little to change her personality. It's a little unconvincing for her to be so trusting. (sleeping in a stranger's bed in her underwear is not exactly what I would call being wary of humans)  Overall it's great, but can maybe be improved a little. 

It's a shame that the events with Ferry are so few. I know it probably has to do with polls but she is one of the only main characters who feels like a real, responsible adult instead of teenagers or downright children.   (Yes I'm talking about you Celestia/Estelle). 

One small issue I've noticed, during the events with Altina MC returns home to ask Sylvia for food...and despite me going for default settings in the beginning , i.e. Sylvia being MC's landlady, he calls her mom in the dialogue.  Probably unintended right?

Makoto, Altina, Sylvia and Azula have been written pretty well, although I do wish MC here had more conversation with them. Aren't you the least bit curious about Pandy and how it's supposed to be able to kill you with a stroke? Don't you want to know more about where your powers or horns are with you being half Valla and all that? Are you concerned about why you have a vision of someone else waking Azula instead of you? Do you like being special in a way or would you rather be normal and pretend it's all just Azula's delusion? 

 Sometimes I feel like he is a honest or at least a sensible person and other times I agree with Estelle that he is a pervert and a manbaby on the side. If I have to pick a most inconsistent character I would pick him. (Lol. I can almost convince myself that he is secretly a highly intelligent individual who uses the right face for the right job, acting dumb when it suits him and reasonable when otherwise. )  Although I can relate as a beginner writer how difficult it is to shape your protagonist through the entire story. It feels better near the later half of Atty's storyline though, I hope it stays that way. 

Oh and the reason I am here in the first place... Is the flower girl aware that all those rare flowers she saved have been severed and ripped away from their home in the park no more than a hundred meters behind her because she wants them in the first place?  Mmmm. tastes like irony.

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Oh I must have forgotten about that. That's pretty good for Ryen then, and probably better for Central as well. (To have a king who is more motivated to rule kindly) Thanks for replying so quickly RyenSaotome! 

A bit shame for the original Saotome person though, I didn't even remember his name.   Nvrm I did a new game to see his name but it seems like he didn't have one lol

So I had been wondering about this for awhile and I didn't find any topic that seems to mention this. (Maybe I missed them in which case ignore this comment) Will there be an event in the future that puts Ryen's claim to the throne to test? I mean, if I remember correctly Ryen just took the royal insignia by chance and there's no actual ties between him and the previous king of Central. (Is there?) 

It's been a long time since I last played the game with a fresh start so I don't really remember if this issue has been raised before. It would be interesting to see a member of the Saotome family find out that Ryen is not ummm forgot his name, would-be-king person who was killed. Would probably be intense, too. I think it could be a serious problem depending on Ryen's influence on the kingdom thus far. Like, it would depend on the path Ryen had taken.

Ryen could have earned the trust of Trey, Sir Edward and the others enough to the point that they don't mind the fact that he lied and would help him. The Saotome relative might be impressed by the prosperity and happiness they witness compared to the last time he/she was in Central and decide to not pursue the matter further as long as the realm stays that way, either out of respect or the knowledge that they would be unaided in their attempt to overthrow Ryen's claim and would have to bide their time. (Might open another questline)

On the other hand Ryen might have been unknown or even unpopular to the commons due to his outrageous taxes and unjust laws. Ryen would have to imprison or murder the Saotome relative in order to stay on the throne. If imprisoned, perhaps a deal would be made secretly between the two in the dungeons, hidden from the outside world. One that would secure Ryen's position as well as, if not more so than the kind ruler path. Either way, the matter will be settled for good. (Perhaps it would come with a nice bonus if the relative, ahem, is a woman?)

Just some ideas lol, I think it would be interesting but I'm not demanding anything (except uh, y'know, I'm asking about the answer to whether there will ever be a time when the "Saotome" part gets questioned.) 

Oh.. do you mean the pink walking mushrooms?  I never really paid much attention to them after seeing  that they're apparently harmless. Well, thanks,  good to know.

Oh.. yeah, makes sense to have a limit on how much you can farm. Thanks for replying! 

No weapons is quite hard ( Tried it after reading your comment, got beaten by Remy two times lol. ) though I don't think you need any mushrooms to win. The magical mushroom wand is often more than enough once you pick up the bow. 

btw, do you  need to go to the shop to farm mushrooms? I think after you get the bow you can go back to the surface and spam attack the mushroom summoning rod from the other side without getting knocked back.

