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A member registered Mar 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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epic space shark.
The movement did feel a little confusing at times, a boss bar would really make things nicer. With some polishing, this has lots of potential.

Hi, thanks for playing! Yes, I would actually really like to see the full notes. If the full notes doesn't specify, I'd love to know if any of the players actually beat the game.

-The key on the enemy's back was supposed to be an alternate way of getting to the crowbar.
-The AI simply just wanders to 1 of 6 randomly chosen spots in the house, until either it sees the player or a sound is made. 
It starts off in "Idle" mode, wandering around the house. When a sound is made, it enters "hunt" mode, wandering the house but in more spots and is faster. Then in "attack" mode it locks onto the player and becomes faster than the player. The only way to escape is to hide while you're not in its view. 
-This is supposed to be a Prototype so I didn't focus on the lore, but I have done a bit of writing for it. 

I've set this project to the side for now, but I have made some changes that I haven't yet published.
-I made the tutorial required
- I added a map you can open whenever your in the levels, it tells you where items are, what drawers have been searched, places you can hide, and where an item your holding can be used

This has inspired me to continue working on this game, but it'll likely be awhile before I update the game again.

I really like the way you attack in this game, its fun and very well made. If only you found time to make more than 2 bosses.

(1 edit)

The art and music are well done, but this game would greatly benefit from two things:
- Being able to pause and check what the controls are because the controls are kinda weird and hard to remember
- Either make the bosses easier or at least give the player control over which boss they want to fight

I must say the rythym challenge was well made, having it switch from WASD to arrow keys is actually a cool idea.

Cool game, I don't know if this would be in the main game mode, but maybe the shield can only take so many hits, and you have to go around and collect a repair item to heal your shield once in awhile. I haven't discovered any bugs. Anything else I could suggest is already in the Incoming Updates which is good to see.

(1 edit)

It seems like I should make the tutorial required, as it teaches you that you can sprint with shift. Also, there is chase music that plays when Dr. Beanile has spot you. He also speeds up as well.

How far into the game did you get?

Quite a shame that only the opening is available, this game has a cool concept. Unfortunately there isn't enough content yet for me to properly give it feedback. Please keep working on this.

Just in case I wasn’t clear, I was referring to YOUR game.

I kid you not I had a dream about this game where there was a secret ending, where you escape into the real world by breaking out with construction tools.

(Sorry I can't fit this in 2 words)
It's too much like Portal, you should try to make some kind of unique gameplay twist.

Thanks, the feedback is very much appreciated! May I know some details about your play through, like:
Did you play the Tutorial?
Did you beat the game?
If so, did you have to watch the video walkthrough to figure it out?

This is a very unique and interesting game, here's what I have to say:

1. Unique Game, if you were to extend the concept of this game it could have a lot of potential
2. I really appreciate that the controls for each color are displayed at all times, it really helps

1. Maybe make it so that balls spawn a little slower and less frequent at first, and then get faster later
2. This game needs visual and audio cues for when you lose health and collect score, that might make it more fun as well
3. Make it so the balls disappear even if they made you lose health

I played through all the levels in this game, I take it this was inspired by fireboy and watergirl.

1. The levels are pretty well designed
2. Can be enjoyed either be yourself or with a friend.
3. Browser Playable

4. The levels design is pretty good

1. Missing out on most of the things that were initially planned.
2. I'm not a big fan of the delay of moving onto the next level, it confused me on the first level. Maybe this can be fixed by adding a transition
3. The entire screen moves when you  move the blue character, I think this problem is from a setting you turned on with your project.
4. Doesn't really have an original idea, maybe this is just because your using AI and are just trying to start off as a game dev, but this is really important in the gaming industry especially with the rise of AI.

Overall a 6.5/10, I bet just another 3 days of working on this would bring this to an 8.5/10

It would be nice for people to play  Dr. Beanile's Basement, it's in a really early stage and I could use some feedback. 
If you're playing this game and are ever stuck on what to do for whatever reason, there is a video attached to help.

