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There's potential here...but there's a lot of things in need of fixing.

Main complaints:

  • You need to spell check...pretty much the whole game.
  • Assumes the player follows the path you would. (Can go left right off the bat instead of going right for the story)
  • Unable to backtrack for no discernible reason.
  • The boss fights have issues (1st refuses to let you lose 2nd will run out of MP almost immediately and then softlock you with endless paralysis and 3rd just spams lightning that silences you)
  • Your party members vanish when you reach the castle and maybe I'm stupid but I don't understand how to get them back?

There is a more detailed list in the ratings.


my apologies >.< I'll do my best to fix things and change some things (oh you're playing the first demo so some things may have already been changed but i will strive to make things better even so). My main issues are my autisim which makes me...dumb. >.< also yeah I often overlook spelling and grammar errors and am doing my best to fix those too but somethign will ALWAYS fly under the radar.

Yeah I did my best to try and make it soyou couldn't jsut sip stuff but Ihad trouble making it work right so...we'll see if i can fix that. also the back tracking thing is mostly just cause the protag has no interest going back for no reason and so just thought it'd mae sense for the story at that point (and also cause I was worried about potentially fucking things up) but I will say later parts of the game WILL allow a little more ability to backtrack and such.

also about that last point: after some comment i may just have party members stick around rather than let them leave the party but until then you cna just talk to them in the Demon King's New Castle and you'll be able to add or remove them from your party as you wish (you may have to go through a dialogue thing first tho I could be wrong yes I am unsure about how some things work right no so sue me I'm dumb)

But yeah can't promise too much but I will say I'll TRY.

It's fine, and yes I did notice at least a couple of these issues were resolved by the second version (By the way, you can replace the file instead of making a new game page) like the fact party members were actually in the castle to re-add to the party. 

The main reason for allowing backtracking is in case players wants to go back to check for treasure they overlooked.
But don't worry about it too much, I believe in you and just want to help you catch any oversights, it happens :) 


thankies, I only hope the game is ultimately good in the end c:

and yeah I wans't too sure about it, but i figured it'd be nice just to give people the ability to comapre and contrast between the demos to see my progress, jsut as a nice treat c: Ilike being honest about myself and my work and feel editing and deleting stuff is 'hiding' things from people .3. i'm weird and autistic, you see.

also hope you're enjoying the story and characters thus far c:

Oh, in that case you could do something like labelling the versions?
0.1, 0.2, etc, until you consider the game finished.
Itch lets you put multiple files for a single game, and as long as the individual files are below 1 gig, I don't THINK there is a limit...maybe?

And yes, very much so enjoying the writing :3 


okies I'll see what I can do c: