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A member registered Jul 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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- You... have a point. EX Boost and EX Recover no longer make sense as names since they use Limit and not EX.  Maybe I should come up with another name.

- Haha, perhaps she did set up some kind of warp system. I could add a tidbit like that to address it.

- Demo saves should be compatible with the full game. But don't hold me to that 100%. Nothing should change so much to break them, but you know how funny things can happen.


This is intended functionality, but I may consider changing it to follow the actual PC cursor. 

Thanks for your thoughts!

Thank you for playing! I know I missed a fair amount of things, and the story wasn't the best. I consider it a learning experience and hope to do better with my next works. 

All the same, I appreciate the feedback.

As for the weird processes thing, I'm not sure about that. I haven't seen anything like that myself, or had it reported by others.

Good work, everyone!


The character art in the VN parts was done by me, so I appreciate that you liked them!

Other than Youfulca's tracks, the music is original. The composer would certainly be happy to hear that.

Yes, this is just the beginning. I plan to flesh out this first part with more scenes and then finish it up as part one. After that, The plan is to work on part two.  

There's much more to the story, and I'm dying to get it told.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing, and also for continuing to support me through the years. I appreciate it!

A lot of this can be summed up as 'a lack of polish', haha. But thankfully, it's all very resolvable, so I'll get back into smoothing things out and fixing what's not up to par ASAP.

As for Chains... well, I think I can get those back in. I'll have to test it and see how it fares, but we'll see.

Thank you for playing!

- I'm glad you liked the artwork! I drew the in game characters myself, so that's nice to hear

- As for the UI... I just realized I forgot to change the cursor sounds in the System tab, even though I gave my custom menus non-default sounds. That's toooootally my bad.  XD

- Someone else pointed out the lack of context sfx in the VN parts, so I'll be going back in and adding those too, no worries!

- Regarding the plot... yeah, I know well my shortcomings at this point. I'm going to try my best to flesh things out in the plot department. I don't expect it to be everyone's cup of tea, but I can make it better!

Thank you for playing! I watched your video, and while it is unfortunate that your overall opinion came out negative, I did get a few laughs out some moments in the playthrough, as well as useful nuggets of feedback for improvement.

Your criticisms are completely valid though. Especially on the plot end. This isn't specifically meant to be a game for 'people that know'. I just didn't spend more time fleshing out the plot scenes due to the deadline and a late-ish start. Like I said in another reply though, that's no excuse, and I fully intend to address that in future updates!

I'm glad you enjoyed the combat though. That is usually my forte rather than plot. This was my first time working with sideview in RPG Maker since like... 2017. I've got a lot more to learn about character motions, but I'll get there! As for the art, I completely understand that the anime aesthetic isn't everyone's cup of tea, so I'm happy to leave that point off the table, haha. 

Bottom line though, I'll be doing my best to address the concerns you've raised and strive to make this a better game than it is right now. 

Thanks again!

Than k you for the feedback!

I know the story rushes through things a lot. One of my very first priorities will be to flesh out all those memory scenes and add additional details to each area. This version of the game is very much a 'plot speedrun'. 

No excuses though. I'll strive to do better!

--- Cup Noodles Playthrough

This was such a cute game. The visuals are all phenomenal. We don't get to see too much of the characters, but I was invested in Ryoji and Touma's bromance, haha.

The minigame is fun and unintrusive. I didn't fail any prompts, so I can't be sure how it feels from that end, but the various situations it was used for were cute and silly. 

Great job on the game! I would say more, but I don't want to spoil anything for others!

I also got the black room glitch. I thought maybe it was some weird meta thing that was intentional XD

But that aside, the visuals across the board are phenomenal, which frankly, is the norm for you. I just wish you had the time to smooth everything out.

Still, grats for squeaking out something at the end of the day!

--- Guilty Red 20 Minute Playthrough

- Character art is very nice. You've improved a lot!

- For the 20 minutes I played, I could tell there was some deep backstory nestled away. So many terms and mysteries waiting to be discovered. It's definitely engaging. I cleared the first map, and immediately, what I figured I knew was built upon in  a way I wasn't expecting. 

- Combat is brutal, to be sure. The concept of HP being spent on skills to represent the way that the other world puts pressure on the soul is certainly an understandable convention. But consider that you have to spend your HP, but also get damaged by enemies as well, it's a raw deal. Personally, I would have made the HP costs smaller or just cut them entirely.

