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A member registered Jul 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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absolutely. Our goal was to make the game ourselves and not use anything that wasnt ours for this jam.

Hey Tremor! The game is beautiful. Did you make any of these objects yourself? If so, well done. This game needs just a lot more content! There really is little incentive to continue playing because its the same loop. Great work on it, I hope in your next jam you can add even more :) 

Thank you. We both are coders, so visuals and sounds are not our specialties. I am not sad about how they turned out though!


Solanum, Great work here. The idea is fantastic and fits our theme perfectly. I rated you pretty highly as the game is overall well done.

1. Controls could  be massively improved. I found myself unable to complete tasks because the input wasnt recognized. I have pretty damn good coordination and speed, so i have to imagine this was a limitation in the engine.

2. I would have loved to see less speed increase over time, and longer chains to press instead. This would have been awesome to be like "I got to 8 key press firewalls!

keep up the good work!

This means a lot, thank you my friend!

Future gameplay features can be added! This is what we were able to get complete for this jam though. :) 

Hi Solanum! You actually can continue playing after you win! Instead of clicking "Retry" select "Continue". This will allow you to finish your current run and see how far you can go! I was able to make it to wave 26 as my highest, see if you can match or beat it! :D

Mandinga, I had fun with this one. I really didnt enjoy the way moving works, but I still enjoyed the game. 

1. Controls. I would have loved more control with WASD. I think your goal was to make it hard to navigate though, which I do respect.

2. More content would have been great, as the game was fun in the short time you get to play.

Joao, This was a good idea. Definitely stood out on the take for this jam for me. The game was difficult for me to get into (only because it wasnt my type of game), but I think you did great work here. Im going to be fair and not give feedback as I dont have a better look on it than others will. Thanks for submitting! :D 

Hey Koce! Overall there just needed to be more content. Played through, felt good just needed more to do.

1. Make it more clear when the player receives something. This can be done through a sound or UI effect. :)

2. More content! 

Good work!

Hey Cat, good idea for this. Incorporating a card game into it was great. There were a few things I would have loved to see:

1. Certain levels didnt allow you to see the card placements. I would just always keep that.

2. Clearly call out when a card will be destroyed after using it.

3. I didnt understand why my bot would lose health most of the time. There were times that he would lose significantly more health then others when just walking.

4. The card system is actually great for this, you just need more content and a better idea to get the player to really have to think hard about levels.

Great work!

Hey Ninja, resharing from my discussion post :)

Great job on this. I think you have a really solid idea here, it just needed some more work on level design to really hit high marks for me. I enjoyed playing through everything, but here is some feedback!

1. Level design for this kind of game is extremely important! If you had created some obstacles that would kill the robot, the player would have had to make better movement decisions!

2. I would slow down the bot and smooth the movement. His idle close range movement was the right idea, just needed some polish.

3. The line between the bot and the player could be improved by causing it to alpha down to zero. This would be a really cool way to show the player how much further they have to go before they are too close to the bot! (or increase alpha the closer they get and have it not show when they are far, either way!)

Haha funny enough, I noticed this as well. For some reason we decided to leave it in, but I agree it should have been resolved :)

Great game, loved the wire effects, and the idea of the bots AI helping you was fantastic. The game could have been a lot more clear through the dialog, however. Thats the one thing I would improve for next time. A REALLY big factor in game jams is getting to where the player can beat your game!

I actually had tried your game prior to your post! Really cool take on flappy bird concept. 

1. The separation from the killing mechanics from the background/world. It  was difficult at times for me to understand what I was running into to die .

2. I would recommend to increment the players score for every second they stay alive, and have shooting an enemy be worth like 3 or 5 points. this gives the player a reason to want to try to live as long as possible, but at times risk trying to kill an enemy for points!

Good work here!

