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A member registered Mar 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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J'ai déjà commenté sur la page de la jam, mais je remet un message ici pour dire a quel point j'aime ce jeu. Tout fonctionne très bien et le design est vraiment fun ! Je suis convaincu qu'avec un systeme de génération procédural de niveau façon rogue-like et un travail sur le narrative design prenant référence par exemple sur Hades, vous pourriez développer ce concept en un jeu commercial complet que je prendrait plaisir a acheter !

Bon travail !

5/5 incredible work, everything fit together nicely, it's charming, fun, the pace is good. I truly did not saw time pass while playing it. Now I just want more !

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Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it !

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Thaks a lot for your kind comment, I'm really happy that you played until the end !

The idea for a non-linear, non branching narrative where information is the main ressource you're after come from some of my favourite games, "Outer Wilds" and "Telling Lies/Her Story". Theses game's narrative design are astounishing and inspired me a lot when designing this game.

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Thank you, I'm glad you liked the game ! I hope you'll find time to play until the end.

Thanks a lot for playing ! There are only two ending, the first one is the "neutral" one, that you'll get if you decide to not push the investigation further. The other one is the "True" one, that you get once you collected most of the memory shard and solved the mystery.

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I loved the graphics and the music, overall the artistic part is really well done. You are immediately in the ambiance of the game, well done !

The lack of tutorial make the first few moments really confusing. You have to find the little arrow that open the tutorial on the right. I think it would be better to have it open by default when opening the game.

The keyboard control is a great mechanic, it add a lot to the immersion and work really well with the visual. Great idea to make it the way to control the game, rather than an usual mouse control with on-screen button. The only issue is that you need to mouse click it after every command, so it's rather laborious to use.

Finally, there are a few bug that hinder the experience. As an example, the coordinate have to not be capitalized. The game will not understand "nav C4", you need to type "nav c4". That made the first few use of the command confusing, as I capitalized all my command and got weird result. Also, some stars have 2 word name, but the "record" command can't parse them, so they cannot be recorded.

Overall, I really like the presentation, the ambiance and the concept. The execution, however, was a bit too laborious...

Still a lot of good and an original idea. Good work !

Thanks a lot for playing !

Among other things, the game narrative is about creating your own luck, so I tried my best to translate this narrative into coherent gameplay feature.

I'm glad you found the game interesting !

Thanks a lot for playing until the end, this mean the world to me !

Interesting mechanic and surprisingly, a lot of content ! It's really difficult though, I couldn't finish it.

The camera scrolling in the direction you are moving seems like a good idea, but it has a bit too much inertia, and given the low-res graphical style, it start to hurt the eyes on the long run.

Still, I liked playing it !

What a clever and well polished game ! I looks good, it sound good and it play good. too bad it's so short, I'd have loved to see variation on the idea !

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It's a really fun game. The weapon diversity is good, and the gameplay is smooth. Good job ! I just kept playing, trying every weapon and upgrading them. It simply work.

The music is very catchy, I liked it. At some point, I could have sworn that I was firing in rythm with it, it felt awesome :D

The downside is that the difficulty isn't scaling as much as I'd have hoped. Depending on the weapon, the game become much easier after some level. I also think that the camera is really close, wich is fin by itself, but it may have stopped you from adding some interesting scaling mechanics, like much faster enemy, or bullet to dodge.

Overall, solid game with a very efficient game feel. I enjoyed playing it !

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It's a really fun game ! I love the progression mechanic, along with the difficulty slowly increasing, it really make you wanna rush for theses dice shards x) The bat scream that make you loose all of your shard is such a clever design idea too !

On the downside, I found the window a bit small, I'd with I could see further. Also, the bullet shooting enemy don't show any sign whatsoever that they are about to shoot (like a glowing red light on their head right before shooting). The bullet just spawn, rushing straight at you. It make it quite frustrating, because you can never ever be too close to them, they could spawn a bullet at any moment.

Overall I really enjoyed finishing this game, great work !

I like the concept, the idea of having to create your own luck, and the puzzle that arise from it.

In term of design, The strong point is the puzzle side. The platformer part is a bit lacking, mostly because of technical issue.

Anyway, it's an interesting game and I enjoyed finishing it. Good work !

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Thanks a lot for playing until the end and your kind comment. I'm glad you liked the game !

Hello !

I'm amazed, the concept is great and has a lot of potential ! I had a lot of fun playing !