What I would like Feedback On:
- Potential Oversights 
- Any quality of life changes I could make
- Any parts of the game that were confusing
-The Difficulty of the Game
- Anything visual or sound related
- The overall feel of the game

I followed you and left a comment on the game.

I'm here from your "Looking for Feedback" post. 

I played through the tutorial and all 3 levels btw.

The positives: 

1. The concept of world switching is actually really cool, I love how it kinda shows the two sides of Ai, the technological improvement side, and the dystopian side.

2. Good visuals

3. I can see a lot of potential with the mechanics you've set up, I already think you've been quite creative with some of the challenges in these levels

4. I like how you fall slowly on wall jumps, as someone who doesn't play a lot of platformers this is really nice.

5. The levels design is good, I never felt frustrated or stuck on anything, any obstacles that required me to think a little bit made me feel good when I figured them out. The levels feel well paced as well, I don't really recall there being any filler.

6. Browser playable is always a good thing for me. 

The negatives/suggestions:

1. I'm not actually a huge fan of the controls, maybe its just my preference, but you NEED to make controls customizable. Having the options to always see the buttons for switching, rolling, and respawning would be nice. 

2. I went back to the main menu and didn't like how I had to start from the very beginning, a level select menu would be amazing. (Of course make it so you have to unlock the levels by beating the previous ones)

3. I noticed an oversight, I missed a jump and landed on a previous checkpoint, which made me respawn there. It wasn't that bad, but it can be really annoying when you start to make more difficult levels in the future.

4. While the slow falling/ stickiness of the wall jumping is helpful, being able to press a button to unstick to the wall would be nice for some sections.

Overall I give this game a 7.5/10, it's got a lot of potential.

This is an underrated game, although it at times it is a bit difficult to know what you're meant to do. How many plays outside of ones from the game jam does this have?

Cool, I'm here from your Youtube video.

Uhh, I think you forgot to add the files of your game here....

Cool game, really good for being rushed. Although it seems to lack any sort of sound which is very unfortunate. Def gonna be in top 3 at least.

I tried playing in a different browser, and it worked! Amazing game, great graphics and music, and nice gameplay! Couldn't get past level 6 tho. I honestly think this game's gonna get first place.

Yeah those were some very good changes. I like how its more retro, and the applause is a nice touch. CoolMathGames would prosper off of this.
Also I got to a distance of 13.9 and speed of 9.9.

The gray buildings and going too far offscreen does insta-kill you without warning so that might be why you sometimes are confused when you die.

My best score was 12 as of writing this. Interesting how you made flappy bird but with this twist. It seems to entirely lack the theme of "Time" however, so you'll probably lose a lot of points for that.

Thanks for the dumbness warning lmao. This is a nice simple game, I haven't gotten past the second level as I'm commenting, but I feel like the time limit is kinda useless with how this sort of side scrolls.

This is a cool and unique interpretation of the theme, but its really confusing what I'm meant to be doing, the sun feature doesn't make sense and you can't tell whats walkable and whats not.

The double jump is so over the top that its kinda funny. The death sound is also funny too. I feel like the tiny orb thingies are way to annoyingly of an obstacle though.

All I'm getting is a black screen when I run the game. However the music is still there, so I'm not sure what's going on.

This game looks really nice! The enemy hit boxes feel way too big though.

For anyone struggling with the first jump you have to quickly press space for your double jump to gain enough height, then its just a matter of timing. 

Just add some sound effects and something like this is worthy of CoolMathGames. As of this comment, (I've been playing for 2 minutes), I got a speed of 6.9, a height of 0.7, and a distance of 8.7.

Really difficult I must say. At least the buttons have some kind time element to it, so you'll get SOME points for adhering to the theme... 

Cool game, I beat all 10 levels. How exactly does "not seeing your splits" make it harder, it feels the same.

This happened to me in PP Jam #7, and I was really proud of that one, I feel you. While there’s really nothing that can be done about this, at least you’ve gained more experience in game development. There will be many more game jams where you’ll get another chance. You might even make something better than you imagined. This is the first time I’ve actually submitted something to a jam, after participating in 2 other ones and failing to submit something.