Yeah, I went back to check an older version that I haven't deleted yet and saw that. I think I just forgot you can buy war horses cuz I'm fairly certain that you earn armored horses from the arena. (Have to check on that later)

Oh and Kurohime seems to have a small issue, when changing her armor, the name was changed to Fang.  (Actually I could almost swear that I saw someone mention that so if it's already taken care of ignore me.)

So...I'll be brief this time. I encountered two umm... not-meant-to-happen kind of things today in the country overview map. I don't think anyone has posted a topic on them yet, so I'll just put them here. ( Neither are serious issues though, merely a little bewildering )

1. After updating to the current version, I spent something like a dozen turns in the map and got a caravan, when I clicked it I was a little surprised to see that you can buy normal war horses now. (I thought you could only buy normal horses) But when I purchased one and went to the vanguard forces display, the horse was not there, the supplies did not go down and, I'm pretty sure neither did the gold. The purchase was unsuccessful even though the merchant said "Thanks". On my second try though, the supplies went down almost immediately and the horse was there in the inventory.  Like I said, no big deal, probably just delayed reaction on the part of my computer. Still I though I'd mention it and see if anyone else encountered something similar?

2. This one is mostly a suggestion. While looking over the new vanguard leaders, I noticed that I had an "axe and shield" unused. (No idea where I got it.)  So I equipped Phyrra with it along with good light armor. Then I sent her to fight in the easy arena( lvl 1 ~ 3 ).  Well, she went in at level 4 and came out level 10, and was only out because I gave up in the end. (After abusing the bandits to gain a quick straight upgrade to level 10.)  Starting with the third bandit, neither side was able to deal any damage until Phyrra eventually turned level 7, then it was level 9 when the fourth bandit fell, and then she was only able to deal 0-1 damage to the fifth bandit. None of them could deal any damage against Phyrra.  So...yeah. It made me kind of guilty, after the initial amusement, to abuse the equipment this way, so, uh... Can you maybe change some factors or make it so that no experience can be gained if the enemy is a certain level lower than you or something? On the other hand I totally understand if you decide to keep it this way though, even not dealing any damage would still mean that you have used your weapon(and shield, in this case) so you should get more experienced with combat. 

Ahem...not really brief then.. well, those are all that are on my mind at the moment, hope it will not be too much trouble for you to read.

Oh, so, a sort of collateral damage? That would be cool, and pretty sensible, thanks for explaining. But also, thanks for removing the extra damage, it was more than a little alarming to see a relatively common enemy deal higher damage than certain bosses. (And wow, your reply really came in a lot faster than I expected, not that there's anything bad about it lol)

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Please just read the last part if you don't feel like wasting time with hardly-relevant and unimportant words.

Hi, just want to ask about the red/aggressive salamander's barrel explosion. I went to Sinasoka today for the salamanders in Mia's vanguard squad, and I was quite shocked when the first red salamander I encountered blew away about 5000 health of Mirel alone. I tried it again a few times, and the listed damage ( always around 1500 ) doesn't really match the actual damage Mirel received. (6021 Max health before hit - always around 930 left after.)   Even with Mirel taking 200% fire element damage, that still doesn't really add up.  

Then I tried letting Mirel guard and let Ryen explode the barrel, the damage listed is almost exactly the same (still 1531) but Mirel now is left with around 2700 health.  And I paid some attention to the health of other party members, namely Ryen, Chiyo and Mira, who all have verying degrees of fire resistance. (probably due to their equipment) Ryen took about 2500 actual damage in place of (listed)1600, Chiyo about 1600 in place of, well, 1000 I think? Mira 2500 in place of 1800. Basically none of them actually loses their health accordingly. 

So the question is: Does the Barrel Explosion actually deal damage according to Max health or does the damage count twice? I'm sorry for being so drawn-out (and for any possible errors in my expressions - I don't usually speak english.)  but I wanted to be as clear as possible, so, yeah.

I think the developer has already given the answer to other people asking the same thing.

Copied this from the introduction on this page.

"" PLEASE READ: Please make sure you have hardware acceleration on in google chrome, otherwise Max is way too slow! ""

...Wow... That's really something. For quite a while I thought Chiyo's desperate outburst was the most hard-hitting skill. Although, I'm not sure if ryen's power up actually affects the skill? I usually use encouraging roar instead.

