He's a goober, but gotta support my Bag Man 🥲 Let's hope Sabrina won't regret it, oop
Omg, no seriously best of luck, it's gonna be SO worth the madness lol (plus shoutout to your editor, they have great taste!)
Just played, such an intriguing start! I like how much we can already influence Darius, super excited to see how things will play out (sorry in advance, Tristan lol).
Also, just wanted to add that I loved the detail of Sabrina having a different hairstyle a year later, she rocks every look, my gosh <33
Can't wait for the full game!
Art and humor is always on point — each punchline and gag got me good lmao. And Amelia deserves the world, truly. There’s so much attention to detail here—loved that Burglar’s eyes also move around during the date. Absolutely loved…and yes, I’m still crying over that cover.
Also... Firewoman x Amelia for life, fight me.
I've only made to one ending so far (definitely going to go back to complete the others), but I really wanted to say how beautiful this game is. Like the writing and characters (not to mention the art and music) were so captivating from beginning to end. I love sick, sapphic love and Lethia and Thana really do deliver.
Absolutely loved this game! It was so amazingly creative like wow! Its execution was beautiful and well-thought in all aspects! I nearly teared up esp with Lil Lamb and Precious, like ugh they deserve so much better. They all do! -- well, except for Toe... I don't know about him lmao. I wanna know more about En Pointe though, she was truly the drama queen.
Our relationship with the Toy Maker was so interesting from start to finish (Inspector is such cutie though, I love all their whimsy dialogue). And while I am still left with some questions, it does make replaying the game all the more intriguing with how things come in perspective with each revelations we get in the endings. (And, small spoiler but the fact the name change stays once we get it, it is a cool detail!)
Overall, this game gives me a lot to ponder about! Every element from its writing, art direction, and music was truly and obviously well-crafted! It read like a fairy tale and its religious themes were very well integrated! Really amazing work!
Aw, it was so nice to play this game again after all these years. Immediately I was reminded of how much I loved it when it was first a demo!
Loved Liev but Quinn was such a standout omg. So well-written and I loved how we got to explore their conflicts and character development in nuance way within every ending we received.
Seriously, great job! So glad to have played to its fullest!
This was a beautiful game. It's short but is packed with so many raw (quite literal lol) and complex emotions between all the characters. I can just say how appreciative I am with them just being some "weird", black lesbians just trying to live life. Ugh, I love it!
(I too would side with Maya and be one with the fungus than tough it out with society.)
Another banger! This is the first time I figured out one of your classic plot twist early on (honestly, I thought it about more as a stretch/what-if -- only to for it to be true!) I really enjoyed the overall style and mood of the game as well as the little backstory we got with the twins and Player.
With Player's default name, I did thought that they would played a more devious role despite what happens. But, regardless, it still worked within the theme! I loved what we had and glad to have played another game of yours <333
Art, music, and overall direction was, of course, great. But, it does make sense why the writing is getting a polarizing reaction.
Because, while I do think the premise is interesting and what we had was great, the messaging/theme felt pretty weak and forced — all because we don’t get to know the characters as long as we should. If we had more moments with them and their flaws (to lead into the notion that they were, in fact, toxic friends even before all the craziness went down), I think the story would’ve been more powerful even with the open endings.
I loved the mystery of the island and the surreal endings we had here were so great and landed the punch imo. It’s just the fast pace and disconnection of the character development/insight made the overall thing rather weak and a bit corny. (Especially, when Ryan tried to be explicit with the theme on the last night.)
However, this is unfortunately for a game jam, so obviously things needed to be cut to have a solid product. Still, despite its flaws, it's a great game with interesting ideas!
(Now, why was June unaffected still leaves a bitter taste but I'll just chalk it up to horror MC / final girl plot armor lol -- Would've been interesting, albeit cliche, if she had converted last minute)
Delectably gruesome, omg! The amount of endings with accompanied CGs was so impressive that it was so fun to find them all — and to be amazed by just how bad of an end we can get. I’m disgusted by Friedrich but all the more strangely enamored by him. At least, we got some kisses before our guts got ripped out <3
Ah, thank you! I'm glad you're giving this game a try!
But, for the ID, all you need to do to type in random numbers that isn't 0000, and the game will proceed as normal!
(However, if you want to try for some special dialogue, you'll only need to type in an actual Magical Girl's birthday in the format of MMDD -- like Usagi's 0630 or Madoka's 1003. There are plenty of others too!)
Let me know if you run into any problems, and I hope you enjoy the game <3
So interesting! I'm left with so many questions, but I'm still so satisfied with how everything played it out. The slow build of horror that centered with Pandora just being forced to socialized felt very relatable in a surreal sense lol. (Also, just watched the accompanied animatic and that hurts even more, poor Nicole and Panda)
If a sequel ever comes, I would definitely play it <3
You don't know how happy this game made me and like very, very sad because like poor Momotarou I loved that we were able to explore more sides of him, especially abt his thought after FBV, and to bring his namesake into the picture was good plus the demon ofc is a highlight with brilliant way of the mask changing between them as they talked.
AH! Absolutely loved it! Amazing work once again!