No idea if I missed something, but the strip club job (glory hole) seems to not be responding to any inputs other than the shift key toggling the gui.
Recent community posts
(v0.2) I've noticed graphical bugs in the combat sprites before getting the first gate key. Small at first, but more obvious as other sprites flashed in place of the rabbit's hurt sprites, then the rabbit's attack sprites.
As if the game is pulling sprite information from other area's of it's memory.
More minor issues would be some missing collision on some walls and props. An example would be a wall-blood stain in one of the first rooms.
Also, also...
How many secrets/items are there needed to be collected?
What I've found:
4 Secret drumsticks
1 Money bag
2 Vitamins
1 Left Mark (PSY)
1 Leash
1 PSY booster-thing
2 Boss items
Do you need shop items?
1 Rock (2nd Shop)
1 Collar (2nd Shop)
At least one of these?
Infinite Meat (Shop)
Infinite Bones (2nd Shop)
Guide (so far)
General Info: 1) Fresh save, 2) Skip all (that well done) dialogue, 3) Fall off all ladders doing down with [Jump]. 4) Ignore enemies while avoiding excessive damage. 5) Avoid taking ladders where possible
Starting level:
Fall down like normal, all damage here is avoidable without loosing time except for the bouncers (up and down ball things) because of their RNG speed.
Collect the hidden drumsticks by attacking the broken walls in the level, they are needed to tank the boss.
Collect as much money as you can on your path down, we'll need 15 collected and 25 secret to fulfill the one and only purchase during the game.
The radio must be collected to trigger the opening.
Get the 0-Card and [Crouch] under the 2nd down arrow to spawn the secret 25 money.
Return to the shop and purchase 4 drumsticks.
Ascend through the first 0-Gate and jump up the blocks, then over the gap to the cracked block containing your 6th drumstick, this should be enough for this boss fight, the second one usually requires an additional secret drumstick.
Save if you're in danger of dying, but if not, break the cracked blocks before the boss room to drop down and acquire the Vitamin. The Vitamin will full heal you and boot max health for the boss fight.
BOSS: Stand your ground, spam attack, eat drumsticks, win. (Note: you should only need four to beat him, leaving two in stock for the next boss. P.S. Don't forget to equip the glowy-stick!!!)
After equipping your stick, run to the next 0-Gate, the next room will have a secret drumstick to punch out of a wall. (You should have 3 for the boss)
Fall/Run your way to the next save room, you'll want full health for the next fight.
BOSS: Final fight in the level, sometimes falling debris can stun lock you but its the same as the last fight, don't worry about eating all your drumsticks, there is another full health in the next room, you'll need it to tank the debris on the way up.
Hard part is over, just hop, jump and climb your way to the telepad to end the level.
Yooo, speedrun thread~
(no idea what the letters mean for the in game time (IGT). However in the save menu under DAYS there seems to be some sort of time there too. )
8/10/2021: IGT:187 | Menu: ??
8/10/2021: IGT:15B | Menu: ED
8/10/2021: IGT:14E | Menu: DC
8/10/2021: IGT:130 | Menu: C3
8/11/2021: IGT:1B7 | Menu: 107
8/11/2021: IGT:173 | Menu: D7
Also, how to use PSY?
Nvm. To use PSY you need to hold [attack] for about 2 seconds, then release to swing. No idea how strong it is, player stun lock prevents any effective use against non-stationary enemies.
Also, tip for the first boss, just farm the squirrel under the first save point for levels and money to by health from the shop, then just stand in his hitbox and spam [attack]. There is no real tactic that is more effective, even if you tried to actually doge his jump and slowly chip his health away, his fireball will still stun and damage you without warning from tiny melee range.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but it seems like a few values need to be tweaked for sure. Top two things I'd modify would be:
1) SPY to make it actually useful, like giving extra range or knockback (and charging quick enough to not have an enemy stun the player).
2) Boss telegraphing, the first boss boi needs to give the player more reaction time for whatever he is going to do next (and if anything, I'd personally enjoy him backing away from the player to use his fireballs more).
I love this project so far, keep up the amazing work~!
Not sure if the following issues were addressed or not past the 0.3.2 version, but just in case...
- During the wall crack sequence, I assume you're supposed to be Varahn, but it is possible to switch models before triggering it. (which made some of the dialogue a bit strange before I understood it was a mistake).
- Directional collision/lack thereof, most noticeable in shelves and bathroom dividers.
- Strange key Item has a colorless (white) silhouette in the Inventory.
- Movement sound plays continuously while in inventory if opened at the right time.