Pretty nice game, I really like the idea of a locker monster. To me it's just about one of the most original features I've seen in NSFW games.  Thanks for creating such a "delicious" game lol. Totally enjoyed it!

"Will you ever make this on Iphone/mobile/apple"

"Will you make this game free?"

Wow do you guys even read the other comments... Talk about not paying attention.  

lol I wanted to ask too, though I guessed China, because of Chiyo and jiangshi.

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I feel the same way about the graveyard, it's strange to see a newly-constructed building with spiderwebs and cracks in the wall. But maybe this isn't the final version of the graveyard yet, as the developer did say that he is considering to make the graveyard a place to befriend undead monsters.  Although...the soldiers might not enjoy sharing their resting place with undead? I don't know.

About Dorgania, I didn't choose a side yet as I'm uncertain of whom to support right now. There could be many things to consider. In my opinion, even now, choosing one side would definitely damage your relationship with the other, as King Lancafew clearly knows about Mike's group, and Brad is basically beside Ryen everyday. Sending Central soldiers directly into Dorgania sounds like war to me. But it feels like war either way. Picking Mike's side could result in a war/assasination attempt/closed borders with dorgania again. Depends on how Lancafew would react.  On the other hand, choosing to work with Sinrul and the government is basically telling Brad tthat you won't do anything at the moment. (From what I understand dorgania has had a long history with slaves, I'd be surprised if no king has tried to improve their status before. Doesn't seem like they did enough to satisfy Mike)  Brad might understand, or not, as he did just tell Mike that ryen's group can be trusted. Mike could take this as a betrayal, and again, it could be war. 

I see many tortured slaves in Kagabanqui and Sunee, but only unharmed and even smiling slaves in Lalizan and no slaves at all in Siriveta( maybe I missed them. ) Perhaps it is better to wait and see what happens?

In the end I might choose to let King Lancafew try to help slaves slowly, being an outsider and king of a neighboring country it is rather suspicious to hang around and help possible rebels, and Sir Edward/Sir Gunther did say that Central has a comparatively weaker military strength to other countries.  Though I also hope that there will be more events concerning slavery in dorgania and more descisions that can be made. (I wonder if Dorgania's slave army will choose to defend their country if it comes to war/rebellion, or help Mike/invaders. And if it comes to war, will Ryen bring Amagal and Begus into it?) 

Edit: Completed the government side. Have to say I'm surprised that Brad didn't get suspicious yet with Ryen and Sinrul talking in private twice. Though looking back at all the other times...Iol I think it makes sense for ryen's group to simply suspect him of doing something of an entirely different nature. Now I'm quite expectant to see whether Mike would blame ryen for the failure at Sunee

Probably his ego? 

I guess it's because you made him become "healbot" and not Felix lol. 

Seriously though, this is a good point, I think it's because he doesn't know Main Guy that well, unlike his childhood friend, exasperated housekeeper and little sister. 


Err.. I agree both are super great but I don't really see how you can compare these two together...

Not sure what password you're asking about, kinda forgot the quest.

Try again for water nymph, I met her somewhere in the lower parts of the forest on a rainy day.

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Hey, just here to ask for an answer of what's probably  a really obvious puzzle... In the  Quest for a Cure, I got stuck in the vamp count's manor, cant seem to figure out the right number for clock hands. Tried 3,  9, 12 but none worked. Am I missing something or just wrong combination?

Nvr mind I forgot that the minute hand can have two 3s...

Oh.. yeah, I thought as much, just wanted to make sure cuz apparently Ada can can hear strange gurgling sounds upstairs in Amanda's shop, that got me wondering. Pretty nice thinking about the bedrooms, I never paid attention to it before but I think this is the first game I played that has a living quarter for shopkeepers. 

Ah ok, I thought that there would be quests for them, well I guess it's more realistic to talk a bit when you're shopping. 

 Hmm, I think that's it for now. I've asked... half a dozen questions already? Lol. Thank you for answering all of them and your patience, most of all thanks for this wonderful game. (Best art! Definitely!) Good luck with your future game developing!

(Umm I think this makes for a passable ending to my endless questions, but no guarantees that I won't start asking about things again. :D )

I'm just gonna type here cuz the thread was getting too long lol. I think this way it'll be quicker than always opening the old thread. Sorry for taking up your time. 

Reply to the last comment in the thread:

Yeah I think that's what I chose for the staff, pretty powerful weapon, I can take out most enemies with one hit using it. 

