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A member registered Mar 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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Uhh, I think you forgot to add the files of your game here....

A little bit janky, but its got cool transitions between levels. I don't know if this is intentional but the same three levels get looped over and over.

Cool game, really good for being rushed. Although it seems to lack any sort of sound which is very unfortunate. Def gonna be in top 3 at least.

I tried playing in a different browser, and it worked! Amazing game, great graphics and music, and nice gameplay! Couldn't get past level 6 tho. I honestly think this game's gonna get first place.

Yeah those were some very good changes. I like how its more retro, and the applause is a nice touch. CoolMathGames would prosper off of this.
Also I got to a distance of 13.9 and speed of 9.9.

The gray buildings and going too far offscreen does insta-kill you without warning so that might be why you sometimes are confused when you die.

My best score was 12 as of writing this. Interesting how you made flappy bird but with this twist. It seems to entirely lack the theme of "Time" however, so you'll probably lose a lot of points for that.

Thanks for the dumbness warning lmao. This is a nice simple game, I haven't gotten past the second level as I'm commenting, but I feel like the time limit is kinda useless with how this sort of side scrolls.

This is a cool and unique interpretation of the theme, but its really confusing what I'm meant to be doing, the sun feature doesn't make sense and you can't tell whats walkable and whats not.

The double jump is so over the top that its kinda funny. The death sound is also funny too. I feel like the tiny orb thingies are way to annoyingly of an obstacle though.

All I'm getting is a black screen when I run the game. However the music is still there, so I'm not sure what's going on.

This game looks really nice! The enemy hit boxes feel way too big though.

For anyone struggling with the first jump you have to quickly press space for your double jump to gain enough height, then its just a matter of timing. 

Just add some sound effects and something like this is worthy of CoolMathGames. As of this comment, (I've been playing for 2 minutes), I got a speed of 6.9, a height of 0.7, and a distance of 8.7.

Really difficult I must say. At least the buttons have some kind time element to it, so you'll get SOME points for adhering to the theme... 

Cool game, I beat all 10 levels. How exactly does "not seeing your splits" make it harder, it feels the same.

This happened to me in PP Jam #7, and I was really proud of that one, I feel you. While there’s really nothing that can be done about this, at least you’ve gained more experience in game development. There will be many more game jams where you’ll get another chance. You might even make something better than you imagined. This is the first time I’ve actually submitted something to a jam, after participating in 2 other ones and failing to submit something.