Great work! I beat it in the first try (im decent at platformers haha). Solid idea, I could see this working very well for a full game to be honest. I really dont have feedback outside of adding more to the game. Solid job here

Thank you Rock! I had already tried yours a few days ago actually! Great work on it. I actually really enjoyed the ability to talk to the bot. I would have liked some more stuff to be capable in that though. Everything felt good to me, just more to the game would make it better!

Hey Ninja,

Great job on this. I think you have a really solid idea here, it just needed some more work on level design to really hit high marks for me. I enjoyed playing through everything, but here is some feedback!

1. Level design for this kind of game is extremely important! If you had created some obstacles that would kill the robot, the player would have had to make better movement decisions!

2. I would slow down the bot and smooth the movement. His idle close range movement was the right idea, just needed some polish.

3. The line between the bot and the player could be improved by causing it to alpha down to zero. This would be a really cool way to show the player how much further they have to go before they are too close to the bot! (or increase alpha the closer they get and have it not show when they are far, either way!)

Great work, good idea. Thank you for sharing it

Hey Somewhat Nerd!

First off, great work. After a year and a half, it looks like you are picking up things pretty well. The intro was well done, and you should feel proud of that. I think its something that really made the game feel good when first spinning it up. The gameplay was short, but the idea is definitely there.

A few things I could recommend:

1. Bugs. Admittedly, they always bite everyone. One thing to keep in mind for game jams: If you hit a bug that makes the game unplayable or have to restart prioritize fixing that bug! This is because its SO EASY for the player to give up on your game after 1 or 2 restarts.

2. You can disable collisions for the AI once they have completed their task. This should resolve some of your collision issues (i think).

3. This would have been a really cool idea if the AI needed to be guided to the fruit. Once they were guided, they eat the fruit, and then go do a task for you. This could be them lifting and placing the blocks because you are unable to lift the heavy objects!

Overall this is solid and I highly recommend you keep putting time into learning and becoming more efficient so you can pump even more work out in your future jams. Best of luck my friend.


Opening this up again, let me know if you would like to rate each others games :). I am also offering feedback in my replies when I can.

Wanted to say, great work on this you guys. The art was extremely pleasing for me. The sounds we good, but sometimes clipped. the gameplay was fun, and once I realized how to work the build system it was really cool. Great work!

Boecharts, really happy to hear you felt encouraged to play again. Our goal was to find a way for the player to want to try different builds :) 

I REALLY wanted to put in a way to recover health outside of the talent, but we decided to have it be a tradeoff for lategame. I do agree, there absolutely needs to be a way to passively heal without getting the talent. This is something we can think about if we continue this project after the game jam :) 

controller support was somthing I really wanted to put in, but we just ran out of time. It should be a really easy addition once the jam is over :) 

While this is very confusing to play, take some pride in the amount of work you accomplished. Great job :) 

Very cool, rated! :D 

I definitely enjoyed this. The game could use some more depth, but overall it was fun not having a say in where the items went beyond the light ability. Good work!

Thanks my friend! I made all of the sounds (minus the music loop) with my mouth and VoiceMod application :) 

Overall this is a good game lacking more content! You did great with the camera angles in the cinematics. The oxygen/radiation levels were a nice twist that could have been played more on challenges/levels :)

Fun game, the idea behind swapping is cool

Fun game, with some more levels could have a lot of potential. The last level threw me for a bit :) 

Fun game, difficult to master, but once you get rolling its nice. The overcharge system is a good way to keep the player engaged in thinking quickly

Loved the idea of it. I would much have preferred having space as jump, and activating the AI on another key though!

I did enjoy this! I do wish the bot made better decisions of what to give you, I have a suspicion its currently set to random. Overall its a fun game, I can see a lot of promise as well here where you can over time find new abilities for the bot to use!

Sorry to hear Le Jo. You are the first to experience this. Let me see if I can find a way to get soemthing to you!

My high score so far is 26 bosses :) 

Haha thats funny and coincidental, my name is Tony. Loved the game. I was going to say it was too easy, but I got to round 5 and 6 and the game really took off from there. Well done!

Great job, fun game to play!