Dunno about the coins...I certainly do have two of them in my equipment, and I think they both came from one location, only one was found with a map and the other via a puzzle. Well doesn't matter, perhaps it gives twice the luck lol. a question again, is it possible to go upstairs of the shops and temple? Is it just a no-go, or is it that I do not have a high enough voyeur to go pry around other people's secrets? Just curious lol. Oh and can I help the man in the weapons shop or just chat about his business?

Ah, makes sense. There's got to be a bit extra for patrons lol.  I've got about half the scenes, because somewhere during the game my lust level got a bit too high for normal scenes. And apart from them, there's no more locked pictures in the gallery so I guess that means I've met everyone in this version. 

 Yes I think I got the staff already, I forgot what strength I chose but I think it became "Igni" and just put almost all other weapons to shame.  

 One question (again, sorry), I think there are 2 lucky coins in the game. I don't remember where I got them but well, there are two. And these coins seem to be one of the best accessory in the game. Is it deliberately so?  

Ah, yeah that's the picture I was asking about, I had thought that there were no domination pictures for the new island cuz the gallery didn't show them, guess I have need  of a few more lust drafts lol. 

The weapons... well I got pieces for the sword and asked Adrian to make it a combination of magic and force, he gave me Companion and eventually Mate, do you mean that I would have got spellblade if I chose mana, and fang if I chose force?  Makes sense, well then, let's start two new saves lol! (just a little obsessed to try everything)

 Thanks for your help, without I would probably still be stuck at the miko dress and wondering how I have missed two special weapons. Well, time to fill out the last 5%. Bye for now! (Great game, totally five stars!)

(2 edits)

Umm... that's definitely not the one that I'm asking about because I lost to a plant at only 10 minutes into the game lol, it's this one actually, just attached it here.*  It looks like a domination scene, and I'd say it looks like a cursed sword scene but it's not in the gallery and according to the gallery there are no domination scenes for the monster girls of the Ikko island. (yet?) Bit confused.

 Also, where can I get the Spellblade / Fang? I got all other possible upgrades from Alchemist Adrian of the Grey Castle lab except the Spellswords and the Fangs which I don't remember seeing. I'm 80% positive that I got all the treasures from maps and I don't think they sell them in shops either. lol, 95% content got, 5% to go.

* I'm not quite sure if i had attached the image correctly.

Edit: Yeah I didn't attach it correctly, not sure if it's because of my browser, I'll try again with another one...

Nope doesn't work, not sure why but it always says upload failed. I saw someone asking about a cursed sword scene, I guess it might be what I'm seeing? The picture in the top right corner of this itch page, right of the introduction words, left to the options of games and rating... is it possible that we are seeing different pictures? 

Try pushing esc on your keyboard and click "Help" button in the menu, it will tell you where to go next.

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Ah, ok. I was thinking of going at random. Thanks for the tip, I will go back and try it. (I guess the other cave in the mountains is the same.)  And wow, such a quick reply. I'm sorry I'm just replying now.  (little busy in the last week.)  

Edit: Ahaha I got it lol, it's not that hard once I started looking for clues in the map. Feels a little stupid now... Thanks again for the hint! And uh, just out of curiosity,  whose scene is it on the top of this itch page? I don't remember encountering it in the game, but then, sometimes I choose to sneak past enemies..

Edit edit: And I got the place for the charred map too, guess I was just too eager to find the coat I forgot to look around, oh well, all's well that ends well. Thanks for everything! 

You can buy/make both in Diana's shop(the old lady's shop where you get the maid uniform) in the little town on the first island.  Not sure when you can get them though, I got them after defeating true Yorna

Love this game! It's not the best story I've seen but it's got the best art and better battle options than most.  

 Ok i admit, I'm here to ask for help. I've been able to complete all puzzles except Ayane's quest for miko dress. I chased the for quite a while but I either lose sight of it or get into a dead circle.  Can you give me a hint? I would have checked youtube but i'm afraid that's not available for me. 

  And uh.. I've checked every map(I think)  except the charred one found in the mines(Where I'm asked to find the fox clothes). Is it that there's a hidden room that I missed or that the map leads to somewhere else?  Because as far as I can tell, no terrain in there matches the picture on that map.  

Well anyways, it was pretty fun playing  through the puzzles, I guess I can keep trying to chase the cat, the "help" in game said it's to test my wits and dedication, so maybe I need to follow it long enough?