The actual mechanics were fine and dandy though. Skills had creative effects and interplay with one another and I appreciate that a lot.

- I very much appreciate the node system you came up with. It seems like we made similar games, actually! Great minds think alike, huh? 8D

Haha, thank you so much for playing!

The RNG of the very first combat node is an issue, I agree. I didn't think about that. I was too busy just getting it all together and hoping nothing broke!

Regarding the story, I had SO much more I wanted to do, but left out for time constraints. When I work on this again, going in and fleshing out the story beats of each area  is definitely high up on the list of priorities for sure. 

I played about a good hour and change of this and boy do I have to say, I'm shocked that you managed to stuff so much content into such a short development cycle. You two are obviously veterans at this by now, ahaha.

There are so many little details and incidental dialogue, so many NPCs with amusing side commentary, and not to mention the extremely likable cast. I have to echo dragoonwys' statement that not one character I've come across has been unlikeable. 

Everyone is so colorful and heartfelt, and I appreciate how you used familiar trops and conventions, while flipping the script on them here and there. My favorite characters are Reaper and Ezra, for the record. Their dynamic is just *chef's kiss*, so entertaining.

I'll probably head back in and finish this up, but I just had to come in and say wow. Good job you two!

Thank you for playing. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Life is busy!

I believe that crashes in the battle system are stemming from an in development EXE being used to run the game. A shame but it is what it is. I'm glad you enjoyed the gameplay overall however. That is my main focus, so to know I did well in that regard is heartening. I will strive to continue improving on it.

Story-wise, I feel my hands were tied on art and time, but I do acknowledge that it's the weakest part. I have plans for things to get more exciting, of course, I just need to get there. But I'll also be thinking about how to improve the beginning.

Thanks for your feedback. I'll be taking everything into account to apply improvements when I resume on it.

Thank you!

These issues have been fixed for a while now. I just didn't have a chance to reupload before the contest deadline. Thank you for pointing them out however!

As for Link Attacks, this will be solved by having a party of 4 instead of 3. So that's two Link pairs. 

I do want to display enemy buffs and debuffs as well, believe me. I just haven't managed to find something that works with my setup yet. But I will certainly keep trying. Something like that will be added down the line.

As for the plot, yes, there will be more time taken for introductions in later versions. This prototype had to be truncated for the sake of the contest. It's easily the weakest part of the game right now. But it is my intention to improve that.

Regarding Gunnar and his guns... there's a very good reason for why he's not using guns in New Theory, when he does in Desire. But I'll refrain from explaining too deeply for spoiler reasons.

Thank you for playing!

The gameplay systems were upgraded in terms of interface(HD resolution mainly) and mechanical improvements in the one month time period. I also drew the character art, made the battlers, and the menu interfaces in that time. Along with actually putting the game together, of course. I followed a strict schedule every week to get it all done.

The story being rather inconsequential is sadly true. I'm lacking an intro and greater context due to time constraints. But I hope to clear that up in the future.

As for the battles, yes, EX Recover is the only skill that can heal substantially beyond defending. The key is to manage your EX gain and choose to heal and attack as the situation calls for. Also, Link Attacks give the attacking partner a boost of EX, so that also helps as well.

It's my plan to have the tutorials be reference-able about after the section you would have finished, so I hope that helps in the future.

Either way, I appreciate the time taken to offer this feedback, I'll keep it in mind for further down the line!

Ooooh. Okay.

Well, I can't speak about anything specific or definitive, but we're always thinking about future endeavors and how to proceed forward.

I didn't set it to Windows, which is why it didn't show up in the app. 

It's fixed now.

Might I ask what exactly you mean by this?

Hello! Thank you for playing the demo.

I've addressed most of these in the final build, which will be releasing tomorrow, but to answer...

1.) This is actually already said in the tutorial. But in the full version, players will be able to check on tutorial information again to refresh themselves. 

2 & 3.) These are good points, and I've made the appropriate edits to make things more visible/logical.

4.) Information on dialogue features are in the tutorial library in the full game, and I've added a reminder near the beginning about it as well.

5.) Like 1, this is also said in the tutorial. But it's possible to check it again, but going to the tutorial library in the full game.

...And that's it. Thank you for the feedback. It's very valuable, as no game is created perfect. Especially not ours. But I hope that people will have fun with it anyhow. 

See you tomorrow!

(1 edit)

Hello. I've darkened the background a bit. Hope that helps. 

And thank you for your interest!